+The ground spikes’ damage output is reduced from 12 to 7


HP: 18
ATK: 13
DEF: 0
MARK: Koopaling
QUOTE 1: Welcome to the club!
QUOTE 2: That was a nice rest. But now, time to battle.
QUOTE 3: I should attach spikes to the spikes!
QUOTE 4: What did the flyers say about that guard-duty job...?
QUOTE 5 (if Crazy Dayzee is on Mario’s side): I can stay awake! I hope.
QUOTE 6 (near defeat): Just- one more hit.


+Upon meeting up with Peach and Toadsworth...
TOADSWORTH: Master Mario! It’s relieving to see you alive and well!
Mario jumps.
PEACH: So we learned some information about Bowser Junior from a Red Koopa- we escaped after we heard what we needed to know.
HUEY: And?
PEACH: That horrendous black...thing that was dropped on Sunglow Ridge? Ludwig Koopa gave the order to test it! He’s been researching the properties of Prism Island’s paint- it’s very different from paint found everywhere else in our world.
LOUIS: Of course it is, pink Principessa.
TOADSWORTH: But here’s where things get rather...unusual. Apparently, young Master Bowser Junior was quite angry at Ludwig for giving the order. He’s given a command to have all the black weapons confiscated and brought to their hidden fortress.
Mario is thinking about this.
PEACH: I know, Mario- this isn’t like Junior. He loves making large messes. And Bowser- wherever he is- would find that weapon hilarious. Something’s changed...
Peach runs towards the town gate.
TOADSWORTH: Your Majesty, WAIT! How can I defend you if I’m not near you!?
Toadsworth runs after Peach. He then doubles back.
TOADSWORTH: Oh, I don’t think we’ve met, er...
LOUIS: Louis, Toadsworth. I’m a grande fan of Mario.
TOADSWORTH: Glad to have met you, Louis. The Princess would usually make time to acquaint herself with new friends, but she’s been concerned about Ju- PRINCESS! EXCUSE ME!
Toadsworth runs in a panic.


+With Louis in the party, a Memphawk boy takes his place in the chateau.
+The Cut-Out Zone for the Dragaddon Bone is gone. Instead, when Mario enters the backyard after the event at Marmalade Valley, Princess is already back at Chateau Chanterelle.
Princess just rolls over Orion as usual, then leaves.
BRUSTACHE BOY: Oh, no! Mister Orion was crushed by that giant...thing! Now he’s going to be in an even WORSE mood!
Orion gets up. Thankfully, he’s not upset.
ORION: Hahaha! Don’t sweat it, boys! That was my family’s beloved Princess! Mario, Huey, Edwin, thank you for reuniting me and my figlio, Louis, with our sweet little girl. I suppose she’s outgrown her little house here, but I’m glad she was able to visit one last time. Chanterelle would have been happy, seeing the pwecious pet we raised together finally leave the nest- that freedom is her right. If you see Princess again, let her know that, wherever she ends up...I’ll be thinking of her.
LOUIS: We will, papà!
Orion is about to head in the house. However...
ORION: One more thing- I’ve got a little interesting find for you, as a small thank-you for helping me out! Come on!
+Inside the house...
ORION: Now...where were we, Mario? Of course...I was about to give you a small reward. A guy at the dig site was about to throw this out, but I thought you might find it interesting. But be careful! It’s as sharp as my bea- no, that’s not right- my eye- no, that’s going- ah...ern...something very, very sharp. Sorry about the analogy. I used to lead a team of elite fighters, not one guys. Wait! I’ve got it. It’s as sharp as the spine on a Spiny. There we go!

+The ground spikes’ damage output is reduced from 12 to 7
+Some obstacles have been changed to require Edwin and Louis’ abilities.
++The stairs to the flames in the first room are destroyed, requiring Louis.
++Similarly, the first cardboard wheel in the second room is removed, calling for Louis’ use. Meanwhile, the second cardboard wheel scenario is slightly changed to that the left bridge is gone, requiring both it and Louis.
+The lava in the final room rises slower than before. It’s been slowed to the point Mario can take 4 hits before he’s literally unable to clear the course.
+The Yellow and Red Paint Stars are combined into a Double Paint Star, located where the Red one is. Meanwhile, a ? Block with a Super Jump card takes the spot of the solo Yellow Star.

Mystery Creature 1(cave areas)


HP: 22
ATK: 11
DEF: 0
MARK: Musketeer

Third room- Yellow
+After Mario and co. enter the door...
A fat guy and lanky dude jump before the door.

WARIO [ ]: Weh-HEHEHEHEH! A Paint Star? Ooh- it-a sounds like-a trez-jore! And-a with trez-jore - SWEET, SWEET MONEY!
WALUIGI [ ]: Heh-heh! Yeah, yeah, YEAH! Come to WaluIGI!
WARIO: Garrrrrr! You mean-a WAAAArio!
Wario starts climbing the wall.
WALUIGI: Hey! You-a stinky CHEAtor! Get-a back here!
Waluigi also starts climbing the wall.

+When Mario and friends arrive at the end of the lava course, there’s no Paint Star in sight. However, Waluigi falls in! ...this is followed by Wario landing on him.
WARIO: Hehe! LO-ser! And if it-a isn’t Mario! Who’d-a thunk you’d-a get lucky with these-a temples traps, HMMMMmmm? Well, once I-a wipe-a the floor with you, I’ll-a take the trez-jore-WHAO!
Waluigi gets up from under Wario.
WALUIGI: NAH! I’LL-a take thee trez-jore! Weh-heh-heh!
Wario konks Waluigi on the head with his fist.
Waluigi pulls Wario’s moustache.
HUEY: Listen, you deranged Mario cosplayers- we’re taking the Paint Star!
LOUIS: Yeah, you falsari- feel the wrath of Mario’s number one fan!
WARIO: HURGH- you’re-a not done with-a the buckets, I-a see! That-a painty star is-a property of WarioWare Inc.’s-a boss! And he is-a me, WArio!
WALUIGI: GeeRRRRR! Be-a good leetle boys and-a jump in the lava, or WaluIGI will-a do it for you.
WARIO: Not if I-a throw you in-a first!
The battle begins.


HP: 62
ATK: 11 (shoulder dash), 4x2 > 6 (burning run [burn]), 0 (scary face, scares allied enemies away)
DEF: 0
MARK: Wicked (friendly fire on between Wario and Waluigi, but will target Mario first)
QUOTE 1: Fight a-ME! WAAAA-Rio!
QUOTE 2: Wa-ha-ha!
QUOTE 3: I’ll a-find the trez-jore!
QUOTE 4: I’mma make a-microgame of your a-FACE! WA-ha!
QUOTE 5 (if Edwin is in battle): Ooooh- a bag of coins! MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY!
QUOTE 6 (after using scary face): Looo-sers!
QUOTE 7 (near-defeat): But...this a-doesn’t happen in a-MY games!
QUOTE 8 (if Waluigi is defeated first): Now, the trez-jore will be a MINE!

HP: 53
ATK: 6 (Bob-omb toss [fire, can start Wario’s burning run]), 6 (hockey slap [wet]), 6 (tennis ball [shock]), 0 (steals an allied enemy, then uses it as ammo)
DEF: 0
MARK: Wicked (friendly fire on between Waluigi and Wario, but will target Mario first)
QUOTE 2:Yeh-heh-heh!
QUOTE 3: The trez-jore is a-MIIIIIINE!
QUOTE 4: Your nose a-will make a-nice tennis ball!
QUOTE 5 (if Louis is in battle): Don’t a-think of a-copying me a-next, bird man!
QUOTE 6 (after using an enemy as ammo): I play a-pinball with your a-friends!
QUOTE 7 (near defeat): Don’t a-celebrate too soon!
QUOTE 8 (if Wario is defeated first): You a-think you’re a-winning? It’s a-still Waluigi Time!

