Official List of Homestuck Names

I've started reading it. I don't know if I should change my name though.
Ok Im Dave now because he looks so badman and I have started reading it again, and this time I seem to enjoy it more.
I never really respect it when people "call" stuff or say they "have dibs" on it. It's just stupid. How about "first come first served"? Stop complaining if someone takes something that you wanted but didn't get first.
I'm not complaining, I'm just saying I'd like to have adiosToreador. If someone takes it, I'm not going to cry about it.
I wasn't talking about editing your post, I was talking about only posting the useful parts of posts. You do this all the time.
It gets annoying when people are discussing something and you just pop in with one post that quotes something they mistyped and usually says "What?". What's the point?