"I would like to speak to the manager"


yo that's a sick chair tho
We all know what I'm talking about here

Post anything related to Karens, and I mean you can imitate one, post a video about one, share a story about one, this stuff.

Thankfully, I've barely encountered any of them, so I can't really share anything except that I've seen a ton of cringey ones on the internet
Back when Toys R Us was still a thing, a Karen seriously called the cops on my dad (RIP) and I claiming that we hit her car as we were backing out of our parking space (she was literally just not moving her car from right behind us).

Yeah anyways the cops came and they checked both cars and said that there was literally no way we could have hit her car since there was zero damage to our car (her car had paint scraped off where we allegedly hit it, but there was no paint from her car on our's nor was there any damage on it) and asked us if we wanted to file a complaint against her and we didn't bother since we just wanted to get home tbh.