Hardest Mario Level?

Lady in Pink

"Staaaay fresh!"
Poll Committee
Hi guys! Just a question I had. I'd say Champion's Road (still can't beat it). Also, I bought Mario Wonder and played through with my sister and we got to the Final-Final test. We keep dying on the invisibility part but we're fine with the rest. Since we play 2 player, one of us has the crown so the problem isn't not seeing ourselves but not jumping at the right time on the Bloomps. Also, a special mention: "Climb to the Beat". It isn't too bad but it took us 100ish lives.
Tick Tock Clock/Rainbow Ride from Super Mario 64, though on my most recent playthrough Rainbow Ride gave me less problems than Tick Tock Clock. I'll also some of Mario Galaxy has some difficult levels too. I can go back further to the old NES and SNES days. Pipe World always gave me trouble in Super Mario 3 and Tubular in Special World on Super Mario World. I had varying success in Super Mario 1 and Mario 2 (like I hated level 4 in the original and level 2 in Mario 2), but both of those also had other difficult levels back then too.