Nellie Rose Morningstar

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  • I've returned from the dead just in time for the holidays! 😄😄😄
    Hello, mortals~ I am Princess Nellie Morningstar... and you... now reside in MY domain. If wish for me to spare you the torment I typically provide, put in a good word for me with that CUTIE Waluigi... and I may feel inclined to spare your pathetic life... Now, where is that WHELP I sent to get Cerberus from his grooming appointment?
    I hate the generation before me (I was born in 2005) They tell us, "you can be whatever you want" and shoot us down when we actually try.
    I am not fan of people in my generation trying so hard to dismiss any younger people interests and trying to look down on younger people in general, we were there in an age of easy internet access where older people did this to us and yet we continue to do things that made us feel so bad.

    I feel it's an insecurity of getting older and not wanting our time to change but it's something none of us can change.

    What I'm saying is punching downward doesn't give you power, only resentment
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    There's been people since BC era times that were complaining about other generations of people btw so this type of complaint has been airing since the dawn of humankind lol.
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