My Roster

Nick Fury said:
I'd replace Ike with Chrom, remove Wolf and Snake, add Palutena, and maybe King K. Rool. Though if you did that, you would have the same thing as my roster. Man, our rosters are pretty similar.
I used to have King K. Rool, but I removed him.
A thing for my next roster update
Super Smash Misty said:
So uh update 9 I guess?
I stopped using the traditional method.

Changed into a rectangle (still semi-sorted by series).
Changed all art to SSB4 if possible. If not, I either used the Brawl artwork or an artwork from the series of origin.
Removed Waddle Dee and Bowser Jr..
Split Mario series into Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong (albeit it won't really show in the new image, but I split it before rearranging it).
Added Random button.