Marvel Cinematic Universe

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if one of them gets picked and the other doesn't, i still hope that they'll get the other one in a role somewhere in the universe, preferably alongside the other one.

i'd just love to see the onscreen chemistry between hardy and cumberbatch, see what it's like
here are the rest

aw no mask :[


Is it wrong that I now want Fox and Sony to go bankrupt so these rights go to Marvel?

Иeptune said:
^what could have been, if marvel weren't so greedy with their money
Why the hell are you blaming Marvel? They're the ones who want the rights back so something like this can happen. If anything, Fox and Sony are being greedy.
GalacticPetey said:
Is it wrong that I now want Fox and Sony to go bankrupt so these rights go to Marvel?

Иeptune said:
^what could have been, if marvel weren't so greedy with their money
Why the hell are you blaming Marvel? They're the ones who want the rights back so something like this can happen. If anything, Fox and Sony are being greedy.
marvel were the ones who sold them off in the first place

fox and sony now hold those rights because marvel made a stupid move

now they want them back because their other movies are doing good

they're being bloody greedy
It was not a stupid move.

They sold the rights because they were losing a lot of money and needed to make some profit. Had they not sold the rights, they may have gone under.
Иeptune said:
GalacticPetey said:
Is it wrong that I now want Fox and Sony to go bankrupt so these rights go to Marvel?

Иeptune said:
^what could have been, if marvel weren't so greedy with their money
Why the hell are you blaming Marvel? They're the ones who want the rights back so something like this can happen. If anything, Fox and Sony are being greedy.
marvel were the ones who sold them off in the first place

fox and sony now hold those rights because marvel made a stupid move

now they want them back because their other movies are doing good

they're being bloody greedy

...because marvel didn't own their own studio yet, and originally relied upon those other studios to produce films on their behalf?
GalacticPetey said:
It was not a stupid move.

They sold the rights because they were losing a lot of money and needed to make some profit. Had they not sold the rights, they may have gone under.
Toad Eightyfive said:
Иeptune said:
GalacticPetey said:
Is it wrong that I now want Fox and Sony to go bankrupt so these rights go to Marvel?

Иeptune said:
^what could have been, if marvel weren't so greedy with their money
Why the hell are you blaming Marvel? They're the ones who want the rights back so something like this can happen. If anything, Fox and Sony are being greedy.
marvel were the ones who sold them off in the first place

fox and sony now hold those rights because marvel made a stupid move

now they want them back because their other movies are doing good

they're being bloody greedy

...because marvel didn't own their own studio yet, and originally relied upon those other studios to produce films on their behalf?
>implying they needed more than one company to produce their films

they should have just chosen one company to produce the films, i'd bet that they were looking for the highest bidder for their movies, and when one bought one and offered a lower price for the other, they decided to sell the rights to another company

i mean why elsa would they sell their rights off to different companies? really quite suspicious
You.... You can't be serious.

Maybe Fox didn't want Spider-M-n. Maybe Sony didn't want the X-Men.

You're BS conspiracy theory is just dumb.
GalacticPetey said:
You.... You can't be serious.

Maybe Fox didn't want Spider-M-n. Maybe Sony didn't want the X-Men.

You're BS conspiracy theory is just dumb.
ok, first, it's "your". "You're" means "You are", so you essentially said "You are BS conspiracy theory", and you basically sounded like the Heavy there, calling Me a bullshit conspiracy theory, as opposed to calling my theory a bullshit conspiracy theory.