+After defeating the evil duo with undefined relations...
WALUIGI: WAH! You-a stinky red man! You-a cheated! Just-a like Waluigi-a does at-a parties!
WARIO: Forget-a this! A star-a made of-a paint would-a probably just-a melt in my-a hands, anyways!
WALUIGI: You-a realized this-a just now?! You-a stupido!
Waluigi smacks Wario!
WARIO: I am-a not stupido, but you are-a skinny!
Wario and Waluigi fight each other over the edge. This ignites their butts, launching them out of the temple.

+The lava only deals 8 damage.
+Half the small rock platforms are gone, requiring Louis.

Yellow Rescue Squad
Iron Hard Jonny
The Invisible CAAN
Armstrong the Small

+When Mario arrives in the back chamber...
IRON HARD JONNY: Ah, look at this view. So magmawsome! And terrifying. But mostly magmawsome! Just like Orion said. It’s so inspiring! Starting tomorrow, I’ll redouble my exercise! In the meantime, I’ll eat something spicetastic as a display of raw bravery.
Iron Hard Jonny turns around. He then salutes.
JONNY: Iron Hard Jonny of the Yellow Rescue Squad, reporting for a duty-tastrophe! As captain, I’ll report back to the Squad Captain until an emergenotice!
Jonny runs off.

+Some of the thin walkways are gone, requiring Louis and Edwin’s abilities to cross.


Dry Dry Pokey
HP: 3x5 segments
ATK: 12
DEF: 0
MARK: Koopaling
QUOTE 1: We were flown out of Dry Dry Desert for THIS?
QUOTE 2: Welcome to a spikey nightmare!
QUOTE 3: I miss the sand back home.
QUOTE 4 (near defeat): I should have stayed a-head of, I’m not finishing it.

Drybake Pokey-
HP: 4x5 segments
ATK: 10
DEF: 0
MARK: Musketeer
NEW QUOTE (near defeat): What would Pokeyhotep do? Oh, right- hope they don’t have a baseball bat.

HP: 10
ATK: 3 (steals HP every 2.5 seconds- mash A until the meter fills to loosen)
DEF: 0
MARK: None
ALTERED QUOTE: Crush! Destroy! Multiply! MEE-ork!

Mid-inner room: Green

+When Mario and co. arrive, the Shy Guy does not have them registered in the list this time...
SHY GUY: Anyway, if you come back later, you can fight battles and win fabulous prizes. Such as...a Grand Paint Star. Unfortunately, the roster is full at the moment. And security’s busy keeping some unwanted guests out. Sorry, pal.
EDWIN: Did that fellow say we could win prizes? Let me at them! I’ll win the Battle Royal fair and square!
LOUIS: Or, maybe idraulico boy here could win it. I’ve seen him take on this island’s best fighter without wrinkling his cappello!
HUEY: Guys, guys! Let’s not forget the most important prize here- the Grand Paint Star! We need to get in now, or we’ll miss our chance.
????????: Yeah- maybe I can help pencil you in for an appointment.
Nastasia and O’Chunks arrive on the scene.
HUEY: I didn’t think we’d be seeing you two again so soon. What brings you here?
O’CHUNKS: We were jus’ checkin’ out the bro-churs for the whole bloomin’ island, tryin’ to decide where to go next. Been hearin’ from the local birds to check ou’ their coliseum! Bu’ it seems teh me those wee l’il turtle kids took it over!
SHY GUY: Sir, I’ll have you know that we run a legitimate competition here.
NASTASIA: Yeah, no- I have a better idea. You’re going to let us in, since you just found there were six extra slots in the roster.
SHY GUY: Uh, no- I’m not doing any of-
Nastasia hypnotizes the Shy Guy.
SHY GUY: Hold on one moment... Just as I thought! You’ve all been preregistered for the next Battle Royal already! My mistake! Please enter through the door to your right and stop by the pre-screening desk. Good luck!

+Upon entering the coliseum...
HUEY: Awfully dark in here, isn’t it? They’re really setting the stage!
O’CHUNKS: I’m not afrai’ o‘ no darkness! I can’t wait to unleash Fist Jr. an’ Slappy in a Battle Royal!
NASTASIA: Yeah- I guess it could be fun.
O’Chunks and Nastasia hurry ahead.

+At the prescreening desk, the lift is bent out of shape. Some Shy Guys are trying to fix it.
SHY GUY: Welcome to the prescreening desk. I’m here to weed out the unqualified. ...or, at least I usually would. Unfortunately, that purple-coated Vellbex busted the lift, so even if you were bad to the bone like her, I couldn’t let you in. Come back when the lift's repaired. By then, I’ll bet your inventory won’t be so bare-bones.
EDWIN: ...that was just painful.
+When Mario and co. reach the beginning of the top floor’s exterior...
HUEY: Whoa, we made it to the outer wall! Check out the view!
LOUIS: I know, right? My people really love the ideals the ancient Royal Family used in building the Gold Coliseum! My dad and I usually came here to just sit, talk and eat pasta! Just like my compagno, Mario-!
EDWIN: Louis. Enough. With. Fanboying. Over. Mario.
LOUIS: Whoa, Edwin, relax. I’m not trying to start anything-
EDWIN: Except talk about Mario. Doesn’t anything else go through your mind?
LOUIS: Can you really blame me, though, Edwin? I mean, you see how strong Mar-
Edwin glares at Louis.
LOUIS: ...Do you think this too, Huey?

HUEY: Oh, uh, er, you put me in a bit of a tough spot, Louis. I mean, I like Mario, too. And I care a lot about defending this island from invaders. Even Edwin there seems to be a little entranced by gold and girls. But I take interests in other stuff, too, so maybe-?
LOUIS: I- I guess you’re right.
EDWIN: (sigh) Louis, I’m sorry. It’s just-
LOUIS: No, it’s fine. I could try and think of other interesting coses to talk about.

+Also, some Musketeers sneak into the Coliseum via the walls.
DRYBAKE POKEY: took me some time to sneak into the coliseum. Especially with security upped so greatly. But I really don’t appreciate those out-of-town Pokeys invading. And now, Aace brings that indecisive rookie in from Bowser’s army? What happened to “the pride of Prism Island?”
EDWIN: Wait...Aace already found someone else?
DRYBAKE POKEY: Of course he found some- wait a moment. You’re Edwin! Aace isn’t taking you back- that’s for sure!
A battle starts with the Drybake Pokey.

+After entering the back room of the Coliseum, but before the conversation about the boxes...
LOUIS: Hey, guys, ragazzi- before we go further, there’s something you might want to know.
EDWIN: ...
LOUIS: Don’t worry- it’s about the coliseum!
EDWIN: Very well- if you think we need to know.
LOUIS: That’s eccellente! So, remember how I said the ancient Royal Family built this place? They also used to hold various games here, to entertain the little bambini in the family. Building the Coliseum also helped the king make friends with other rulers, like the Dry Dry Ruins’ first Tutankoopa, or the Drybake Stadium’s Tower Power Pokeyhotep.
EDWIN: That’s all well and good. Now, if we can get moving and find a way to fix the gate, we can-
LOUIS: Whoa- I’m not done yet, little soffio! Eventually, the youngest of the Royal Family wanted to enter the games, too- especially the Battle Royal. Unfortunately, the king objected, while the Queen- she was busy with other pursuits. As a compromise, the king allowed his kid to enter the Royal Pets instead. However- things went molto south after that decision. The Royal Pets were so brutal with the competition, the original Battle Royale was eventually cancelled on account of so many injuries. There’s no easy way to say it, amico- those walls took tumilis of gold paint to hide the mess the Royal Pets left behind. It’s only in recent years the Battle Royal came back.
HUEY: I’m going to have to agree with you, Louis- I don’t remember there being any Battle Royal here when I was originally built.

