Your current mood.

Relaxed. I'm done with the student run plays I was in. I can relax all weekend now.

Until rehearsals for Little Shop of Horrors start next week.
Insomnia strikes me at 11 A.M. I can't sleep, so at 3:00 A.M., I decide to get up and edit the Wiki.
still in pain from the tooth ache and still pretty sleepy due to lack of sleep.

Not doin' too bad otherwise though.
aaaaaawwwwwww :'(

man I guess I almost always feel that way a little, I'm used to it most of the time
I'm feeling pretty happy and satisfactory right now
I'm feeling bittersweet, I guess you could say.

Mostly positive though. :3
I have a weird feeling. I don’t feel happy or sad, but it isn’t nothing. It’s as if I’m regretting something, but I don’t know what it is. I had a similar feeling yesterday. I also had a hard time sleeping yesterday and woke up early, but I wasn’t and I still am not tired.
I feel really humiliated for some reason...

I was trying to sing for family, and I know the song by heart, yet halfway through I majorly screwed up and I couldn't sing it further for some reason... Literally. I got shy and ran back upstairs... It was embarrassing...

I mean, I'm sure it's not a big deal, since it was family, but I'm still embarrassed.
Yeah, but I actually get pretty nervous around anyone unless it's just one family member.

Now I'm actually kind of depressed, but for different reasons
*hugs* I agree, it does.

But it's even worse when you also have other mental disorders going on.
I think I'm developing some sleep disorder... I keep waking up in the middle of the night for no reason. SO I'm really tired right now.
I have this habit that's been happening for a while where I'd wake up in the middle of the night because I'm thirsty or I have to pee.

Once I get back in my room though, I (usually) almost always fall right back asleep.

Edit: Currently not in the best of moods right now. And I have no clue why. I just feel really bad so suddenly.