Control the Throne

I disguise myself as a servant, and tell you I have found the secret to unlimited awesomeness, and I have written it down on this sheet of paper, and will trade you it for the throne. You agree, and I go on the throne, and when you open the paper it says... "Man, you're so gullible."
sadly, I never fall for terrible plans. I end up sending you straight to prison, where you spend the remainder of your days rotting in a dank, dark prison cell for treason against my empire.

Besides, I already know the secret to awesomeness. Sadly, I cannot use it. Only Scarecrow can.
I get a bomb and a force field from my Yoshi, I blow up the bars on my cell... and your entire PALACE! Except for the Invincible Throne, which I claim as my own!
>implying I have a palace

I've got a fort. What palace did you blow up?

I'm guessing you blew up the Sysop palace in Userpedia, which is about 6 hours north of the mario wiki, and 2 hours west. So since you blew up the Sysop palace, and you had to have taken a stole the throne of Userpedia, so pointless that over seven stewards have sat on it.
I throw the Userpedia throne into your fort, it hits you on the head and disorients you, you take the Userpedia throne and throw the "worthless" throne to me.
oh yes, while you were traveling all this way to get here, I actually took the liberty of setting up a couple of traps.


[me=Suddenly,]several traps spring up from the ground, impaling and ultimately killing Yoshi K. The Guards then bury his body six feet under in a well chained coffin, and set the graves on "Zombie alert", a special force that will shoot anything that rises from the ground.[/me]

Pity, he would have done well in my empire.

No, that's not possible. Only the wizards of the Order of the Udani may use multiplication skills. Granted that your ghost floats around for three hours, in a zone where time is paused, you cannot trick me that easily. You see, clones don't have souls, and therefore don't have ghosts.

If you'd like to learn more about the Udani, you can check here.
Whatever!!! It was Boshi K, user from another universe, we had a bit of a brawl. I won, he jumped. I have the throne. Why do you have to know all the details.
This is control the throne. Seeing as how I took over the Mario wiki in this thread, it's my job to keep my throne safe. If you'd like, I can kill you too then. I'll bury you the same way I did your apparent cousin.

One more question: How is it that I took the throne off of one of you when I killed you, and then suddenly you have the throne?

Ah, yes, now I understand.

[me=Neptune]raises the real throne out from behind him[/me]

Yes, that throne you have there...that's Userpedia's throne! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

[me=Neptune's]court roar in Laughter[/me]

Haha...oh...take him away.

[me=Blue Koop]and his guards take Yoshi K away[/me]
I give up. I shove King Bob-omb into the center of the world. He blows up. We all die. The End.
Bad Move, I threw in the towel, and you stopped me. I use my Time Machine to go to your throne while you stop the explosion. When time starts again I change your guards memories to think I am king of the MarioWiki.
>time lock

You should read the rest of this topic. The time lock will stop anything that will alter my reign, including time travel.

The only thing that can possibly defeat me is Porplemontage, and he's dead.
Well, I go way back in time to the empty room with a throne, I sit in it and change history forever!
Perhaps I should rephrase this. TIME LOCK PREVENTS TIME TRAVEL.

Though I feel that I've been rather mean to you quite recently. Tell you what. The next person to post besides you will get the throne. And then you can strike him from behind and kill him. Ok?
I didn't time travel, I traveled at light speed and broke the Time Lock. I take the throne in the empty room.
I blow up Sauron from the stomach. Of course, I am now sitting in the throne.