Alternate versions of characters in spinoffs

Obese Iron Impaled Rotten King Waluigi On Fire.
My bro, Sinopia Tantalum Luigi.
Platinum Yoshi.

Note: Baby Baby Mario would be Fetus Mario.
Aside from a select few, I think adding different variations of the same character is a bad idea. Just look at Mario Kart 8's roster, which has "wasted potential" written all over it.
AuroMetalSaurus Flerovium Birdo.

Baby Baby Baby Mario.
Baby Zygote Mario, wearing a bonnet.
Baby Sperm Mario and Baby Metal Egg Mario.
Papa Metal Mario
Dry Grandma Mario

And who can forget Mama Luigi?
And the face would probably be like Baby Mario's face.

~~~~~: :babymario:
Halayà úbe Praseodymium Mario said:
And the face would probably be like Baby Mario's face.

~~~~~: :babymario:
and the egg
Of course, we all know that the world is in dire need of a Baby Waluigi, but I'd like to put forth - and this may be such a radical idea that you are not capable of appreciating it - that we also need some form of Waluigi that is inbetween Waluigi and Baby Waluigi, some kind of adolescent Waluigi. Yes, yes, I can already hear you complaining, and I think you are justified to do so, but this is simply because this idea is too good for you to understand. Hear me out. When you are playing Mario Kart games(like the upcoming Mario Kart 8 featuring Waluigi), you are made to pick a character from one of three weight groups, yeah? Light, medium, and heavy. Waluigi of course is heavy, and Baby Waluigi would be light.

This leaves a gaping gap in the medium weight category, where one is actually unable to play as Waluigi in any way(other than playing as Luigi and putting purple plastic wrap over your TV, which I don't recommend because it may void your warranty). So clearly, in order to restore balance to the world and give players the choices they deserve, a middle Waluigi is necessary.