NSMB2: Does resetting the coin counter affect DLC?

Hello. :)

So I'm ready to do another playthrough of New Super Mario Bros. 2, and I want to reset the coin total back to 0 before I start a new file. I looked it up, and to do this, you have to reset the entire save data on the game, and you do that by holding down the ABXY buttons while the game is loading up.

However, I'm concerned, because I don't want it to also erase the DLC course packs I downloaded for the game, and thus have to buy them again. Does anyone know if clearing the cartridge data will also wipe off the DLC? Or will the DLC stay on even after the reset?
The DLC is tied to your eshop account/purchase history, so even if it's deleted you can just redownload it.
Well I started a new file, and it turns out that I'll have to re-download the DLC anyway because I'm playing the game on a new 3DS (having lost my old one). Is there any way to connect to my old eshop account, or was it tied specifically to my old 3DS?
Re: NNID question

I remember a similar thing.

Lakituthequick said:
From what I see from it, if you linked a NNID to a 3DS, you can for some reason only unlink it by completely removing the NNID and therewith all content bought with it. (Fancy warning sound effect though.)

Meaning: an NNID can only be tied to one 3DS, and will be forever locked to that one.

You can get it to a new 3DS by using a System Transfer, but seeing you lost your old one somehow, you're screwed on that department. You'll have to create a new NNID and buy the DLC again.
I heard nintendo support can transfer NNIDs.
I'll probably just re-buy the course packs. Not that big of a deal.

Either way, thanks for the info. I never thought of it being tied to my eshop account, but I'll keep that in mind for the future.