+When Mario finds the Draggadon Bones...
VERONICA: Hey-yo, Mario. We have something for you. So get this- we heard one of the fossils from Marmalade Valley was STOLEN! And by Kidd, no less! Can you believe that girl? Using our keen Memphawk senses, we found it, drudged in this old room.
Veronica, Jonny and The Invisible CAAN stand aside.
VERONICA: Well, here it is. I thought you’d be happy with this old thing. So don’t hold back. You can give me a big hug, if you can take it. ...or you can hug the bone. An old friend told me you might do that.
Mario gets the Bone.
VERONICA: Wow! You held that up like it was a toy! What muscles you have! And with that...
All three Yellow Squad members salute.
VERONICA: Veronica, Jonny and Invisible CAAN...Over and out! We’ll report back to the Squad Captain at Port Prisma HQ until further notice. CAAN?
The Invisible CAAN destroys the box. All three Yellow Squad members leave.

Draggadon Bone

Slots: 2
Effect: Prevents enemies from using dodge defenses.

+After Mario and co. get the Chomp Bone and exit the room, they see O’Chunks and Nastasia at the prescreening desk.
O’CHUNKS: ...come back when the doors are repaired? Buddy, I can repair the door wit’ jus’ one punch! Watch!
SHY GUY: Sir, waitwaitwaitWAIT!
O’Chunks punches the door. Sure enough, it straightens out.
SHY GUY: I...don’t believe it. You actually fixed the door! And just when we were about to give up!

O’CHUNKS: Yeh canno’ give up when a skinny l’il door stan’s refuses tah open. Yeh gotta keep at it!
NASTASIA: Yeah, O’Chunks- nice words and all. But, do you have a transcript proving this optimism?
O’CHUNKS: Ah dunna need some wee note fer proof- ah jus’ need tah give a chunkin’! C’mon, Nastasia- some fun awai’s!
O’Chunks and Nastasia walk onto the lift. The lift comes back.
+There’s actually two waves of enemies before fighting Iggy. The first wave isn’t really a wave, though....
Mario, Huey, Edwin and Louis arrive atop...
HUEY: Look, Mario! There it is!
Camera shows...
HUEY: The Topaz Grand Paint Star!
IGGY (voice): What the- you’re here, too!? HUWUHWUHWUH! And just after we ambushed the big guy and his girlfriend!
O’Chunks and Nastasia are tied up in the right corner. Nastasia’s eyes are covered by a bandana.
O’CHUNKS: I canna’ believe I walked righ’ inna tha’ one! When I get loose, Imma chunkin’ the green-haired turtle!
NASTASIA: I’ll come with you to that appointment, O’Chunks. After I regain my sight, of course.
IGGY: Get a hotel room, you two! The only way this could be worse is if-
?????: Mario! I’ve been looking all over this island to pick a bone with you!
A Goomba wearing Musketeer garb drops in from above.
LOUIS: Skydiving Goombas? Now I’ve seen everything. By the way, uh...who is that guy, Mario?
Mario thinks. He then shrugs.
MYSTERY GOOMBA: How could you not remember me, Mario! I’m the Goomba who that other Mario damaged. Ooh- I still feel it now, just thinking about it.
MYSTERY GOOMBA: You ruined my buddies’ wheelerific revenge against the other Mario and that green guy?
MYSTERY GOOMBA: ...You wrecked the awesomely giant Papercraft I was riding?!
MARIO: ! ...?
MYSTERY GOOMBA: Aw, come on! That one was a freebie! OK- how about this-?
NASTASIA: Hold on- I know that voice. Perry?
MYSTERY GOOMBA/PERRY [ ]: Oh NO. Why are YOU here?!
NASTASIA: Yeah, you were that team player who helped detain the man in green. Even though doesn’t matter anymore... I appreciate the spirit.
Mario looks annoyed at Perry over this. Meanwhile, O’Chunks looks sad.
O’CHUNKS: Nastasia...
PERRY: Well, good for you! I moved on to better things, though! I’m working with the Musketeers now! And for my first test- I’ll finally get rid of Mario!
A battle with Perry begins.

BGM- Megasparkle Goom... Battle [Original] (Paper Mario: Sticker Star [Recut])

HP: 80
ATK: 10 (headbonk), 2 x 5 (multibonk)
+Every turn, Perry can steal energy from the Partner Meter to permanently power up his next attack by 2. This stacks, by the way.
DEF: 0
MARK: Musketeer
+Unlike other minibosses, enemy card HP does not drop against Perry.
+After the Perry battle...
PERRY: Don’t think this is over, Mario! I’m not forgetting this fight, either!
Perry runs away like a punk.
After Perry leaves...
IGGY: Now I know why we didn’t bring that guy with us- he’s so needy. Any more interruptions from the Musketeers? No? GOOD! AHAHAHAHA! Welcome to the Battle Royal- the last fight of Mario’s life!
Several enemies come up into the arena on lifts.
LOUIS: Aw, no, fratello!
EDWIN: We can’t take on all of them! Even Aace would find this difficult!
HUEY: You’re right! There has to be a better way!
O’CHUNKS: Tha’s it- time to unleash a chunkin’!
O’Chunks breaks free from his bonds. He also releases Nastasia of her bandana.
NASTASIA: Thank you, O’Chunks. Now- why don’t we you and I pencil in a 3 o’clock battle with hordes of the Bowser group?
O’CHUNKS: You’re speakin’ my language now, Nastasia! CHUNKS AWAY!
O’Chunks and Nastasia enter the foray.
EDWIN: It’s nice of them to join us...but even now, we may still be outmatched!
HUEY: Maybe there’s some other way to take them all out at once... Let’s take a look around this place.

+Regarding the second wave...
+The Goombas are replaced with Dry Dry Pokeys.
+The Spikes are replaced with Clubbas.
+O Chunks is an independent field ally for Mario, with Nastasia trailing the big guy. O Chunks can take 40 HP worth of damage (which is balanced by the fact the normal enemies have their stats altered- mostly, their ATK is lower), yet defeats 1 enemy every 2 seconds. Once his HP is up, O’Chunks faints, and Mario is on his own.
+If Mario can defeat all enemies before O’Chunks faints, he gets 1 extra card for every 8 HP O’Chunks still has.

+Regardless, Iggy runs over the weakened O’Chunks, knocking him into the wall behind Mario.
NASTASIA: O’Chunks!?
Nastasia hurries over.
IGGY: AHAHAHA! You should see the look on your face! No really- can we get a mirror over here? Ah, forget it... Let's tear this plumber apart!

+Due to being a Chapter Boss, Iggy retains his BGM from the actual game.
HP: 220
ATK: 14 (magic wand), 16 (shell attack), 20 (chariot super attack)
DEF: 0
MARK: Koopaling
+While not a card anymore, the Draggadon Bone’s equip effect prevents chariot enemies from dodging. Partner attacks also do not trigger enemy dodges.

+ After defeating Iggy...
IGGY: UGH! I lost? That's embarrassing- I just rubbed it in those Musketeer's faces how much better I was than them! Just take the Topaz Grand Paint Star and get lost! Shut it down! Show's over!

