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  1. Becquerel

    The official name change announcement thread

    please change my name to mothgirl27 thanks ^_^
  2. Becquerel

    The Chair (MW10T)

    Re: attempting to draw a chair every day for god knows how many days, also art reqs i identify with this comic btw
  3. Becquerel

    Count until a female posts

  4. Becquerel

    Your unpopular opinions?

    but seriously though jrpgs are shit
  5. Becquerel

    Your unpopular opinions?

    i think that unpopular opinion threads are really dumb because most of the time they devolve into either people attention whoring with objectively stupid opinions that they probably don't actually believe or opinions that aren't unpopular at all in the first place
  6. Becquerel

    Your Favourite Sweet Pie

    apple, buuuut this is an honorable mention
  7. Becquerel

    Do you believe in Evolution or Creation?

    why would you make this thread a poll? it'd be better just make a topic asking about people's beliefs in general or something since beliefs are more specific than just "evolution or creation" but yeah theistic evolution here though i don't really care too much about humanity's roots at all
  8. Becquerel

    "Bullying is necessary!" says my friend

    GreenDisaster is a fukn nerd ps i agree with toadbert
  9. Becquerel

    Mario can do everything sonic can do.. Almost..

    bullshit sonic can do anything you've clearly never listened to toot toot sonic warrior
  10. Becquerel

    The official name change announcement thread

    -> Celestia Ludenberg
  11. Becquerel

    How do I become cool?

    no caps is only "cool" if you're already a chill guy, otherwise you just come off as one of those people who actually can't type in a gramatically correct manner really though if you bitch about not being cool all hope is probably lost same thing if you need a guide just remember that "cool"...
  12. Becquerel

    Hue test

    Your score: 8 guess i must be color blind because i'm p. sure there is no fucking way to arrange the fourth column properly
  13. Becquerel

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    aporcupineinatuxedogetsafacial.gif edit: oh, you randomized it. this totally ruined my post fucking RANDOM AVATARS why do people use those
  14. Becquerel

    What's your real first name

    micah pretty sure my name doesn't rhyme with anything 8) I don't have a credit card, either.
  15. Becquerel

    Minor Irritants (aka first-world problems)

    these bastards have a 3ds ;_;
  16. Becquerel

    Backloggeries this sounded wonderfully useless to me so i of course got one. i'm super adhd about playing through video games so i expect that i'll have 20 unfinished games at once after i start adding things to my backlog.
  17. Becquerel

    Minor Irritants (aka first-world problems)

    I'm glad dubstep exists, because I find it fucking hilarious even though it sounds horrible. It's somewhere around the same level as awful midi renditions of good songs that originate from ancient webpages.
  18. Becquerel

    Whatever happened to intelligent posting?

    if you think a forum is unintelligent, either: don't post there only post when you have actually something intelligent to say and make a difference giving the apparent track record of your posting history i think you may want to consider shooting for the first option
  19. Becquerel

    Mario or Luigi?

    mario is the better brother. luigi is for hipsters who shun mario because he's too "mainstream" this isn't to say that luigi isn't a cool guy, but yeah.
  20. Becquerel

    Which emoticons do you normally use?

    ;_; :x :s @_@ >: <: <_< also assorted kaomoji on suitable occasions but i'm not japanese so i'm too lazy to use them consistently
  21. Becquerel

    What kind of haircut do you have?

    i have dark brown hair that goes down to my upper chest. it's pretty unruly, though I'm not sure it actually qualifies as curly.
  22. Becquerel

    Bieber vs Black

    ???????????? oh.
  23. Becquerel

    If you could meet 20 users in real life, who would they be?

    i like russian accents. everything else i'm just kind of indifferent about. i don't even know what my own accent is, just that i sound like a dork. ps: i don't know who you people are, get the hell away from me and my house
  24. Becquerel

    Official List of Homestuck Names

    actually no it's not clueless morons at least improve over time without having to actively try to do so, and are a lot more willing to try to learn how to stop being clueless
  25. Becquerel

    Official List of Homestuck Names

    actually no, it's just the way you act "noob" might not exactly be the right term but you generally seem to come across as a unlikeable, stuck-up, tryhard asshole and it irritates a lot of people
  26. Becquerel

    Official List of Homestuck Names

    as shown by your username :iceburn:
  27. Becquerel

    Official List of Homestuck Names

    why would you do this
  28. Becquerel

    Hurt and Heal: Nations

    +2 to Libya, holder of the greatest flag. Abkhazia - 20 Afghanistan - 20 Akrotiri and Dhekelia - 20 Albania - 20 Alderney - 20 Algeria - 20 American Samoa - 20 Andorra - 20 Angola - 20 Anguilla - 20 Antigua and Barbuda - 20 Argentina - 20 Armenia - 20 Aruba - 20 Australia - 20 Australian...
  29. Becquerel

    The official name change announcement thread

    Hooray, thank you.
  30. Becquerel

    The official name change announcement thread

    This bugs me as well, and this is coming from somebody who actually likes Homestuck. <_< Also why does my request keep getting ignored when I'm actually making my name ~less~ Homestuck related (no this isn't to make a statement that would be dumb I just want a shorter name)
  31. Becquerel

    The official name change announcement thread

    My request wasn't Homestuck related! <_<
  32. Becquerel

    Official List of Homestuck Names

    alright seriously is it really necessary for people to not only use trolltags as names but actually go as far to switch them constantly and take up trolltags that were previously used by other members, thus causing confusion? this has probably already been asked but it makes it somewhat of a...
  33. Becquerel

    ATTN: Everyone

    This made me laugh so hard you don't even know.
  34. Becquerel

    POLL Do you hate Justin Bieber? POLL

    I don't hate Bieber himself. I don't even hate his music, although it is extremely mediocre. However, his face is extremely punchable.
  35. Becquerel

    What's your Zodiac sign?

    You don't love being STRONG? :<
  36. Becquerel

    What will you do in a Nuclear holocaust

    You lack a snappy one-liner for this, which means I will obviously outlive you.
  37. Becquerel

    What's your Zodiac sign?

    I am an Aries, which is probably the least interesting sign, all things considered. Most sign readings don't even fit my personality. I'm okay with it, though. I'm okay with a lot of things.
  38. Becquerel

    Pokégirl face-off! Who will reign supreme?

    Elesa, obviously. You are horrible at giving people choices.
  39. Becquerel

    ATTN: Anyone who has played Conker's Bad Fur Day

    You evidently don't know how to not be passive-aggressive, though!
  40. Becquerel

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Okay, so I'm not weird for thinking that it is incredibly unlikely somebody would use the word "Imperishable" in their username if it was not an Imperishable Night reference. That's good to know.
  41. Becquerel

    Where do you live?

    okay honestly this is starting to get a little creepy
  42. Becquerel

    Favorite Pokemon

    Gen I: Tauros Gen II: Espeon Gen III: Mawile Gen IV: Chatot Gen V: Kojondo Yep.
  43. Becquerel

    Who do you Think is the Funniest User?

    Not sure, but anybody who has posted a "feels good man" variant in this thread has lost their eligibility to be so forever.
  44. Becquerel

    How Old Are You?

    I am pretty much uninternet-stalkable by virtue of being a boring person. Googling my name with quotes gets you nothing. That said, I still wouldn't post my full name publicly because it's not anybody's business. Also, I'm 14. The giant gap between age groups here is pretty odd.
  45. Becquerel

    Do you beleive in Jesus?

    Goombas are awesome, though.
  46. Becquerel

    Mother 3

    This should be mandatory viewing for anyone who has ever played this game.