What is something that makes you insecure about yourself?


I sometimes fear that there is something in my personality or my presence alone that creeps everyone out. People rarely respect me when they notice me either by being cruel directly or in a patronizing way. I sometimes see myself in the mirror and I find nothing wrong with myself. I sometimes feel I am not even the same species, explaining why I fail to get respect from someone. Even worse there are some moments where I wish I could dream(the sleeping type) about how would the world be like if I never existed. Did I mentioned that I also feel like if I am ignored every time when I say something or post something?
The only thing so far is that I really hope I can live a completely independent life from my parents. I can't even drive yet...
I am too afraid to touch the "car's rotating thing". I bet I may not get over my fear of learning how to drive a car.
Learning how to drive isn't very difficult. You get to practice making turns without even having to push your foot down on the accelerator. The car moves by itself very slowly, it's very easy to get used to it. I'll be warning you that the gas pedal is REALLY sensitive and you should be careful with it. Use the brake very liberally when you learn to start driving.
nothing, because i am perfect in every way
Baby Luigi said:
Learning how to drive isn't very difficult. You get to practice making turns without even having to push your foot down on the accelerator. The car moves by itself very slowly, it's very easy to get used to it. I'll be warning you that the gas pedal is REALLY sensitive and you should be careful with it. Use the brake very liberally when you learn to start driving.
yeah driving really isn't that hard, once you've learned how to drive it becomes ridiculously easy. especially when you're on the interstate

i have more problems staying awake while driving than anything else lol
I know I'm socially awkward, I act more immature than my age, and I let my emotions control me sometimes.
i sometimes actually fear that i will become an insane rapist one day.

i think too much about embarrassing things i did in the past, so that makes me kinda insecure i guess
else not really much.
Paper Jorge said:
my eyebrows
my height
etc etc etc


I always used to be insecure about my body but I've gotten a lot better about that. I'm a bit insecure about the way I talk because sometimes my words become jumbled or I have a hard time with words coming to me and sometimes it makes for an awkward position and situation for me.
Javelin said:
yeah driving really isn't that hard, once you've learned how to drive it becomes ridiculously easy. especially when you're on the interstate

i have more problems staying awake while driving than anything else lol
qft. Including the sleepy bit. Driving on the highways at 4:30 is the best thing in particular since there's few folks around, so you just gotta worry about not falling asleep.
Ever since contacts came into play in my life, I've been a lot more accepting of my looks, but I still feel like my face is weird. My eyes get a little squinty when I smile, I hate that I have freckles, my nose is a little too wide, my lips are a little too full, my face is always a bit flushed, my hair is most of the time a problem but I look decent when my hair looks great (I can't wear hats because I don't like how my face looks without my hair). I also stand weird like I lean back too much and I have long arms and long hands while my feet are small and I have a long torso and it's these proportions that make me feel awkward and unsure of what to do with my body.

I also have so many insecurities about the way I speak and interact with people. I always feel on-edge when hanging out and talking with people because I'm not sure if I'm awkward or if I'm nice or if they find me annoying or if I'm saying the wrong thing. My social anxiety is so bad, I think I should actually go to a doctor and see if I can take some meds to help me out with that.

Oh, and believe it or not, anything I create I have so many insecurities about it. If I wrote it, or drew it, or composed it, I actually feel so insecure and terrible about it as though I should be ashamed. I don't know why that is, but maybe just the fact that I know it's mine and that I'm not a professional at it I just feel like it's inexcusible and that I shouldn't show people. Like someone makes something even if it's WIP I find it amazing, but if it's mine, I'm so embarrassed to claim it and I apologize for how bad it is.
One thing is that I'm afraid users might find me immature, annoying, or having an otherwise terrible personality. People just "tolerate" me here or they think I'm jealous of mods or something. Can't lie that I don't envy sysops and patrollers a bit, but I sometimes feel like I'm here only because of that.

As unrealistic that might be, it's always a horrible feeling to view yourself as a fraud.
relationship talk i guess

dont really have much experience so it really bothers me when people talk to me about it i guess

hell i feel insecure about it right now by just explaining it
Sometimes i feel my little brothers don't have long to
live and i just "try to enjoy on what i have left"...(Creepy)

Sometimes...I feel like the world hates me for some reson...