User Big Brother II - End - Smasher won!

Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Alright, I'm not going to lie. I got a very favorable draw where I didn't have to take many risks to actually succeed.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Veto will have to be tomorrow.

Some of the players understood what I asked, but the others were confused, so I re-explained it to them. So, tomorrow will be the results of the Veto, whether the remaining people send it in or not.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Tommarow would of been the 3rd, but it's the 4th.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Listen, been busy, and the three people that still don't understand it continued not to understand it. I'll post the full results soon. For now, I'll just post the winner.

Nabber was the only one to get points not in the negative! He wins the veto!

Veto ceremony will be soon.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

bye me.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Chris McLean said:
Tommarow would of been the 3rd, but it's the 4th.
Sorry, I've been calling yesterday the 4th.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

What? Won the veto?
I may use it. I'll think this over.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Nabber calls everyone into the living room. Everyone sits in their respective seats as Nabber begins to speak.

"Okay, let's bein the veto ceremony. As outgoing veto holder and hoh, I have the power to veto one of my own nominations and replace them with someone else.
"After much consideration, I've made my decision. I have won a lot this week, but will I again soon? I need to know I can be safe on both sides of the house.
"And with that, I choose to use the veto...on....Smasher! Lily, it's your turn on the block. And with that, this veto meeting is ajourned."

Voting will begin shortly.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

wait I got saved?

Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Everyone sits in the living room, preparing for the next eviction. Bop is quite calm, mentally ready for it. Lily, on the other hand, is freaking out, afraid that she'll be backdoored. Everyone is very nervous indeed, even as the Host talks to them.

"Alright, we may now start the Eviction. Bop and Lily, as nominees, you may not vote. Nabber, you will not vote unless in the event in a tie. One by one, you'll vote for who you want to evict, either Bop or Lily. When everyone has voted, I will announce who is evicted.
"We'll start with Pyro."

Pyro enters the Diary Room. Everyone slowly cycles through the Diary Room, with Quizmo being the last person. He exits the Diary Room, leaving everyone in suspense. The host comes back on.

"Alright, the results are in. Just a reminder, the evicted houseguest will only have a few moments to grab their belongings and say goodbye.
By a vote of 7-2......[suspense] are safe! Bop, you have been evicted from the Big Brother House!"

Bop leaves the house, saying goodbye to all his teammates. Everyone watches him leave, dropping the count to 12. His picture on the wall in the dining room fades to grey.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3

Before the houseguests go outside for the Head of Household competition, the host calls all of them back into the living room. All of them take their seats back in the living room, waiting for what the host has to say.

"Houseguests, so far in the game, you have been playing as a team, working together to deter the other team. Each side has lost a member, narrowing it down to six on both teams.
"Well, surprise, expect the unexpected! There is a new twist. Like in the game of chess, the one in control makes all the moves in the house, sacrificing their teammates to help win. Sometimes the weakest link is the one they are most willing to lose.
"Teams will remain the same, but the HoH position is the most vital these next few weeks. Whoever gets Head of Household will be safe from nomination. However, instead of nominating the other team, they will have to nominate two members of their own team up for eviction!
"Likewise, the team that doesn't win the HoH will be safe from eviction that week. However, the team that doesn't win that week will not only be able to play in the Luxury/Food competitions, but will be stuck on Slop and other mayhem for the week that is both embarrassing and just plain awful. Good luck houseguests."

The Head of Household competition is being sent out later tonight!
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3

I was very random for most rooms.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3


I don't have one, I'm not gonna be HoH anyway.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3

Everyone gathered outside, amazed by the high walls of an unknown shape. Every player were forced to wear a blindfold, with the host talking to over to the beginning. Nabber took a seat, which got elevated for him to view it from above. The entire structure was a massive maze, with doors for pathways.

"Alright houseguests, welcome to Mazed and Confused! Nabber, as outgoing HoH, you will not be able to participate.
"Houseguests, your goal is to get to the other side of maze in the fastest time possible. There are five doors in each area, with only one correct solution. Remember well where you are going, because only you might need it.
"At the end of the maze, everyone will cross it at their respective times. As soon as you make it, you can take off the blindfolds and watch the rest of the course with everyone else.
"LuigiNo.1 has decided to use the mystery item he got from the veto during Week 1. As a result, all members of the white Team will get some of their time cut off from their total.
"You may now begin!"

Area 1 -
1st - Pyro, NSM
2nd try - None
3rd try - Toad
4th try - GS, FE, DP
5th try - Smasher, LuigiNo.1
6th try - Lily, Quizmo, UM

Area 2 -
1st try - FE, Toad
2nd try - DP
3rd try - NSM, LuigiNo.1
4th try - Smasher, GS
5th try - Pyro
6th try - UM, Quizmo, Lily

Round 3 -
1st try - Pyro, Smasher
2nd try - Toad, FE
3rd try - NSM, LuigiNo.1, GS
4rd try - None
5th try - DP
6th try - Quizmo, Lily, UM

Round 4 -
1st try - DP
2nd try - None
3rd try - Pyro, Toad, GS, FE, Smasher
4th try - None
5th try - LuigiNo.1, NSM
6th try - Lily, UM, Quizmo

Round 5 -
1st try - GS
2nd try - None
3rd try - Pyro, NSM, LuigiNo.1
4th try - None
5th try - Smasher, Toad, FE, DP
6th try - Quizmo, UM, Lily

Round 6 -
1st try - GS, NSM, Smasher
2nd try - DP
3rd try - Toad
4th try - Pyro
5th try - FE, LuigiNo.1
6th try - UM, Quizmo, Lily

Total -
NSM, GS - 16 points
Toad, Pyro - 17 points
Smasher, DP - 19 points
FE - 20 points
LuigiNo.1 - 24 points
UM, Lily, Quizmo - 30 points.

"Now, since LuigiNo.1 ran with three, the first '3rd try' the white team got would be subtracted from their total."

Total -
Pyro - 14 points
NSM, GS, Smasher - 16 points
Toad, Pyro, FE - 17 points
DP - 19 points
LuigiNo.1 - 21 points
UM, Lily - 27 points
Quizmo - 30 points.

"Congratulations Pyro, you are now the new HoH!"

Pyro jumps up and down in excitement. Nabber hands him the key, bittersweet, more sweet than bitter. The Black Team are somewhat holding back happiness as the White Team stare in terror.

The Luxury Competition is being sent out tonight! Only the White Team will participate.

Also, Black Team, you'll find out what the consequences of losing the HoH are.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3

So... Quizmo is the head of household?
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3

I think Pyro is? He has the quickest time it looks like.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 3

:( .dsrawkcab klat ot evah I