1,000,000 things we hate!

1575. When you forget to eat because you are alone at home
1588. When I accidentally ear rape myself by putting earphones in when my computer is at full volume
1,590: When you go on a water slide which you think goes straight but underground, which really turns out to loop around several times in the pitch blackness and you constantly end up on the walls and almost tip the boat right over upside down because apparently the combined weight of you and your brother is not enough to keep a rubber dinghy on the base of a water slide, and the boat is so small you end up looking like Waluigi when you sit in it because your arms and legs are sticking right out and bent double.
1592. When I'm laying in bed and can't sleep because it's hot
1594. Watching someone new play Mario Kart. (I suffer doing this.)
1,597: When you go somewhere on holiday that claims to be a short walk from the beach but is actually a twenty minute steep downhill struggle.