The last thing you bought

Toadette 4evur said:
I haven't bought it yet, but I'm getting Chicken Fries from Burger King in about fifteen minutes aha

fuck i need to get to bk or kfc soon
I'll take a bucket of Popcorn Chicken along with some mashed potatoes (but not with the gravy because it's trash)
Walkazo said:
A butternut squash. But the store doesn't carry purple sweet potatoes anymore, nooooo.
I found a supermarket in Chinatown that has the purple sweet potatoes instead, yay. And also Pocky, mochi and so much other stuff.
Eri Ayase said:
Dark Meta Knight said:
the Ico and SotC collection.

im assuming you played both of those before?

because if you didnt youre in for a brilliant ride
Nope, I haven't.

Not so sure about Ico though, from what I've read in the instruction booklet it's basically a giant escort mission.