Your current mood.

The Azura Arbitrator said:
Baby Man said:
The Azura Arbitrator said:
Shaken up. There was a car crash in my neighborhood, and a buddy of mine died. A little news story on it is in the spoiler.

That's....awful. Simply awful. I hope you get better.

Thanks. Apparently it was negligent driving that caused it (though we have no clue yet), kinda makes it worse.

I'm feeling better now. Saw the story on national news, actually. I also learned that Jack (my buddy) likely died right then and there, so he didn't feel anything.
I'm sleepy right now...I want to sleep for the entire day. It didn't help that I stayed up 'til 3 last night busy fixing a ragdoll for Garry's Mod

I am feeling very worried and frightened...

My sister was in a pretty bad 3 car accident. Luckily she's ok, just a few cuts, bruises and a swollen wrist and a nasty rug burn from the seatbelt. The car is completely wrecked, but I just can't get this bad thought out if my head. Just a few days ago we were on that street and I just can't stop imagining what would have happened if I was in the car, the whole passenger side was smashed.
I feel sickly and I'm in pain
I'm freaked out. So, we saw a nest outside our house. We figured the wasps came back and made it near our door in revenge of getting rid of the old car that they used to make their nest in. So, we called our mom and asked her to get wasp traps.
They're not wasps. They're not bees. We have no idea what the fuck they are.
can you see any insects?
if not it could be starlings/swifts
(or a really bad case of mold/fungi)
I feel a bit snappy today
I'm a little miffed that the last game of Dota I played was awful. We had a decent team composition, we just needed a support, so of course we ask the last guy to pick a support.

He picked Pudge.

So I'm trying to play support as Doom who isn't designed like a support at all and really can't do much and our team just fell apart because nobody on our team knew anything about their character, except maybe Pudge. Our Morphling was especially awful and apparently had never played the character before because he didn't know that you're supposed to leave Morphling on high agility so you can actually last hit.
YoshiGo99 said:
I am feeling very worried and frightened...

My sister was in a pretty bad 3 car accident. Luckily she's ok, just a few cuts, bruises and a swollen wrist and a nasty rug burn from the seatbelt. The car is completely wrecked, but I just can't get this bad thought out if my head. Just a few days ago we were on that street and I just can't stop imagining what would have happened if I was in the car, the whole passenger side was smashed.'s been two weeks since I lost a buddy in a car crash (hard to believe it's been that long). Just be thankful she's fine.

Not too good. Don't want to say why, but it's something health related (nothing serious).
Completely crushed by how a Sniper suddenly blasted Vaike with a random 54-damage critical and killed him. I don't even want to try again after that.
My dad fcking PISSED me off today

I HATE it when he makes threats about kicking me out of the house when ALL I did was complain when my mother was using the fcking vacuum at 8:00 AM for an hour (I can't wake up at 8:00 AM). I NEVER said I wanted to move out of the house, I just want to fcking sleep when it's hard for me to sleep in the entire night in the first place.

i feel better now but i started off the day on a wrong foot so 'scuse me if i'm a bit more irritable than usual
My brother just moved out to go to college this morn and I kicked a door out of stress. Almost swung off its hinges, but obviously not a good idea...