New profile posts

Anyone else remember the old Boomerang from before 2015?
I watched Boomerang from 2015-2017. I have seen a *little* bit of Boomerang before 2015 though. I remember shorts where a bear would try to get a chip.
Been taking a nice break over the last few days. I've gotten to go bowling a few times and I got a name change petition notarized. I'm thinking of being a bit quieter for the next week or so while I finish up my vacation but I don't want anyone to be worried about me given that my last post was about being depressed.
hi everybody how are you doing🤩
Hi everyone! Do you notice something different about me?
"Your honor, the defense is badgering the witness"
"OBJECTION! I am sending Tasmanian Devils after the witness, not badgers, the prosecution doesn't know their animals"
If I had a nickel for everytime I've been asked "Are you okay?" after my breakdown, I'd be a multi-millionare.
"We cannot win this reelection. We can only reelect Donald Trump" - something Joe Biden actually said
Guys, I have a presentation in a few minutes. Tips?
My current profile picture and signature, in case you didn't know, is inspired by FNF Hit Single Real's Silly Billy song ( and both appear at about the 4:50 mark in the video. This dude, a BF lookalike named Yourself, can just change size at will, to match the real one's appearance (2:02), and change right back to canon height without any problem (2:57), which I think the animation is a Subterfuge reference.