Late Night with Tabuu and Mason

It sucks...

that I have to wait until you update to see the next installment!

This was the most beautiful thing that has ever imprinted its upside-down data on my retinas for right-side-up conversion.
Oh my god this is the greatest thing ever created.
Banjo said:
It sucks...

that I have to wait until you update to see the next installment!

This was the most beautiful thing that has ever imprinted its upside-down data on my retinas for right-side-up conversion.
That. I just hope you didn't waste all of your good jokes on the intro issue.
Discord said:
I just hope you didn't waste all of your good jokes on the intro issue.
I don't know about Tabuu, but all of the jokes I made were completely off the top of my head. So you don't gotta worry about that :D
It was awesome.

I shed a tear because it was that awesome.
Quite funny. My only recommendation is that you change it to a script-fic style, since it's really just two guys talking to each other, and writing it like a novel makes it feel kind of stilted. Regardless, I thought it was funny, especially the Statler & Waldorf bit.
There's a reason I didn't write it in script-fic style- because I fucking hate that style.

That's something you're gonna have to deal with, 'cause that's how it's staying.

EDIT: Oh shit I just got aggressive with Scarecrow
So I take it I'm the only person who thought it was kind of really, really boring?
"Mason jumped into the interview. "SonicMario!" he said, "If you could describe yourself as one type of vegatable... why are all of my potato chips gone!?" He threw the bag that nobody noticed him holding to the floor, and stormed out of the room."


Statmason and Waldorf should be recurring characters. Hilarious.

Although I personally thought the Mountain Dew advertisement was the best. Reminded me of this awesome moment from the original User Soup.
From GTalk:

Charper132: Hey, Mason?
Masonworkz: Yeah?
Charper132: When do you want to start working on the next episode of Late Night?
Masonworkz: ASAP.
Don't Fear said:
From GTalk:

Charper132: Hey, Mason?
Masonworkz: Yeah?
Charper132: When do you want to start working on the next episode of Late Night?
Masonworkz: ASAP.