Iggy runs off.
UNKNOWN ANNOUNCER: *ahem* Is this thing on? Uh, today’s winner is...Mario and his team!
Mario and co. play to the crowd.
EDWIN: This is pretty exciting, actually!
LOUIS: So magnifico! Such applause! I never thought I’d fight alongside my amici in the Memphawk’s stadium!
ANNOUNCER: Put your hands or equivalent appendages together for [...]
[Later in the cutscene, after the Topaz Grand Paint Star lowers...]
LOUIS: Come on, Gonzales. Let’s go get it!
?????????: I knew you’d be able to reclaim our Coliseum! Excellent job, figlio!
Mario and co. turn around. They see Kolorado and Orion arrive on the scene.
LOUIS: Professor Kolorado! Papà!
KOLORADO: You all performed splendidly, old boys! With Bowser’s minion gone, I can check around this ancient stadium for more Artifacts! There’s probably SEVERAL pieces of history just sleeping below the sands!
O’CHUNK: Ooooh- I dunna feel so good...
Everyone turns around to see O’Chunks and Nastasia.
NASTASIA: O’Chunks- I’m so sorry! I saw that green member of the Bowser group coming, and I should have sai-
O’CHUNK: Nastasia, me lass- ‘tis fine. Even if there were somethin’ ter git grangly ‘bout, ah dinnaw see ‘im comin’, either. We’ll jus’ go take a teeny rest in Port Prisma, then we’ll ‘atinue our vacation.
O’Chunks walks off with Nastasia.
O’CHUNKS: Be seein’ yeh, Maria! Yeh’ve gotten stronger since we las’ fough’!
NASTASIA: Yeah, I’ll catch you another time, Mario. Does a 6 o’clock tour sound good.
Mario nods.
NASTASIA: We’ll call it a date.
O’Chunks and Nastasia get on the lift down. As they do, though..
O’CHUNK: Ah....ah....ah-CHOO!
O’Chunks sneezes on a strange near-invisible switch, activating it.
After the lift leaves with O’Chunks and Nastasia, a huge statue rises out of the sands.

ANNOUNCER: I don’t believe it, ladies and gentlemen! It’s a statue under the coliseum! And it's getting in the way of our games!
KOLORADO: What a find, old boy! looks incomplete.
ORION: Maybe- there’s more pieces to this statue. Why would the King create something strange like this...? Was it just an art showcase? Or is there something we’re not seeing?
Everyone is thinking about this- except for Huey, who still looks shocked.
KOLORADO: ...never you fret, old boy! I’ll stay here and inspect the statue’s attributes. In the meantime, Mario should grab the Grand Paint Star and restore more color to the island.
Mario nods.
After restoring color to the big coin, the game auto-saves immediately. It then moves to a different viewpoint...

+After Chapter 2, an interlude with Luigi takes place at Mario's original house.
Luigi is awakening in his bed. Strangely, he doesn't get a newcomer title card...
LUIGI [ ]: *chap-chap* What-a night. And a-what a raging a-party. But a-now, it's a-time to a-find more coins.
Luigi gets out of bed, still wearing his clothes.
LUIGI: Mario a-leaving me this a-house was a-nice of a-him, but I a-don't make as a-much moolah as a-before.
Suddenly, a thump is heard.
LUIGI: Eh? Who's a-there!?
Luigi heads into the main room. There, he sees a brown cloaked figure.
The cloaked figure runs out, leaving behind a letter.
LUIGI: HEY! Come a-back! Hmmm- it's a letter! For- a-me? Luigi? And...what's a-that smell?
Luigi uses his hand to waft the letter's fragrance before him.
LUIGI: Hmm...smells a-like...a flower? But- I'm a-not sure what a-kind. Oh well. Now, to a-see what's a-on the letter...

I'd written this letter some time ago, yet have instructed my people to send it to you only in extreme circumstances.
I assume you've heard of the paradise known as Prism Island by now. Whether from your princess, your brother, or even that OTHER fellow- the name must surely have reached your ears at some point.
I write to you in particular, for there is a task only you can accomplish at my home. A helpful item is buried at this spot on the island. I should know- I helped bury it years ago, in case a certain problem arose. And if my old friend's perceptions are correct- it will. Head to Prism Island ASAP, please. This crystal should help you find what you need. Oh, and after you're done, the item will fetch you a nice bid. Enjoy.

LUIGI: Huh, that's strange. No signature. Just...a piece of crystal? Hmm...
Luigi stops thinking.
LUIGI: Oh well. If I a-pull this off, I'll be a hero! And I'll a-be super rich! Then I can a-throw a party, and it'll be a-Luigi Time for a-months! Oh YEAH!
Luigi rushes out the door.
Immediately after, a phone starts ringing.
PHONE: Are you there, Luigi? This is Ganag of the Prism Island hotel, Dark Bloo Inn. It's getting really spooky around here! ...hello?

+After returning to Port Prisma...
HUEY: We did it! The Topaz Grand Paint Star has been returned to Prisma Fountain!
TOPAZ: Mario...Edwin...Louis...and you too, Huey...Thanks for saving me. I am the Topaz Grand Paint Star. My memory is a little better than the Crimson Big Paint Star’s. Allow me to get you up to speed. Before the young Koopa Prince scattered us across the island, he and his forces engaged in a battle with the Musketeers...

+In this version, the Slurp Guys and Boosketeers are fighting each other near the post office. In addition, it turns out while the Shy Guys did suck the color out of Pesshi and blow up the bridge under Mottley’s supervision, Pitholl and Cucleer scared them off. However, they dropped the letter into the water, going into the sewer grate...
+To accommodate a change with the flashbacks, the part where the Shy Guy sneak slurps a person is no longer there. Instead, it cuts out immediately after Pitholl and Cucleer fly away.

After the flashback...
EDWIN: No- way! Pitholl and Cucleer just swatted those Shy Guys away as if they were nothing!
HUEY: Where was THAT skill when we fought them?! I’m kind of a little nervous now. At least they’re not big burly guys, thought.
EDWIN: Don’t underestimate the Musketeers, Huey! If you think Pitholl and Cucleer have skills, Aace’s done things with that sword even those two can’t. And about that “big, burly swords guy” comment- you see-
LOUIS: There’s just one thing that makes zero sense. If Junior’s forces didn’t send the Brustache letter, and ghost man dropped him in the water- then how’d he end up with Peach?
Everyone thinks about this.
HUEY: That IS strange. But if we can just keep find Grand Paint Stars a piece these memories together, we can learn about that, and even what really happened before Mario showed up!
TOPAZ: Hold on. I have- one more gift for you.
Topaz conjures up an Artifact-Up Slot.



+Edwin gets Huey’s line on the big coin’s value...
EDWIN: What? That was worth only 1 lousy coin? I’m calling it- SHENANIGANS!

+Mario needs Edwin to take the sheets off the bed.
+Edwin is also needed to pull the moving trolley cart.
+Due to the addition of a new room, a few blank spots have been moved to the laundry shelves.

Shy Guy
Mystery Creature 1

HP: 13
ATK: 7 (web shot); 10 (jump leap)
DEF: 0
MARK: Koopaling
QUOTE 1: Hello, neighbor. Taking a stroll?
QUOTE 2: Take your time, friend.
QUOTE 3: Hold still, friend- there’s something on your hat.
QUOTE 4: I don’t think I got it, neighbor. Give me another chance.
QUOTE 5 (after using web attack): Oh- you got a little web in your stache.
QUOTE 6 (near-defeat): Well, it looks like that time of the day again.

