Super Mario Boards

I assume it's related to this post. He never outright confirmed it, but the timing of his departure makes it likely (he left shortly after Biden won the election).
Freddie Freaker
Freddie Freaker
it's because we thought trump losing was a good thing (which it is)
Ah I see. My younger sibling about YFJ age shares similar view, I don't hold ill will towards them for they are still at school age so the outside world is rather full of mystery beyond whatever their parents life & views are like.
I find it hilarious that he was hopeful for "future of racial equality" yet also listed BLM protests alongside COVID and hurricanes. It's quite contradictory.
Biden hasn't technically won yet, right? Or wrong? I know the media is calling it, but they don't really have the authority to do that...
@Schroeder Sure, but you do know that the media are calling those states based on legal process, right? It's not like they are calling those states on a whim, just for the sake of it. The media are there to inform citizens, and that's precisely what they are doing.
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
Back then, when I wrote that I attended the Bernie rally, he wrote this:

"Despite strongly disagreeing with the Democratic Party on pretty much every front"

He's a Trump supporter, and his ilk aren't welcomed in this forum. If you support Trump, you support fascism, transphobia, homophobia, neo-nazism, you support his vindictive acts against the military (especially saying "I like people who aren't captured" towards McCain), you support his degradation of environmental acts such as his attacks the Clean Air or Migratory Bird Act, you support him letting California burn, you support his botched response to the pandemic by dismantling the pandemic response team, you support him filling the EPA with oil barons, you support his partisan fuckery appointments in the Supreme Court, there's no second question about it, that's how far the overton window has shifted right in US politics.

I really hope YFJ does get better informed about his views and his point, likely from indoctrination, but at this point, especially after the lame duck throwing temper tantrum Trump and his base are engaging in, there's nothing good about supporting Trump. I also like how YFJ pretty much dodged the reason he was leaving, it was transparent as hell why he was.

I know I wasn't angry back then but right now when lame-duck session is turning out the way it is? Good riddance.
See, this is exactly why I stay away from political discussions.
Eh, Trump says he's not a politician, so this isn't really a political discussion is it?
No, no. This is just business talk.
From what it looks like, everyone would just yell at me as to why I'm wrong without giving me a legitimate chance to defend what I think.

... which wouldn't even do me much good, because I'm working on how exactly to defend what I think without giving the wrong message.