Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but you get trapped in a Mansion and couldn't save Mario.

I wish for world peace that lasts an eternity, and the duration of eternity, is the definition of eternity itself, which no definitions change because of the granting of this wish. Also, the world that has peace is this world that you and I live in, which is Earth, third planet from the sun in the Milky Way.
Granted, but instead it is stroked out, bold and in all capitals.

Luigi Bandicoot said:
Granted, but there is another planet which has all those conditions, and it receives it.


I wish :mario:.
Pinkie Pie said:
Granted, but I eat it.

I wish I had an ending credits theme.
I knew it! I knew you would respond first with that exact same granted wish! I should've placed money on it.

Anyways...Granted, but it has the ending credits song of My Little Pony, er, I mean Dragon Tales.

I wish to be my avatar.
Granted, but the ruler of the supreme master of the universe eliminates you.

I wish :mario: would not die, get permanently glitched in a level or lose the game in any way.
Granted, Nintendo games suck, their stock falls down and they go back to making playing cards.

I wish I was a master poker player.