Random things people assume about you

Occasionally Returns

Fluffy boi(or possibly gurl?)
Just felt like making a topic about what people assume about you and whether or not it's true. I've been asked if I was autistic(which I actually am), if I take medication(but I don't), and if I had a cigarette/smoke weed(which I don't). What about you all?
A lot of people think I'm about 17 just because of how tall I am. And they all think I play basketball, which I don't.
People think I outright hate Wario.

I don't. I just like beating him up.
Nibbs said:
I assume that people assume that I assume that they assume things about me.

I'm assuming.

That was so deep.
a lot of people assume my name is uniji
Alex95 said:
Because of my various health issues, I'm assumed to be something of a weakling. Proved that wrong on a number of occasions.
I'd actually like to hear about that.
Marcia said:
People say my voice isn't bad when it's actually really deep and I hate it.
several people have asked me to register to vote
they're very surprised when i say i'm 15
getting labeled antisocial because you're shy

people thinking i'm 13 years old when i'm really 22

assuming im white because my skins white lel

assuming im mexican when ever i speak spanish

peeps assuming youre a jerk because you dont smile for them 24/7

theres alot
pretty sure comparing someone to leafy is borderline flaming

anyway, people always used to assume I was younger than I actually was back in middle and high school.
I get asked on weekdays why I'm not at school by people who haven't seen me at work before. I don't think I look particularly young but I've been told by people younger than me that they thought I was younger than them. Just today someone asked if there was no school today, then I told them I had finished school, then they assumed I dropped out early but I had to tell them I went through to year 12.

I benefit from it when I'm on register though, people are way nicer if you make a mistake when they think you're just a kid.
at my job, ancient customers ask if im old enough to even work there

jesus christ lady im in my 20s