User Big Brother II - End - Smasher won!

Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

inb4i'm nominated
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Lips said:
What the fuck were the odds of that

I don't know. All I know is that Bop and Nabber were basically answering on the same side, or they guessed different answers, and the question was tied all the way around. Except for Question 14, which was close. I was amazed by the odds too, which made this one of the most intense HoH yet on these Forums.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Hell yes.

Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Discord said:
Hell yes.

Hey look Nabber your going to last more than 2 weeks hip hip hooray
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Wow, that was really close. I knew I should have played the ego card and said I was well-known....
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Fi said:
Question 7 -
Which user would be "out-of-style" in a club? A - Javelin or B - Goomba's Shoe

The majority say A - Javelin.
so true

And you haven't even seen me at concerts. Ghastly.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Uh, for the babysitter one, I did say lily, so I don't know if it would change anything:

New Super Mario said:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. Hmm, I'll say B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. A....
13. B
14. A
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Discord said:
1. A
2. B
3. A (Pyro would probably just burn your house down (with combustible lemons :D)
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B!
9. B
10. A (unless it's who I don't want to go to the dance at all, then it'd be UM.)
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. A
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Why didn't I say UltraMario was more annoying. WHY
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

I'm pretty sure I did a better job on the luxury challenge this time.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

I won the tiebreaker.
Now I'm going to win the luxury. (Not.)
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Ding Ding!

In the second week in a row, HoH Nabber has one the challenge once again! Toad was in third place, getting 44 words. Smasher was in second with 46 words. Nabber, however, was able to find 86 words from the single word!

He and his partner Toad will be unable to be nominated for the remainder of this week and all of next week!

The nominations will come in shortly.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Dang. I knew I should've spent more time on that. Ah well.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Nabber calls everyone inside to the Dining Room. While everyone files around the table, Nabber arrives with the nomination slots from his HoH room. He begins announcing.

"Alright, Let's begin this nomination ceremony! Quizmo, Goomba's Shoe, Toad, Dry-Petey, and New Super Mario, you are all safe since you are on the same team - The Black Team - with me. I'll pull the first key, and then that player will pull the next key and the cycle will continue until we are down to no keys and two players.
*pulls key* "FireEevee, you are safe."
FE: "Thank you Nabber." *Pulls key* "Pyro, you are safe."
Pyro: "Thank you Nabber." *Pulls key* "UltraMario, you are safe."
UM: "Thanks Nabber." *Pulls key* "LuigiNo.1, you are safe."

Only three people remain - Smasher, Lily, and Bop. There is only one key left, holding the final name. LuigiNo.1 pulls the key out.

LN1: "Lily, you are safe."
Lily: "Thank you Nabber."

Nabber: "Smasher and Bop, I have chosen to nominate you. In the last competition, you have both proven to be strong competitiors. This meeting is ajourned."

The Veto drawings will be tomorrow!
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

knew it.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Sorry man.
Also how in the world did I put down 86 words? Did you count words like Ninja and Andrew Hussie?
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Oh well, I should have expected that.
Re: User Big Brother II - Week 2

Nabber calls everyone into the living room. He begins talking.

"Okay guys - and lily, we are now drawing for the veto! As current HoH, I'll be playing in it. The two nominees - Smasher and Bop - will also be playing.
The two nominees and I will draw at random from a bag the other three players. I'll draw first.
*Draws from bag.* "UltraMario."
Smasher: *Draws from bag.* "Pyro."
Bop: *Draws from bag.* "Lily."

Nabber: "Now I have to choose a host. I choose...FireEevee! FE will alert us when it is time to play the veto!"

The veto will be sent out tonight. The results will be shown tomorrow or Friday night.