Shady Sledge Bro.
HP: 100
ATK: 16
DEF: 3
MARK: Koopaling

Toad Hotel Owner > Ms. Bloomington [ ]
Toad Bellboy > Ganag [ ]
Toad Bookeeper > Baamere [ ]
Housekeeping manager > Puri T. [ ]
Toad bookcase ghost > Female Vellbex
Toad “it” ghost > Male Vellbex
Toad phone/bedsheet ghost > Girl Vellbex
Toad birdcage ghost > Boy Vellbex
Toad moving trolley ghost > Female Vellbex
Toad “lost” glasses ghost > Male Vellbex
+Mario has to help the character outside the entrance, now a boy Pianta. If he tries entering the door beforehand...
HUEY: Maybe we should go lend a hammer, Mario.
+This time, rather than being colorless, the boy Pianta is KO’d, with a certain silver crown lying near him.
+After re-flattening the boy...
PIANTA BOY: Thanks for fixing my back, Mario! I got conked by this weird flying crown own of nowhere, and I just broke down and started crying...One of these days, I’ll toughen up and become a Pianta who can take a Mega Iron Jump to the head!
The Pianta boy runs off. Meanwhile, Mario and co. look at the crown.
EDWIN: Oh, looks valuable! I hope no-one minds if I “collect” this and sell it later-
SILVER CROWN: I mind, pal! If you sell me, I’ll make sure you regret it!
Everyone is surprised except Mario.
EDWIN: A talking crown?! I didn’t just hear that!
??????: You did now, money bags!
The crown emerges out of the ground, annoyed.
KERSTI [ ]: Alright, where are you, you black-marketing-?
Mario gets in the way.
KERSTI: ...Mario? I haven’t seen you in a while, ever since-
HUEY: Wait- the guardian of the Sticker Comet knows Mario? PERSONALLY?
KERSTI: I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Are you another Sticker Fairy?
HUEY: Me? No, no- I’m Huey, the guardian of Prism Island- which is where you are right now! That Memphawk is Louis- huge fan of Mario. And the green guy-
KERSTI: -wanted to sell me for coinage!
EDWIN: No- I’m Edwin! I thought you weren’t alive! First buckets, then stickers! What’s next- sentient bottlecaps? You get me, right, Mario?
MARIO: ...
Mario thinks.
KERSTI: Well, Mario’s a good influence. He helped me search for the Royal Stickers in the Decal Lands last year...though I kind of got a headache recently, so some details are a little fuzzy. I even told my friends about him after I got back from last year’s Sticker Fest! Mmmmph- and they would have loved meeting him, too!
Mario jumps.
KERSTI: You’ll keep an eye out for my friends while you’re traveling the island?
Mario nods.
KERSTI: You really know how to please a lady, Mario!
LOUIS: That’s what I like about Mario the most- he always helps out anyone in need, no questions asked!
KERSTI: Great! So- what’s your next move, guys?
HUEY: We’re about to check out this super-creepy hotel. You wanna come?
KERSTI: Uuuuuuuh, OK! For old time’s sake! Besides, I like the look of this place!
HUEY: Oh, yeah, sister from the stars! We’re gonna get along just fine!
Huey hive-fives Kersti, who uses her left crown spike as a hand.

+After our main heroes and Kersti enter the inn...
FEMALE SUITED PIANTA: Oh, of course the world-famous VIP shows up now...Look, I wish I could take your coin, Mr. Mario, but the hotel is closed...indefinitely. You see, we’ve had some bizarre... occurences here as of late. We’re really in no state to welcome guests.
The Vellbex in the back of the room gets off the phone.
VELLBEX BELLBOY: Ms. Bloomington! It happened again. Another silent phone call.

FEMALE SUITED PIANTA/MS. BLOOMINGTON: See? There’s a strange force at work here. I had Ganag there call Luigi because paranormal activity is kind of his thing, but it went straight to voice mail. Do you think you and your friends could poke around and find out what’s causing all of this? I beg of you!
KERSTI: Mario, did you hear that? More paranormal activity! Like ghosts and junk!
HUEY: We should investigate. I have an inkling that this has something to do with the Paint Stars.
EDWIN: And it doesn’t seem like it’s just colorless spots- this place is creepier than Aace without his eyebrows!
HUEY: Brrrrr! Actually, to be honest...I’ve always wanted to be a paranormal investigator.
KERSTI: Ooh! We should get business cards! Then we can call ourselves- Colors and the Plumber Man!
HUEY: Hahahaha! I love that name, Kersti!
KERSTI: Heeheehee! Thanks, Huey!
Super Jump

Damage: 13 > 2 > 2 > 2 > 2

Super Hopslipper
Damage: 3 > 3 > 3 > 3 > 3 > 3

Super Hammer
Damage: 24

Super Quakehammer
Damage: 12

Super POW Block
Damage: 11, can stun

Super Mushroom
Heals 40 HP.

Super Spiked Helmet
Inflicts 15 damage on enemies who use aerial attacks on Mario the turn Mario uses this card.

Frog Suit
Target: Mario
Powers up the first jump of Jump cards by 4 for 2 turns.

Tanooki Tail
Target: Mario
Allows Mario to reflect most attacks by pressing A at the right time. Reflects ¼ the damage of close range, and x3 of long range.
+Kersti is talking to Ganag for most of the level. If Mario eavesdrops...
KERSTI: ...and do you know what happened to the Sticker Fairy who went into the jungle?
GANAG: N-n-n-no! What?
KERSTI: He got all mushy! And wet! And smelly! That’s why I started people against going into the jungle- it’s not good for their hygiene!


+Since Spike is affiliated with the Musketeers, a Clubba takes over his role as a member of Shady Sledge Bros’ gang. On a similar note, a Red Koopa takes over the normal Koopa’s duties.

+Yoshi has some parting words for Mario after the latter tries riding him.
YOSHI: Sorry, Mario. Maybe some other time. I’m off to check the circus.

+There’s only seven Shy Guys in the laundry room. After pulling them, the floor gives way.
Kersti comes down to the laundry room.
KERSTI: OK, guys, what’s all the ruckus- MARIO! HUEY!
Kersti dashes down the hole.

Mario and the gang end up in a new room.

LOUIS: Whoa! Molti sorprendente! This room is...kind of creepy.
HUEY: I, uh, I don’t like the looks of this place. Maybe we should leave, before-
The seven Shy Guys drop down.
RED SHY GUY: Why’d you pull us out? Those were really comfortable towels!
RED SHY GUY: How’d you like it if we came up to your bed and yanked you out?
As Red Shy Guy talks, a strange creature similar to the one from Azure Underground peeks from behind the wall.
RED SHY GUY: And now that I think about it, we just cleaned those towels too, with the best detergent coins could buy!
The strange creature approaches the Shy Guys.
BLUE SHY GUY: Uh, Rasp...?
RED SHY GUY/RASP: Not now, Blewba! We even threw our masks in the wash- when we put them on, it was like a nice sauna to our face! You know what? After we scrub you with our clean tactics, we’ll throw you in the wash next, you washed-up platforming character!

A battle begins.
As soon as it does, the strange creature joins the Shy Guy’s side. It then sprays a purple mist in the air, turning all the Shy Guys Shiny- but not itself.
RASP: Grrr! For some reason, you’re even more annoying now.
Rasp turns around with the other Shy Guys, to see the strange creature. They all then turn towards Mario again.
RASP: Look! Even that weird slug thing wants you gone!
ALL SHY GUYS: And we agree! Good night-mare, Mario!
One turn into the battle...

KERSTI: Two can play that game! Look at this new trick the Sticker Comet taught me after last year, Mario!
Kersti shines brightly.
KERSTI: Go on- give it a try!
+After this point, the DEF of all enemies is reversed. Now, instead of dealing half-damage, Mario deals double damage.
+For the first turn, the Mystery Creature has a last chance perk built in. This is to ensure the above happens.
After finishing the battle...
HUEY: Kersti- that was amazing!
KERSTI: Thanks, Huey! You’re just too nice. The Sticker Comet taught me that after... something that happened during our last fight with Bowser.
Kersti whispers it into Huey’s ear.
HUEY: really did that for Mario? Then I have a bigger crown to fill in for than I thought.
KERSTI: Yeah. To be honest, I treated Mario like a tool for at least some of our adventure. I felt bad about it and tried to apologize, but, I don’t felt like it wasn’t really enough. And the timing was just...
HUEY: It’s OK, Kersti. As long as we learn from our mistakes, there’s no problem.
EDWIN: Mario...that creature...we saw it in the Azure Underground too, remember?
Mario nods.
EDWIN: Aace and the other Musketeers told me about these monsters- they’re native to Prism Island’s dark caves. What we saw here is what they do to someone if they like them enough- they turn their victim shiny, making them stronger!
KERSTI: Well, that doesn’t sound so bad. It sounds like something I’d want as a pet, actu-
EDWIN: In exchange for taking control of their victim’s mind.
KERSTI: ...well, there might be a silver lining to- forget it.
HUEY: And I’m guessing they turn anyone they don’t like into purple mushrooms.
EDWIN: Yep. But only physically weak people.
HUEY: So...maybe we should just stay away from those monsters while we look for the Paint Stars.
EDWIN: And figure out what this room is. I see a chamber over there, but...what could it be for?
After this, a towel rope is lowered down.

