R.I.P. Steve Jobs

Guiliant said:
>Steve Jobs kicks the bucket
>The Simpsons about to be put to rest
>New season of Arrested Development

Turning out to be a great week :'(

Are you seriously bitching about a new season of Arrested Development? Please tell me you're using some kind of on-and-off sarcasm, or something.
I apparently remember this video:
YamiHoshi.nl said:
I apparently remember this video:
I remember seeing that with my sister, and it was one of the funniest moments of my life. The one sketch I'll always remember from MADTV.

Of course it's a little sad now that Steve Jobs is dead, but this was made WAY before he died, and really, no one was expecting him to drop dead. ...Not to mention, he was going to die anyway, so no matter what it's going to be tragic.
Actually, Steve did hint his death, by saying "iQuit" to his status of being a CEO weeks before he died, and it was known he had health problems, as he retired for an half year in 2008.