Accent Challenge!

fantanoice said:
Here's my recording:

I enunciate my 't' sounds more than most other Australians, so some people think I sound British because of it (especially Americans). The more casually I speak, though, the more they become 'd' sounds which is a lot more common. I also do the weird Aussie thing where you never enunciate the 'r' sound unless a vowel comes after it, making a schwa ('ə') sound instead. A schwa sounds kinda like 'uh'.

I was going to write them all out in IPA but cbs.
The more casual, the less self-regulating and the closer you get to the true accent. That's the one downside of the list format: we're all paying really close attention to how we're saying it, so high self-regulating. The most telling sound bytes here are the rambling chatter parts.
I'm sorry each and every single one of you but the crlorrect and only correct pronunciation of the big easy is "Nyawlins"
Floki said:
I'm sorry each and every single one of you but the crlorrect and only correct pronunciation of the big easy is "Nyawlins"
Going to sig that someday.
aunt: either aunt or ant
roof: roof (exactly that)
route: row-t
theater: thee-tur (or sometimes thee-a-tur)
iron: i-urn
salmon: sal-mon (exactly that)
caramel: car-mel
fire: fi-ur
water: wah-tur
New Orleans: New Or-lens
pecan: p-con
both: both (exactly that)
again: a-gen
probably: prah-bib-lee
Alabama: Al-a-bam-a
lawyer: loy-er
coupon: q-pon
mayonnaise: may-on-ays
pajamas: pa-jam-as
caught: co-ght
naturally: nat-ur-alee
aluminum: alum-in-um (exactly that)
GIF: GIF (like gift)
cracker jacker: cracker jacker (exactly that)
doorknob: dor-nob
envelope: en-vel-ope

What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?: TP'ing
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?: Pop
What do you call gym shoes?: Sneakers, tennis shoes or just plain shoes
What do you call your grandparents?: Grandma/Grandpa
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?: Shopping cart, but mostly just plain cart
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?: Remote
What do you call the thing your drink out of found in public buildings such as schools?: Water fountain

Which accent do you think I have? (I believe it's a hybrid between a slight East Coast accent and a tiny bit of Midwestern with slight nasal tones-this particular dialect is quite common across the southeastern corner of Michigan and also in the northwestern corner of Ohio)
Hey look it's a Vocaroo link from me and I'm not singing :eek:
Aunt: ohnt
Roof: roof
Route: root
Theater: theeter
Iron: iurn
Salmon: samun
Caramel: car-a-mel
Fire: fiur
Water: wahter
New Orleans: noo orleens
Pecan: peecan
Both: both
Again: agen
Probably: probly
Alabama: alabama
Lawyer: loyer
Coupon: coopon
Mayonnaise: manaise
Pajamas: pajahmas
Caught: coht
Naturally: natruly
Aluminium: aluoominum
GIF: gif
Crackerjack: idk how too do this differently
Doorknob: dorenob
Envelope: nvilope
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house? being stupid
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? Soda, or the brand name
What do you call gym shoes? shoes or sneakers
What do you call your grandparents? Grandma, Grammy, Grandpa
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? cart
What is the thing you change the TV channel with? remote
What do you call the thing your drink out of found in public buildings such as schools? bubbler
Aunt: Ar-nt. Aussie/British way.
Roof: Roof.
Route: Root.
Theater: The-a-ter.
Iron: Iyon.
Salmon: Sa-man
Caramel: Ca-ra-mel
Fire: Fi-er.
Water: War-ter.
New Orleans: New Or-leens.
Pecan: Pea-cun
Both: Both.
Again: A-gaain.
Probably: Prob-aab-lee.
Alabama: A-la-baa-ma
Lawyer: Law-yar.
Coupon- Coo-pon
Mayonnaise: May-on-nas
Pajamas: Pa-jaa-mas.
Caught: Cort.
Naturally: Na-tur-a-lee
Aluminium: Al-you-min-i-um
GIF: Jif
Crackerjack: Cra-ker-jack
Doorknob: Door-nob
Envelope: En-ve-lope

1. TPing
2. Soft drinks
3. Joggers
4. Nanny and Poppy
5. Trolley
6. Remote control
7. Fountain

Very Australian.
Aunt: ont
Roof: roof
Route: rau-t
Theater: thee-a-ter
Iron: ai-earn
Salmon: sal-mon
Caramel: car-mel or care-a-mel (for some reason if i'm talking about something like putting caramel sauce on ice cream, i say care-a-mel but if i'm eating caramels like as in the candy, i say car-mel)
Fire: fai-er
Water: wah-ter
New Orleans: new or-leans
Pecan: pee-khan
Both: both
Again: a-gen
Probably: prahb-a-blee
Alabama: alabama
Lawyer: law-yer
Coupon: coo-pon
Mayonnaise: mayo-naise
Pajamas: pa-jam-ahs
Caught: cah-t
Naturally: nat-chu-rally
Aluminium: alu-mihn-um
Crackerjack: um like cracker and jack put together? :lol
Doorknob: dor-nahb
Envelope: on-ve-lop
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house? TP-ing
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? Soda
What do you call gym shoes? sneakers
What do you call your grandparents? Grandma, Nana, Grandpa
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? shopping cart
What is the thing you change the TV channel with? remote
What do you call the thing your drink out of found in public buildings such as schools? the water fountain
Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
What do you call the thing your drink out of found in public buildings such as schools?

2.Roof (rhymes with "oof"
10.New orr-leens
16.A la bam ma
23.Gee Eye Eff
24. Cracker jack
25. Dohr nawb
26. Enn vel-ohp

What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house? Toilet paper on a house.
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? Soda/soft drink; depends on the drink
What do you call gym shoes? Tennis shoes
What do you call your grandparents? My grandfathers are dead, so Mami (French for Grandma) or 奶奶 (Chinese for Grandma)
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? A cart
What is the thing you change the TV channel with? Remote.
What do you call the thing your drink out of found in public buildings such as schools? A fountain.

I also pronounce "archive" as "arch-eeve" and "finite" as "infinite" without the "in". Wrong, I know, but whatever.

whoops, i left my microphone on stereo mix, sorry about that

i think i simulated the britishness of my accent well

i'll probably do a real one at some point, over, like, the next week or something idk

probably not doing one as a recording tho, my voice sounds awful on recordings/spoiler]
I actually feel compelled to fake a southern accent around northerners

It makes me feel badass, like at any time I could kill a man with a crawdad and a coffe can of Zatarain's.

I don't have a real strong one and it sounds more texas-ish than Louisianian
Pink Gold Fanta said:
Mfw people write the pronunciations as how it is spelt.

how do they not realize that spelling something out is still pronounced differently when spoken depending on the accent?