
The night before last night, I was dreaming that I now had a passport and was getting ready to cross into Canada-just to get some remaining Tiny Toon Adventures-related merchandise (most likely either a Furrball or Calamity Coyote plushie (or even both characters)) at Canadian Tire (of all stores!).
I used to lucid dream (dream while knowing you're in a dream) every single night from the ages of like 13-19 but eventually I lost that ability. For the past couple years I've been trying to astral project and now for the past couple weeks I've finally been having lucid dreams again... except I only become lucid a few minutes before I wake up (so 90% of the dream happens and then I'm like "hey I'm in a dream, time to try to astral project" and then I wake up before I get a chance.)
I've done this thing, that might be it, I guess
its like day dreaming while asleep, is that lucid dreaming?
I had a dream I was opening my backpack and handed someone a folder then loud horns blared and i heard 'the dream is collapsing'

damn you leonardo dicaprio
I had a dream about a man, who had moved into a new home and his wife would visit him. She got on an airplane, but it suddenly fell down and crashed. The wife was very injured, but survived. She was one of the few survivors. Afterwards they tried to find the cause of the accident and Miles Edgeworth was set to investigate it.
Last night I had a dream which was just weird, like nothing made sense, even I am confused...
I'm not sure if I should share it as it was that weird
Well, a few weeks ago I had a dream where I was part of The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries gang. Can't remember a lot of it, but there was one part where was running on all fours near my hometown, with Hector on my back and Tweety speaking to me. There also was a part where we went to sleep, and I was hugging Hector while doing so. :3

That is all I can remember from the dream.
To be fair, I have a lot of random dreams in a night. Another dream I had the same day as the S&TM dream, which was actually a few days ago, involved me and a bunch of Mario and Sonic characters competing in games. We were supposed to shoot each other with some kind of rocket. In another dream I had to deliver something for an old taxi driver of mine, and ran into my family at the fair where I had to deliver the object. I gave the object to someone else and that person gave it to the person it had to be delivered to. Yeah, you can tell I dream random.
I once dreamed about my class having a tour to a place, where you just had fun. Inside the building were many things and attractions. There was even Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario, and I got a chance to talk with him. Upstairs weren't many people, except for my friends that were in a room and invited me to play tag with them. We also used the cat suit power up from Super Mario 3D World. Later everyone had to go outside, and it was spring. There were also many bugs that had a poisonous bite, and it was even possible to die if you were bitten too much, so we had to stay away from them. I saw Tetra standing impatiently and asking why it took such a long time to get out. Toon Link and Toon Zelda just looked out each other and smiled with a little joyous laughter. Tetra just rolled her eyes and said: “Whatever.”
I now just had this one last night, during which, at one point, I was visiting a going-out-of-business sale at this bookstore near my house (that bookstore actually went out of business a couple months ago) and I was in some sort of a room with tall shelves. While browsing a box in that room, I discovered this, plus what was presumably an instruction booklet for a Mario Kart-styled Tiny Toon Adventures racing game and one of the first pages in the booklet had a picture of what was presumably the title screen, which was a black background with the rings from the TTA logo, but was also a bit similar to an image I made a while back.
I had a dream last night in which I got my gf back. It was so happy, and I was sad to wake up from it. Then after that I had a weird dream I can't remember. I wish you could repeat dreams, but the only dream I ever repeated was a nightmare involving thwomps and a mansion from when I was little.
I've heard that you can (something about staying in whatever position you're in when you wake up from a dream and going back to sleep).
I've done it before, but memories of dreams vanish really fast and usually your dream will quickly spin off into a random direction after you return to it.

Oh wait, they always do that. Never mind.
I dreamed that I met BMB in real life, but he had Anna's hairstyle.
I have dreamed of many Animal Crossing: New Leaf things.

There was one time, where I simply dreamed about getting new villagers.

Another dream was about it being autumn, and there were many mushrooms growing in some areas. I went to some of these areas, but it was hard to see, because the mushroom spores acted like fog. Everything started to be more weird and trippy, and it also started to affect my character. I went out, because I was afraid of the strange things that started to happen.

I also had a dream about the whole Animal Crossing town being folded. And then after the flood, there was still some water left. I walked outside until I was teleported to a ghost ship. There were lots of treasure, but it was also filled with ghosts and had many pits as well. If you were to fall in one of those you would be eaten by sharks, and there was also a storm with lightning that often hit the ghost ship.

My latest dream was just about me rolling a giant snowball that was bigger than the town hall, to make a giant snowman. The snow was slowly beginning to melt away.