G Major Steven Stone

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  • I feel so mixed on art like this, where it's really pretty but I never liked the Zutara ship at all
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    That being said I wouldn't call it "off" like it's a gross ship exactly, just that I don't consider it as better of an idea as a lot of people in the Avatar fandom act like it is.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    Just wait till you see how Luigi x Bowser is the most popular Mario ship on AO3
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    That's surprising, I thought there would be more popular ships than Luigi x Bowser. Maybe not less gross but more popular
    I think it's interesting that people use "partial to" to describe something they especially like, because when I've heard that word used before it's tended to pop into my head that they must be mixed towards that thing "only partially liking".
    I looked it up, and the "partially liking" definition of "partial" you mentioned comes from the word "part", which makes enough sense. The "something they like" definition of "partial" apparently stems from "part" as well, but instead is interpreted to mean a share of something, or an alliance or bond. Etymology sure is interesting.
    I'm 8/9 done with the next package of characters for the Hot Fictional Guys Tierlist thread I started 5 months ago, I need to review one more character and then revise. That said that's in no way an indicaton that I'm about to post it, I am absolutely swamped with schoolwork and dining hall work so it being posted by like May is pretty decent luckwise.

    People in Gaza facing genocide from Israel: Holy shit I'm so sorry, that must be deeply traumatizing
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    ig, just it sorta marginally miffs me when people say "ruin my life" and stuff like that in clickbaity exaggerating titles
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    As Vidro said, it's clearly done for comedic effect and not an actual statement dismissing the tragic shit that happens around the world in a daily basis.

    Did you know Moscow just today had a very deadly terrorist shooting?
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    i know just as i said the exaggeratey title annoys me that's why i made the comment

    will probs delete if this becomes controversial/is deemed problematic by mods, I assumed it wouldn't when i posted this
    Trump: *is beating Biden by two points in polls just like usual*
    Every newsperson ever: Biden is SURGING against Trump
    • Haha
    Reactions: November
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    @KingBowser64 Because Biden is extremely old which wouldn't be a problem as much except his age shows, and he hasn't tried to do some of the economic policy he said to progressives he would do like pushing for paid leave (EDIT: not aggressively at least) or a minimum wage increase, that combined with that some of the people who like Trump really really like him and yeah. I want Trump to lose but Dems need to get their act together instead of being complacent towards their candidate
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    "he hasn't tried to do some of the economic policy he said to progressives he would do like pushing for paid leave or a minimum wage increase"

    you can't do this with a red congress which would currently stonewall and filibuster these bills. he also tried to codify roe v wade. guess what it didn't pass.

    vote in the primaries people, did you know one just happened. did you know in california, we got adam schiff as our candidate against garvey even though he is a zionist, and it's because of the very low turnout esp among youth voters why we have him instead of katie porter or babara lee.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    I get that but he should at least try to push for something really moderate like a minimum wage increasing with inflation or four weeks of paid leave, that would at least maybe have a marginally better chance of passing
    I saw on a video about a problematic YouTuber, one YouTube comment saying "Turns out the person who says everyone else was an abuser turned out to be the abuser. Go figure." and I disagree somewhat with that sentiment because in some situations, one actually is right that they're fully the victim in a situation where virtually everyone to everyone else around them is being indisputably abusive. This is just a random thought instead of dropping any hints about a situation but yeah

    Aaaaaaanyway changing the topic Archery Club today was fun, I shot an arrow solidly in the red part of the target for the first time.
    Positives of Tuesday: The feeling that you're at least getting Tuesday over with, looking forward to it being over

    Negatives of Tuesday: Everything else
    • Like
    Reactions: November
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    At least with Mondays they're better because you they're more fun to have school off on. Tuesday just has nothing good in its own right (I saw Monday as the worst until recently though)

    But maybe that's just me talking right now considering Tuesday is just straight work with basically no breaks from 10 AM-midnight this semester. (With Mondays I only have classes 1:30-4:15 in the afternoon)
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    When you work post office, you're essentially delivering two days worth of mail on Monday because the post office is closed on Sunday, plus backed up business parcels from Saturday if you have a business route since those are closed on. In my route, I'd get six trays of mail when I get four trays on regular days for example. Plus earlier this year I've been working 11 hours on every single Monday.

