What videogame could you write an essay on?

Purple Yoshi said:
tbh, I should have said "What videogame is deep enough that you could write an essay to analyse it like you would a book in english or whatever"
The Zelda series.
Hell, even the Mario series itself can warrant an essay on motivation and persistence.
I know pretty much everything about Wario Land 4, so I'd write an essay on that for sure.
If my teacher gave me a game to play and gave me pop quiz or assignment, I would get 100% and an A on everything. Every subject in school would be fun if they involved video games with them. Just putting video games in anything I do will motivate me. That's why my custom title is "Video game addict at your service".
Trust me, it's not as easy as you say so.
I'm on an University that goes only about video games (Development, actually), but the level of it is really high, and thus it's really hard.

Edit: Damn, mornings!
I think the only game I could write an essay about would be Metal Gear Solid 2, it's ending is just brilliant in meme theory, what it means, and how it could be used for good and evil, and then Raiden deciding to just follow his own path, it certainly would be the only one I could write pages and pages about.
Even though I haven't finished it yet, I think Tales of Symphonia would probably be pretty easy to write an essay on.
I could write an in depth essay on the dramatic game known as "pong".

Ok, for real I guess if I had to wright an essay on a video game/videogame series it probably be either Mario and Luigi:Bowser's Inside Story(I've played it so much) or the Call of Duty:Modern Warfare series.
Crackin355 said:
Even though I haven't finished it yet, I think Tales of Symphonia would probably be pretty easy to write an essay on.

Oh, yeah, I could probably do one for Tales of the Abyss, also known as "My favourite game I've never played."