Things That Always Get In the Way When You Try To Accomplish Something


Time and bad luck.
this forum

In all serious, yeah time (or lack thereof) definitely gets in the way.

Me not being able to drive also makes things a hassle for everyone else when i have to go somewhere.
Clocks. I haven't run into one in a while but still.

Oh yeah, and me not wanting to do anything,

For instance, a few weeks ago I decided to go for a bike ride, but when I eventually got up to do it, I didn't feel like it; it was raining.
ADHD, procrastination, lack of self confidence, lack of motivation
D.Va said:
I have only myself to blame

There is actually a song with the name "Only myself to blame".

As for my thing, there are 2 occasions for my nose. It is either when it runs constantly, or if it is blocked up so I barely can't breathe.