    Today is Tuesday and it was extremely light save for routes who get red plum advos every Tuesday. I was done with my route at 330 when you usually get done at 430.

    I also used to hate Thursdays before this job now I love them because they're typically very light days too.
    Signing up for classes this Fall semester is much more wonky than the last two semesters because right now I can't decide whether I want to get a Statistics or Criminology minor.
    Me in 2017: Wow, watching Megamind I actually like it more than Puss In Boots, maybe it'll have a better-liked sequel too
    Me in 2024: Wow, maybe that Megamind 2 is made by Peacock is a conspiracy by Shen to sabotage DreamWorks for killing him in KFP2
    Shrek the Third in 2024: Wow, now very few people will see me as the worst DreamWorks sequel ever again, muahahahaha
    I saw Klinsy say that I was best known for hating Mulan II in the relevant forum games thread, I don't hate that movie but I definitely dislike it cuz it screws Mushu up nastily. probably that was guessed because I made my theme Angry Shang last year and because of the rankings of movies I watched in 2023. But the scene where Shang blows up at Mulan II is one of the only scenes in the movie I really liked even if a bit ironically. The one movie I placed lower last year is the only movie Ive ever watched i outright hate

    Anyway rambling aside nother post related to animated movies coming up
    I've heard people talk some about how February is the weakest month but I don't quite agree with that myself. At least for me February has that nothing abysmal ever happened specific to the month (compared with more popular months like December actually). I feel like my least favorite month is either January or August.
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    I concur. February for me has been perfectly fine.
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Why do people say that LOL? Is it supposed to be unlucky, like Friday the 13th? Or is it just because it's winter and it's still REALLY cold?
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Probably the latter, and there isn't an emphasis on breaks from school/work
    To answer a question I posed to users exactly a year ago to guess about myself,
    My favorite fictional character is Prince Zuko, and my least favorite fictional character is a tie between Ben Woodman and Oliver from Call Me By Your Name.

    The medal for that question goes to Power Flotzo for guessing Zuko/Ben Woodman as that was the answer when I asked the question, as I had not seen my latter least favorite's movie until five months later. Honorable mentions go to Meta Knight for also guessing my favorite character was Prince Zuko, and to Hooded Pitohui and Klinsy for also guessing my least favorite character was Ben Woodman. There were a lot of other good guesses from users though, as the top three most commonly guessed characters for my favorite spot, Danny Phantom, Chrom, and Discord, are my favorite characters from their respective series (Danny Phantom, Fire Emblem, and My Little Pony).

    Who is your favorite and least favorite character in all of fiction? I am curious to know.
    There's so many from both categories to narrow them down.
    Power Flotzo
    Power Flotzo
    Nice to see I got it right!

    Anyway, my favorite fictional character is Rimi Ushigome from Bandori (the character in my avatar). I don't know if I have a least favorite character, but if I had to name one who comes close, it would be Mafuyu's mom from Proseka, mainly because she is abusive to her daughter.
    My rankings of the movies I watched in 2023
    These range all the way from amazing to abysmal




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    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Yes, but to quote Coraline:
    "You know I love you." "You have a very funny way of showing it."
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Have you ever seen "The Notebook"? I've heard it's really sad.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    I had only heard the name before this post, but romance with twists and turns like this movie seems to be about can interest me, so maybe I'll watch it at some point. It is interesting how its critic reception isn't too positive but people who aren't critics seem to like it a lot more.
    My job be like Part 2

    Other worker: Stack these dishes, they're not dirty.
    Me: You see this piece of egg on top of this dish?
    Worker: Yes.
    Me: And you see that there's some grits on the bottom of this dish.
    Worker: Yes.
    Me: So, by seeing that people's food is still on these dishes, it is safe to assume that these dishes have material on them that make them dirty.
    Worker: Makes sense to me.
    Me: So I'm putting them in the washer again.
    Worker: They're not dirty.
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