+If Mario investigates the chamber’s open outlet...

+When Mario and co. go to visit the Vellbex ghosts after finding them all...
BRUSTACHE WAITER: I’m grateful for your arrival, Mario. This family of six rented the rom for a casual tea party...but they request a particular teapot. And we currently do not carry it. Could you ask one Mr. Ganag if he’s seen it, by chance? The mother says there’s a crown pattern on it.
+Upon visiting Ganag after finding all the ghosts...
GANAG: Huh? A teapot? With crowns on it? Hmmm...let me think...
Ganag heads into the back. After single handedly throwing a large assortment of objects out, including a table and a purple Paint Star, he returns.
GANAG: Wow, those Vellbex ghosts must be old. I just remembered- we haven’t carried that teapot in nearly a millennium! By royal decree, it was brought as an attraction to Plum Park- that’s the garden behind the hotel. Sorry I couldn’t be of much help. But hopefully this Mini Paint Star will raise your spirits.
LOUIS: Consider our spirits raised, signore!
KERSTI: Another mystery solved by Colors and the Plumber Man! Now go get that Mini Paint Star, Mario! I’ll stay here, and decide where I want to go next!
HUEY: It was good to meet you, Kersti!

+With Louis’ special ability, Mario can leap across a few gaps much easier.
+In certain parts of the level (the hedge puzzle maze, the pathways to the purple Mini-Star, the lillypad before the Blue Mini-Star), there are Soundflowers blocking the way. Unfortunately, none of your current partners can affect them.
+The Birdo Love Balloons are placed in front of the stone wall, rather than behind.

Shy Guy
Spiked Guy
Slurp Guy

Jumping Blooper
HP: 20
ATK: 14 (body slam); 10 (ink blast [blind])
DEF: 0 (normally). Jumping flattens Jumping Blooper, reducing his DEF to -3.
MARK: Koopaling
QUOTE 5 (after being flattened): JINK...
QUOTE 6 (near-defeat): OW-INK!

HP: 12
ATK: 9
DEF: 0
MARK: None

Left of main screen- Blue
Right of main screen- Purple
South Theatre- Red
+When Mario and co arrives...
BRUSTACHE: You look familiar. Do you have a brother or twin or something? A guy named...Wa-Mario, maybe? No, that’s not it...Anyway, I’m the greeter here at Plum Park, Elleine. This park is currently owned and operated by the Dark Bloo Inn. The purest water in all of Prism Island flows through this park! Speaking of water, my manager asked me to keep an eye out for a missing teapot, but that’s above my pay grade.

HUEY: So you haven’t seen a teapot around?
ELLEINE: Nope. I’m just the greeter here. I usually hang out by the entrance. Too bad we don’t have a lost and found here. Ooh! I should suggest that!
LOUIS: Then I guess it’s us to us quattro madman to find the teapot.

+At the area with the concert...
SOL: Mario! I heard the garden’s water got tainted, so I came to lay the smackdown. But I can’t figure out tha’ water source! It’s supposed to be around here! And this big stage- it’s totes blocking my view! Apparently, Suebelle is busting her hips up there later, with a pop singer from far away.

Mario and the gang look at the stage.
SOL: This don’t sit right with me. Why’s she performin’, without her sis, in this poison garden? I need to stay here and figure out her deal while we all watch, brudda!
+When Mario and co arrive at the show...
SHY GUY: Hurry up. The show’s about to start!
The lights dim.
Green Koopas dance on both sides of the stage.
?????: When did we fall so madly in love?
Those plump pursed lips!
The overdone purple eye shadow

You only call me by moonlight...
Two hearts in doki doki panic
My heart Flutter Jumps
Kiss me, my darling
Oops! There’s egg on your face

SHY GUY: Birdo’s a bit past her prime, but she’s still got the moves! Too bad I can’t say the same for her partner’s dancing, though.
SOL: My investigation of the concert confirmed it: jazz hands are the height of entertainment! I mean, those hands- so unnaturally jazzy! Iron Hard Jonny needs to know about those hands at once! Red, you go snoop around for the fountain!
Sol salutes.
SOL: Sol of the Yellow Rescue Squad, reporting for the smackdown! I’mma headin’ back to Port Prisma HQ to see if Jonny’s there!
After Sol leaves...
EDWIN: First...that was unexpected. I might have to pick that album up, once I get the coins. Second, why aren’t you with Marirana, Suebelle?
SUEBELLE: She’s just- URGHHH! She’s way too open about herself! On our way here, we got into a fight over what you said, and- let’s just say we’re no longer the Deeps Sisters. Thank Grambi that Birdo understands me, or I’d go nuts! Just- leave me alone! Go find whatever’s poisoning the garden!
Suebelle leans on the wall.
EDWIN: But...I didn’t mean to...
+After Mario hits the wall...
SUEBELLE: Of all the- it was right behind us the whole time! Could this day get any more stupid?!

Birdo Love Balloon

Slots: 2
Effect: Increases Mario’s power by 4. On the 3rd turn of battle, however, Mario starts taking 5 points of damage every turn.
+Just as Mario is about to collect the Royal Teapot...
????: I wouldn’t do that if I were you, son.
Mario, Huey and Edwin turn around. The moustached Boo is there.
EDWIN: AACE!? What, uh- what brings you here?
AACE: Why, Edwin- I thought I taught you better than that. Didn’ you learn anythin’ from the book I gave yeh, son? And also, it goes without sayin’- I’m mighty upset at you abandonin’ our cause. ‘specially for Mario here.
Mario looks surprised.
AACE: Anyways, that teapot- y’see, I kinda need that for myself. The Royal Family- they used to bring it for picnics while takin’ their pets for a straddle in this park. If I inspect tha’ teapot closely, I’m one step further to findin’- well, that part comes later.
HUEY: I got the feeling whatever you want this teapot for can’t be good for us- or anyone on the island. So, we’re just going to take the teapot for ourselves and-
Aace gets out his sword.
AACE: I’m ‘fraid I can’t let yeh do that, Huey. I need this teapot more than you, son. Prepare yourselves- EN GUARDE!

HP: 140
ATK: 14 (sword slash), 4x4 (sword furry); 20 (spooky sword wave)
DEF: 0. Invisible for infinite turns. Can turn invisible 4 turns after de-activating.
MARK: Musketeer
QUOTE 1: You will trouble us no more.
QUOTE 2: What a mighty fine mess this is.
QUOTE 3: The teapot’ll come with me.
QUOTE 4: I should have come here with them more often...
QUOTE 5: While patience is a virtue, son, it’s not infinite.
QUOTE 6 (if Louis is out): The ex-Yellow Leader’s son. Hmm...I wonder if...
QUOTE 7 (if Edwin is out): And you were such a promising student, Edwin.
QUOTE 8 (while invisible): You don’t have readiness for this, son.
QUOTE 9 (near-defeat): Very impressive! ...yet unexpected.

+For obvious reasons, the first part of the battle is rigged in Aace’s favor. He gets infinite invisibility, making all of Mario’s attacks and partner abilities miss.
+After 2 turns...
AACE: Have I made myself clear, fellers? Don’t meddle with the Musketeers, or they might just leave a mighty great mess behind.
EDWIN: Urgh- he’s invisible. We got nothing that can cancel it out.
AACE: Unless yeh step up your game, Edwin, I gotta say-
????????: Sugar, you better leave mah cute friends alone, or I’m gonna- I’m gonna-
Marirana appears.
MARIRANA: Drop the beat!
Marirana uses her Off-Color Lyrics, cancelling out Aace’s invisibility.

