
You were the one to make a new thread, and were too lazy to look for this one (which is beyond me, all you had to do was type "Dreams" and this was the first thread that pops up)

Also, how mature of you to say "Screw you" to the guy who flat-out told you the facts.
MCS said:
You were the one to make a new thread, and were too lazy to look for this one (which is beyond me, all you had to do was type "Dreams" and this was the first thread that pops up)

Also, how mature of you to say "Screw you" to the guy who flat-out told you the facts.
He didn't point out the facts, he insulted me!
Rin Kagamine said:
MCS said:
You were the one to make a new thread, and were too lazy to look for this one (which is beyond me, all you had to do was type "Dreams" and this was the first thread that pops up)

Also, how mature of you to say "Screw you" to the guy who flat-out told you the facts.
He didn't point out the facts, he insulted me!
Discussing site rules is NOT insulting, it would be insulting if I called you names and were truly rude to you, but all I stated is that you should have just bumped the old topic.
Radagast the Brown said:
Rin Kagamine said:
MCS said:
You were the one to make a new thread, and were too lazy to look for this one (which is beyond me, all you had to do was type "Dreams" and this was the first thread that pops up)

Also, how mature of you to say "Screw you" to the guy who flat-out told you the facts.
He didn't point out the facts, he insulted me!
Discussing site rules is NOT insulting, it would be insulting if I called you names and were truly rude to you, but all I stated is that you should have just bumped the old topic.
lol I just posted in helpdesk for the same reason as mb2 made a new topic for whats it called describe the above user

and on topic:

I had a dream, I was chasing a pizza. And then, I started chasing a doughnut. And then I started chasing a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and then I chased a piano. Then i woke up.
Actually, the describe the user anove is on like the 10th page and it hasn't been posted in for months.

We already settled this. End of discussion.
Rin Kagamine said:
Actually, the describe the user anove is on like the 10th page and it hasn't been posted in for months.

We already settled this. End of discussion.
Something tells me you're not entirely convinced.
Radagast the Brown said:
Rin Kagamine said:
Actually, the describe the user anove is on like the 10th page and it hasn't been posted in for months.

We already settled this. End of discussion.
Something tells me you're not entirely convinced.
Please. Just stop. This is settled.
End of discussion.
Pokémon Trainer Nate said:
I had a dream, I was chasing a pizza. And then, I started chasing a doughnut. And then I started chasing a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and then I chased a piano. Then i woke up.
to try to get everyone out of this
^ That reminds me of something I wanted to say
Last week I decided to actually dedicate myself to trying to lucid dream
I've been reading up a lot of info on it and I'm starting to follow some pointers and starting the basic techniques (dream journal, reality checks) to get me on track

In fact, the other night I think I had a semi-lucid dream, but I'm not entirely sure if I was really in control of anything.
I don't really recall a lot of my dreams, but I do remember having this one last night where one of my high school friends, who is a junior, was driving me somewhere I can't remember. One of my sophomore friends was in the passenger seat and I was in the back. I remember when we got in the car, "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf was playing on the radio, and later on, "Crazy on You" by Heart was playing. I don't remember anything aside from that.
Mariomario64 said:
^ That reminds me of something I wanted to say
Last week I decided to actually dedicate myself to trying to lucid dream
I've been reading up a lot of info on it and I'm starting to follow some pointers and starting the basic techniques (dream journal, reality checks) to get me on track

In fact, the other night I think I had a semi-lucid dream, but I'm not entirely sure if I was really in control of anything.
i remember having a lucid dream

My dumb as a box of rocks dream self decided to drive, and then he realized he was just a creation of my sub conscience, so I took over, and avoided hitting a tree, and then i realized th car was flying, and then I landed next to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, which got me out of my lucidity, and then Han Solo shot Darth Sidious, and then I woke up
I had a dream where, for some reason, there was a bomb hidden in my pen. And then one of my friends realised and destroyed it. I don't understand it at all.
A couple nights ago I had this strange dream where this alien race (I guess?) was converting the human race into their own kind or something and the first part of that process made everyone have 8 or something fingers on their hands and everyone's faces started getting messed up. And then for some reason everyone was trying to take down any evidence of our space programs and such (to hide it from the aliens I think, because I think if they found out they would destroy us or something)

it was strange
I had a dream where I ran. Then suddenly I started beating up a bunch of strangers.

It was... Uh, relaxing sort of. Like venting everything I'm angry about into the random people. I had a good day that day.
I had a nightmare last night.

All I remember is that I died... :(
Rin Kagamine said:
I had a nightmare last night.

All I remember is that I died... :(

If that's all you can remember, perhaps the dream might not have been so bad after all. Perhaps the only part of the dream you can remember was the bad part, and that there was more to the dream than you can remember. :)
My stairs were taller than a mountain, and I used Mario's longjump and hit the ground, and I died. Then I revived with a Pikachu at my side lol.
Lakituthequick said:
@Neptune: You lucid dream often, didn't you? Then what do you in such a dream? (I know about the possibilities)

Just do whatever I like, really. I normally do shit I see in action movies, such as become a superhero or work for MI6. Random stuff like that.
i had a dream where there was wild exploud in the dreamyard

that would be awesome
So I just had a nightmare. My whole family was outside talking about so etching. Morning had just begun and the moon was still in the sky. The moon was dozens of times larger than it normaly appears in the sky. It was if it was closer. It was brown and I could easily make out several details. I pointed it to my family. They all turned around and were confused. Suddenly, the moon did a 180 degree turn, there was a loud piano crash, and it had the face from the Majora's Mask moon. My family screamed. The moon almost smiled. Suddenly, I had a vision of the moon crashing into the planet. Places and people I knew were destroyed.

This is the second time something like this happened. I had a dream like this, except the moon was farther away and I didn't see it crashing. It's as if they happened chronologically in a story.
Ghost Nappa said:
So I just had a nightmare. My whole family was outside talking about so etching. Morning had just begun and the moon was still in the sky. The moon was dozens of times larger than it normaly appears in the sky. It was if it was closer. It was brown and I could easily make out several details. I pointed it to my family. They all turned around and were confused. Suddenly, the moon did a 180 degree turn, there was a loud piano crash, and it had the face from the Majora's Mask moon. My family screamed. The moon almost smiled. Suddenly, I had a vision of the moon crashing into the planet. Places and people I knew were destroyed.

This is the second time something like this happened. I had a dream like this, except the moon was farther away and I didn't see it crashing. It's as if they happened chronologically in a story.

This is a sign that you're playing too much videogames.

Last night I had a dream where I had to avoid death eaters, ride broomsticks, and play a Quidditch match with Mad-Eye Moody. Probably the best non-lucid dream I have ever had, but it's a sign that I'm watching too much Harry Potter.
^No Neptune, you cannot watch too much Harry Potter.

Also, to not make this post seem like a derailing post — I wish I had Harry Potter related dreams once in a while.