Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, But the Four-Dimensional Screen creates a black hole which has a gravitational pull that can not be rendered from 3D to 4D, thus sending a shockwave which shall destroy all space and time.

I wish I had a new laptop instead of this crappy old IBM Computer.
Granted, there is no more war and no need for weapons. So we destroy all weapons and aliens take us over pretty easily.

I wish that supermariofan and Colonel KR would box each other.

Whoops, they got horribly mutated together.

I wish I wish I hadn't killed this fish.

Granted, it laid a hundred babies, which were caught and brought to a restaurant, which didn't cook it well enough, and you got food poisoning.

I wish my house had a built in pool.
Granted, but they aren't useful when your dog walks out onto the street when a car is coming.

I wish that the next user would type in Comic Sans.
Granted, but you waste it on something pointless.

I wish for the next user's typeface font to be Comic Sans MS, as in this.
Granted, but then Yoshi becomes too epic for humans to comprehend.

I wish I hadn't read your wish incorrectly.
Granted. The next wish (as in the one after yours) will not result in a bad result.

I wish I had a chocolate lab.