AACE: Now who’re you supposed to be, little darlin’?! And...where’d you learn such foul words?! Yeh should be more like my old stude-
MARIRANA: Don’t yeh turn this around on me, yeh old Boo! Let me tag in, Mario, just to give the others a l’il rest!
Mario nods.
+Using Marirana’s Partner Attack, Mario can cancel out Aace’s invisibility.
+After the battle...
AACE: Why, I don’t believe these eyes of mine! Once again, the student has bested the teacher! An’ once again, a young girl beat me! I don’ know whether to feel sad, glad, mad or even “rad”! ...Hmmm, maybe the second one, with a dash of the third one...
EDWIN: came for us...why?
MARIRANA: I thought about wha’ you said, l’il Edwin. An’ the argumen’ I got with mah sister.
EDWIN: ...listen, Marirana. I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean to cause you and your sister to fight each other. I just- I haven’t really had any friends for a while, but that’s no excuse for-
MARIRANA: It’s alrigh’ suga’. You kinda had a poin’- I send ou’ mah message, but I don’ really connect with mah fans. I should do more to really know them. But even I know yeh can’t know everyone. So’ seein’ as yer with Mario, maybe I could tag along? To really unde’stand how he does his thing!
LOUIS: Now you’re talking my language, sorella attraente!
HUEY: The more people helping restore color, the better!
MARIO: Oh, yeah!
EDWIN: I’d...I’d really like that, Marirana.
MARIRANA JOINED THE PARTY! Press the Y Button to send out sound waves! Hold Y, then release to unleash a sound barrier blast! In battle, Marirana can use Off-Color Lyrics to inflict sound wave damage on aerial enemies, an attack that also disables magic defense perks! While fighting alongside Mario, Marirana’s presence might be rated Not for Everyone, but it increases healing item potency by a noticeable amount!
AACE: This- honestly brings a tear to mah eye. Brings back some mem’ries...
Everyone turns around to look at Aace, rubbing his eye while stroking his moustache.
Pitholl and Cucleer arrive.
PITHOLL: AACE! What did these out-RAGEOUS hooligans do to you?!
CUCLEER: Maybe you should take a breather WHILE WE SKEWER THEM?!
AACE: Naw, naw- I know when I’m licked, boys, and I say that as a professional gentlemen. Besides, I got what I came for- while these folks were busy chattin’ away, I already read the marks on the Royal Teacup. I know what we need to plan next.
PITHOLL: Well, then...that was a waste of time. Come, Cucleer- we have TURTLES to fight! TURTLES!
CUCLEER: This is disappointing...I WANTED A BRAWL!
Both Pitholl and Cucleer leave.
AACE: Well, I better move along, too. As a l’il bonus, I fixed the spring- sometimes, some water from the underground mixes in with the piping, and the animals down there, WOOO! They’re very differen’ from what you find up here. Anyway, next time we fight, I’ll be at full strength. You better take care o’your lady friend until then, Edwin. Same goes for you, Mario.
Before Aace leaves with Pitholl and Cucleer to lick his wounds...
AACE: Before I part, Mario, a l’il question: when does one hide a mighty big secret from a mighty smart crowd?
Mario thinks about it. He then shakes his head.
AACE: That’s fine, son- I didn’t learn myself until nearly a year ago. ..You hide it right when they’re all lookin’ at you. That way, they’re never quite sure wha’ really happened. Until next time.

Aace floats away. Shortly after, the water and park turns back to normal.
HUEY: “The best time to hide a secret is when everyone’s looking at you”? What kind of advice is that?
EDWIN: Oh, Aace always gives out advice like that. I don’t know what it means half the time, but it sounds smart.

MARIRANA- Off-Color Lyrics

Target: All enemies
Damage: 9 (normally), 18 (air enemies), dispells magical Defense perks

Royal Teapot

Slots: 1
Effect: All Jump attacks gain/change to a Water attribute.
+The Shy Bandit is given the name Masque.
HP: 100
ATK: 10 HP + 20 of each paint
DEF: 0
MARK: None


+After giving the ghosts the Royal Teapot...
MS. BLOOMINGTON: Mr. Mario, I thank you for resolving this bizarre conundrum. I am relieved that our six...spooky customers were happy in the end. And the mysterious room in the basement seems to be clear of all those weird creatures. With that, our hotel will finally open its doors for business once again. Please take this as an expression of our gratitude.
Mario receives a set of Super cards- Mushroom, Red Syrup, Blue Syrup, Yellow Syrup and 1-Up Shroom.
MS. BLOOMINGTON: Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lot to do. You’re always welcome here at the Dark Bloo Inn.

Super Line Jump

Damage: 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2

Super Thunder Jump
Damage: 9 > 2 > 2 > 2, can shock enemies

Super Eekhammer
Damage: 24

Target: All ground enemies
Damage: 8, Fire attribute

Target: All ground enemies
Damage: 8, Water attribute

Crimson Syrup
Heals 100 Red Paint.

Navy Syrup
Heals 100 Red Paint.

Gold Syrup
Heals 100 Red Paint.

1-Up Shroom (altered effect)
Target: Mario
Effect: If Mario is KO’d within 2 turns of using this card, he regains 1/4 his max HP.
Regen Value: 150 of each Paint

+A soundstone blocks the way down to the colorless sea, calling for Marirana.


Yellow Fuzzy
HP: 14
ATK: 6 of each paint/2 seconds- mash A to escape
DEF: 0
MARK: None
Quotes shared with normal Fuzzy.

Green Fuzzy-
HP: 14
ATK: 6 HP/2 second- mash A to escape
DEF: 0
MARK: None
Quotes shared with normal Fuzzy.

+When Mario and co. approach the Pianta atop the lookout...
PIANTA GUY [ ]: Mario! Look! This is super serious!
HUEY: Whoa! Part of the sea is completely colorless! This is a severe environmental issue! One could even call it a “green” issue! Though I guess it’s more of a “blue” issue.
MARIRANA: Huey, darlin’, maybe yeh should take a nap fer a bit.
PIANTA: Forget the sea, or your puns! We’ve got a Vellbex complex!
A cannon ball fires at the lookout tower. Huey SWOOOOOOooces right under, Matrix style. Deh neh neh, nuhNUH nuh NUHnuh...

PIANTA GUY: Whoa! How did you...? Never mind. That’s our boat over there. Kidd the Vellbex and some monsters she tamed came out of nowhere! The Rescue Squad tried to help, but well...they’re kind of full of themselves.
Another cannonball destroys the boxes blocking the way to the ship, revealing a Vellbex girl.
VELLBEX GIRL [ ]: They’ve bwoken thwough the bawwicade!
HUEY: The sea being colorless is kind of...worrisome. Let’s go check it out. Besides, it’s just that crazy goat woman again. No-one we can’t handle.
+Upon freeing the Invisible CAAN from the barrel...
CAAN: Oy- thanks for that, guv! We gathered the entire Yellow Rescue Squad for this mission, but right now, we’re at a stalemate with these blokes! I’ll keep an eye on the tide of battle from here. You go give the rest of my Squad some reinforcement, y’hear?
Caan salutes. He then heads for the jetty/dock.

+After pulling Armstrong free from the barrel...
ARMSTRONG: Just as I thought: Kidd’s really become an underhanded heel! What do I tell the Squad Captain?
Armstrong salutes. He then heads for the jetty.

+Upon reaching the boat...
GREEN FUZZY: ME-ORK! Look who it is, fellas! Mr. Big Nose is here to stick his giant smeller where it doesn’t belong!
YELLOW FUZZY: Buzz off, mega-schnoz! We’re searchin’ for somethin’ important o this here ship, on this GOBSMACKIN’ HOT LADY’S orders!
FUZZY: Yeah, ME-ORK! An important secret about the Violet Islands! Oops- I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. NO WITNESSES!
BATTLE! Fuzzy x3, Yellow Fuzzy, Green Fuzzy

+After hitting the pole with Verona...
FUZZY 2: ME-ORK! Two for the price of one!
BATTLE! Fuzzy, Yellow Fuzzy x2, Green Fuzzy x2

+After defeating the second wave of Fuzzies...
VERONICA: You think it’ll never happen, but here I am, being singled out for standing up to Kidd’s anarchy! Girl, buddy, it hurts, but...
Veronica salutes. She then heads for the jetty.

