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I used to be convinced that running away from home was a normal thing kids did, cause I saw it so much in books and movies
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Running away from home isn't a normal thing??
Why does YouTube have such an excessive amount of ads now? Is it because they're losing money, or are they just greedy? I assume it's the latter. It's seriously extremely annoying. Like seriously they never had this many ads before. It seems really excessive to me. Whenever I watch a video, it seems like there's an ad every 30 seconds.

Anyway, if anyone wants to explain why, like, please don't go into enormous technical detail; just let me know which one it is-greediness or losing money. Like, be general about it. Please. My brain can only handle so much information LOL.
Lynn Minmay
Lynn Minmay
@Sweetie Belle It's crowdsourced, when you watch a YouTube video, it checks its database to see if anyone has made any submissions for the video you're currently watching. So like if you have SponsorBlock set to automatically skip sponsored segments and someone submitted the section from 2m30s to 4m05s in the video you're currently watching as being a sponsorship spot, it'll automatically skip that part.
Gay Rights Luigi
Gay Rights Luigi
im constantly making/altering submissions for vocaloid music videos i have like over 1000 hours submitted LMAO
Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
@ClawgripFan9001 I really do wonder if a lot of people hate Google because they're so greedy like this. They do a lot of other bad stuff too-spying on people, manipulating and misusing search results....they're kind of a scummy company in my opinion, from what I've heard. A lot of companies are but Google to me seems to be an especially bad case.
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How can you tell Will Smith touched something? He leaves Fresh Prints
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Will Smith hasn't seen much success after the Golden Globes incident. It was a real smack in the face for him.
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Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Modern Family:

Waldorf: That's wonderful! A dysfunctional sitcom family with more cracks in their lives than a sidewalk tile! I wonder if there's anything they can't do.
Statler: Yeah, having a love life that isn't more unhinged than a screen door during Hurricane Katrina.

Uh oh look who got up at 5:30 to do a sunrise photoshoot by the sea
A sunrise photoshoot, huh? Interesting. I like watching photography shows on TV every now and then, so it's always interesting to see other people pursuing photography.
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Last week was dog bite awareness week and here are some things I'll share with you to prevent dogs from attacking your mail carrier.

  • Do not ground pound the stake your dog is attached to. Your mail being delivered is more important than the Power Star behind the gate.
  • Do not make your mail carrier wear the Deku Scrub mask. This specifically applies to the Skull Kid.
  • Avoid giving treats to Broggy at Broggy's shop.
  • Deplete Isabelle of her balloons in Battle Mode and kill her first in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  • If you live in a haunted mansion, do not give your mail carrier a Gold Bone.
  • Have a dinosaur made of yarn that can eat the fireball-spitting varieties for your mail carrier.
  • If your dog just so happens to be a giant stapler, deplete its staples and have 1000 Fold Arms ready.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Super Mario Odyssey:

Statler: You know, when I see how that Princess Peach treated Mario and Bowser, I'm glad I left my wife.
Waldorf: You left your wife?
Statler: Yeah, I left her at home.

Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on The Luck of the Irish (2001):

Waldorf: That Ryan Merriman is a great little actor.
Statler: Yes, and getting smaller all the time.

The biggest upgrade in the TTYD remake is obviously Mario's mailbox, they changed it from having a tiny shitty slot to the entire thing being openable, so Parakarry can fit Mario's 5th order of plumbing screws of the week inside there.

Just wanted to give a bit of an update - yesterday when I said I needed some time, I was still dealing with the emotional hurt that came from my mom's transphobic speech toward me a couple weeks ago. I'm still working through that so I'm going to need some more time, but today I spent an hour and 42 minutes on the phone with my dad today and we both agreed that it's for the best that I finally cut my mom off. I was surprised he was so willing to accept that outcome, but he told me he would support me in whatever I chose to do and understood that my mom has done nothing but cause problems for me over the last several years. Knowing that I have his support is going to help me a lot in processing everything and I'm already in a lot better mental state than I was yesterday.