post what you're wearing at this moment

Still pajamas
for some reason my upper body is cold and my lower body isn't, so i'm wearing boxer briefs, a t shirt, and a sweater

Zae Eildus said:
intestines and blood

that's what your skeleton is wearing, silly
t-shirt with Smaug on it and blue jean shorts
Mario hat, Rolling Stones t-shirt, a greenish-blue jacket, jeans, socks, and underwear (and for some reason they're purple with bananas on them).
Black dress pants, white t-shirt with a guitar on it, and a black-woolly-hooded jumper.
A hoodie (with t-shirt underneath, jeans, socks and shoes, and glasses

yep, pretty boring
work uniform composing of dirty jeans, wet socks, sauce- and grease-encrusted shirt, and flour-covered hoodie

took my hat off so I'm now sporting horrid hair