Secondly, the common sense of things is that if Fox or Sony are actually looking to buy one of Marvel's comics, then odds are they'll want to buy the rest of them. Sony wanting Spiderman over the X-men? That really doesn't make any sense, and you know it. Frankly Marvel is a goldmine of characters and stories, fantastic characters and stories, at that, but the fact that Marvel couldn't be bothered to hold it out with one company really doesn't make any sense other than "they wanted money". Why do people work for a living? Why was Marvel even started up as a business in the first place? Why were these comics made into movies? I can sure as hell tell you that it's not about doing it for the hell of it. It's about 60% making money, and 40% for the fans. Admittedly no one could predict what this could all come out to, but the very fact that they couldn't just sell all their rights towards one company is why we should be placing blame on them. You don't think that DC would sell off Batman to one company and then lose the rights to the rest of them to some other company, or New Line Cinema buy the Lord of the Rings, but have to miss out some other characters because they didn't buy the rights to them? No, because universes stick well as universes. And even then, why not just pull out the X-Men and Spider-man? They're Stan Lee's stories, he has the right to pull them, except he doesn't. In fact he seems much happier leaving them the way they are and making cameo appearances in basically all of them. I'm not saying he's a bad man, he's simply made a bad choice, which he should at least try to amend before too long. You're so quick to blame Fox and Sony, and although they are partly to blame, due to the fact that they're blood sucking corporations who don't know a good movie opportunity if it slapped them in their faces, but Marvel made the mistake first. Again, they're not a bad company, they're a good company who've made a silly mistake. That's my honest to god take on this.

And I am serious. I find that whenever I'm serious, people think I'm joking, and whenever I'm joking, people seem to take me seriously. And whenever I correct people on this, I get yelled at by Time Turner. Figures.
Иeptune said:
GalacticPetey said:
You.... You can't be serious.

Maybe Fox didn't want Spider-M-n. Maybe Sony didn't want the X-Men.

You're BS conspiracy theory is just dumb.
ok, first, it's "your". "You're" means "You are", so you essentially said "You are BS conspiracy theory", and you basically sounded like the Heavy there, calling Me a bullshit conspiracy theory, as opposed to calling my theory a bullshit conspiracy theory.

Your argument should be able to stand up on it's own without doing something petty like picking at someone's grammar (which was most likely just a typo anyway).
Tsumugi Kotobuki said:
Иeptune said:
GalacticPetey said:
You.... You can't be serious.

Maybe Fox didn't want Spider-M-n. Maybe Sony didn't want the X-Men.

You're BS conspiracy theory is just dumb.
ok, first, it's "your". "You're" means "You are", so you essentially said "You are BS conspiracy theory", and you basically sounded like the Heavy there, calling Me a bullshit conspiracy theory, as opposed to calling my theory a bullshit conspiracy theory.

Your argument should be able to stand up on it's own without doing something petty like picking at someone's grammar (which was most likely just a typo anyway).
i could have left out the grammar error and still held my point in good standing, normally I can resist small grammatical errors, like how you put an apostrophe in the "it's" there (meaning it is), but I let that slide because I too make that small mistake sometimes

but ew, whenever someone uses the wrong your/you're, i just can't let it go. it probably doesn't make much sense, but it's just a habit I have. don't tell me you don't have any of those habits.
Not... exactly your best instance of letting something slide.

But I can't say i have a habit that's applicable to calling someone out on the wrong usage of your/you're
ok i'm not going to address your whole argument because i agree with you for the most part, but i just want to point out two things

Иeptune said:
Secondly, the common sense of things is that if Fox or Sony are actually looking to buy one of Marvel's comics, then odds are they'll want to buy the rest of them. Sony wanting Spiderman over the X-men? That really doesn't make any sense, and you know it.

iirc marvel auctioned up each franchise individually because they felt it would help the movies come out faster. their enormous back catalog worked against them, and potential filmmakers felt that having their studio assume all the responsibility would lead to 6-year gaps between films as the studio would struggle to maintain multiple new marvel franchises at once while still producing their own ips. by dividing the labor between different studios, marvel sacrificed continuity for the sake of expediency.

it's still fucking stupidity, but there was a method behind it.

Иeptune said:
You don't think that DC would sell off Batman to one company and then lose the rights to the rest of them to some other company,

dc never had to worry about any of this because they're owned in part by warner bros., who doesn't mind producing all of their movies. meanwhile, marvel was independent until 2008.
Kevin Feige talks about the Ant-Man movie, as well as what the Doctor Strange movie will be like, and also the possibility of a "Guardians of the Galaxy 2":

Also, the main villain for Ant-Man has apparently been announced/revealed: