type your username without looking at the screen or the keyboard

Piny fonp nrdSNFfvx

I'll try my old wiki username.

Koopa K (Got it!)

Past Display Names:
Beach Teoopa (One letter off!)
Typglosuon (Two letters off.)
Spuke (One letter off again!)
Nekomaru Nidai (How the heck did I get that one perfectly?)
Yoshi Claud (One letter off for the third time!)
Dry Teoop

2nd attempt: dRy Yroopa

3rd attempt: fry troopa

4th attempt: fet troops

5th attempt: dry trooiw

6th attempt: dry trpp[d

7th attempt: dry troopa
Halaya ube pasrasodynium Mario.

Given, I couldn't spell the "P" part of my display name.