+When Mario heads to the Yellow Fuzzy fighting Sol...
YELLOW FUZZY: ORK! No one interrupts a good old-fashioned paint-suckin’ without payin; the price. Which is more suckin’! Get him, boys!
BATTLE! Yellow Fuzzy x3, Green Fuzzy

+After defeating the third wave of Fuzzies...
SOL: JEEZ! A sweaty-palmed back-and-forth on the bowsprit of a ship! Just like during pay-per-view events, brudda!
Sol salutes. He then heads for the jetty.

+When Mario reaches the front of the ship...
YELLOW FUZZY: This weak fake leader begged us to dry him out of his misery! Your turn to beg, pretty boy!
BATTLE! Yellow Fuzzy x4, Green Fuzzy x2
+After defeating the Fuzzies and restoring color to Iron-Hard Jonny...
JONNY: Huh?! I did it? I beat them?! Maybe I did need to have more confidence in myself- like Orion taught me-
????: That old geezer? HEH! All he can teach is the hard way on learning why it doesn’t pay to care.
Mario and co. look up. Sure enough, Kidd the Vellbex is up there.
KIDD: But now it seems I need to give you chumps a little extra punishment. So here’s a pop quiz!
Kidd moves really fast. She then vanishes to the side of the ship.
KIDD: What happens when I give you one of my famous smooches, like I did those worthless enemies!?

Kidd gives Mario a kiss. The battle begins.

+When the battle begins, Mario is pink in the face.
MARIRANA: Don’t tell me tha’ she-devil got yeh, suga’!
KIDD: Oh, yeah I did, Blondy! If shaggy there tries to call anyone in for help, they’ll feel my passion on the spot and join my side! HeheheheHEHEHEHE! And so order gives way to anarchy!
Mario is feeling all mushy! It might rub off on his enemy careful!

HP: 120
ATK: 17 (Charge attack), 12 (nab attack, steals 2 of Mario’s cards if not blocked), 26 (enemy launch)
DEF: 0
MARK: None
QUOTE 1: Good-lookin’ stache, red boy...seeing someone?
QUOTE 2: Just give up and run home to your girlfriend. Oh wait- you don’t have one.
QUOTE 3: So are you going to fight, or have you realized how pointless it is?
QUOTE 4 (if Marirana is out): Oh- I believe your message NOW, Deeps. This Vellbex has no limits anymore!
QUOTE 5 (after taking Mario’s cards): I know someone who’d like these more!
QUOTE 6 (if Kidd converts an enemy): Your thug is much redder for me than you, red!
QUOTE 7 (after launching an enemy): I can always get more of them.
QUOTE 8 (near defeat): What- you still haven't given up!?!

+After defeating Kidd again...
KIDD: But- HOW! Your little henchies were head over hooves for me- AND YOU STILL WON!? I NEEDED that secret, to- RRRRRRRRRRRR- never mind!! It doesn’t matter- nothing EVER matters! Next time we meet, you won’t be able to stop me, Shaggy!
Kidd runs off.
JONNY: Yikes! Kidd’s becoming more and more desperstructive by the second! Even with just the one eye...the Squad Captain really needs to know about this, before she does something destructolyptic!

Jonny salutes. He then heads for the dock.
MARIRANA: That was tougher than bullfightin’ near lava, but we drove off that nutty nancy and res’cued the Rescue Squad mem’ers! Let’s head back to the jetty.
+Upon returning to the jetty...
JONNY: Mario, sir! The ship recovery mission was a humongouccess! Thanks for your support!
All five members salute.
JONNY: Jonny, Caan, Sol, Veronica and Armstrong of Yellow Squad Squad, reporting for a dutytastrophe! As a team, we’ll report back to the Squad Captain until an emergenotice!
The whole team departs.
After they leave, the pirate crew arrives- the Pianta guy, the Vellbex girl, and a red Toadette wearing pirate garb [ ].
VELLBEX GIRL: Mawio! Thanks to you, we got our pwecious ship back. Actuwally, this ship bewongs to my aunt Baabeaussa, and she’s, uh...
Mario and co. see a female Vellbex pirate, stranded near a barrel. [ ]
VELLBEX GIRL: Well, when those mean people attacked, she got tossed onto a bawwel by Aunty Kidd, and got mawooned in that cowowess wateh! I’m sowwy if I’m acting spoiled, but please go wescue my aunt! Pwease?!?
MARIRANA: Suga’ I wish we could help, but we can’t sail through that passionless water!
HUEY: ...Unless...If we could track down a Grand Paint Star and repaint the sea, we could probably rescue your aunt Baabeaussa!
VELLBEX GIRL: We’ll wait for you to weturn! OK, cwew, no mow games- back to the ship.
All three crew members head back to the ship.

+When Mario meets up with Clara T...
CLARA T: Good to see you’re still fighting, my dear Mario! My family’s here to help you on your adventure! Or we’re supposed to be, at least...See, I heard this lousy turnip was blocking the path, so I kicked into action! But the rest of my family hasn’t arrived yet. Perhaps they didn’t get my message. If you see any of my family at our headquarters in Port Prisma, tell them to come here!


+Upon finding the next massive blank spot...
HUEY: Whoa it’s another one of those massive blank spots. Gross...
MARIRANA: Are those a couple’a’Toads hangin’ out in the middle?

+At the resting chair...
CHEF/BAKKE T [ ]: Aw, yeah. That’s the stuff. You don’t have to, like, rescue anyone right now, do you? Cause I don’t want this to stop. Ever.

BEEYEW T: Nuh-uh, lady. My top “prior’ty” is “res’cuin’” you from the hotness.
Beeyew T stops fanning.
BEEYEW T: But you only gave me money coins for one-two-four-three hours. And I think time’s ‘bout...up. Sorry, Misses Bakke T., but you hafta make anoth’r “reser-vation”. Have a good day!
Beeyew T salutes.
BEEYEW T: Beeyew T of the Green R’scue Squad, r’portin’ for duty! Now, if you’ll ‘scuse me, Mister Mario, I have to go “r’port” to my mommy! Or daddy, if he’s OK...
Beeyew T runs off.
BAKKE T: ‘Sup, Mario. Look, I appreciate you coming all the way down here, but I don’t have a table for you, OK? If you don’t mind sitting at the bar, I can mayyyybe squeeze you in. In three years. What can I say? The Mustard Café is on fire right now. We’re hotter than the star I stole from the Snifits, you know?
HUEY: Star from the sky? Guys, you thinking what I’m thinking?
LOUIS: I think so, Huey, but where are we going to find a spaceship to head to the Comet Observatory?
HUEY: Good contribution, Louis, but just no. Um, Chef? Is there ANY way to...
[Rest of cutscene continues]


+Upon locating the Squad Captain...
SQUAD CAPTAIN: Attention, Suga T, Peppa T, Whittik T and Beeyew T! Report to squad member Clara T in Sacred Forest on the double!
GREEN SQUAD TOADS: Understood! Over and out!
The Green Squad move out.
Before Mario can leave, however...
SQUAD CAPTAIN: Hold it. I heard from Yellow Rescue ran into Kidd again, didn’t you?
Mario nods.
MARIRANA: Squad Capt’in, why is Kidd actin’ like a rabbid Chain Chomp t’wards everyone?
SQUAD CAPTAIN: I’m afraid that’s a matter between Kidd and I. All I can say is, she’s handling things poorly. If she gets in your way again, and doesn’t listen to you, let me know. Her behaviour is unacceptable, and would especially negatively influence B-
The Squad Captain stops talking.
SQUAD CAPTAIN: Just...just head to Sacred Forest.