Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted (but I dont wanna ruin that for ya :D)

I wish that this wish is vague enough to work.
Granted, you get a video game that you get stuck in and can't get yourself wish out of

I wish for more and better Fairly Oddparent cartoons!
Granted, but they are on at awkward times so you can't watch them.
I wish for chocalate that tastes good hasnt gone off I can eat hasnt been eaten before.
Granted. It's for me, though, and I eat it

I wish for Coke only I can drink
Granted, but your twin almost has the same DNA so she drinks it all unaffected by the side affects that would happen to another person
I wish for a 3DS
Too vague to work

I wish for a Norwegian hunk like Gah
Granted, but everyone's confused, thus rendering the wish useless.

I wish for a cheese rain.
Granted, people call you Jessica.

I wish that I didn't have to wait a month for my birthday.
Granted, I drive you out of your mind.

I wish for whatever is in that box.
Granted, it's Pandora's Box and you open it

I wish for the extinction of all mosquitoes
Granted, I don't know what you mean so you just get a banana.

I wish life wasn't so hard.
Granted I guess.

I wish that ToxBox remembered to make a wish.
Granted, you wished to explode.

I wish that my head didn't itch.