The official Team Fortress thread

Oh, I thought the different weapons were upgrades. That clears my doubt, then. Thanks :)
Groden said:
I would say roughly 70% of the time, the default weapons are the best because they are not situational.
fuck you. croc-o-style all the way, baby
So playing in that tournament against people who've never played has taught me a few things.

1. Playing in 4:3 aspect ratio sucks ass
1.5: Playing in 4:3 with fov 70 tunnel vision makes people so shitty
2. Playing on ctf_2fort sucks tons of ass
2. Even though I was better than anyone there, 1 man can't carry an entire team. I was originally on blue, however they sucked ass and I was barely giving them a fighting chance. Then one of the counselors tells me I'm supposed to be on red. Whoops. gg no re blue
3. Fucking casuals don't even have good hats.
4. lol none of these scrubs can counter minis on KOTH.(See image)

Ignoring the rules because holy shit has anyone seen the update notes?

I'm on my phone and can't link to it but it's the top post on
The thing that I'm most pissed about:

Minis recovering while building: not a feature, it was a fucking bug. The minis most annoying attribute wasn't even intentional.
Groden said:

my goodness

Well, I'm glad we can get adjusted to the changes before the Awards. And I was gonna use Standin as a custom map, looks like Valve installed it on everyone's computer for me. Thanks, Valve.

oh neat, now I can redeem those Summer Claim Checks I have

but huh, it seems like they did quite a bit. i'll have to keep reading all of these
I just read the patch notes and came a little

Im ok with this DR nerf but it doesnt really affect spycicle DR spies going against pyros
I've been really fucking over pub Spies by gunning them down as they just Dead Ringer away in your face. Also, removal of Saharan Spy's silent decloak is going to make me enjoy pubs a little bit more now. My all-time least favorite thing to deal with was a Dead Ringer Saharan.
Groden said:
I've been really fucking over pub Spies by gunning them down as they just Dead Ringer away in your face. Also, removal of Saharan Spy's silent decloak is going to make me enjoy pubs a little bit more now. My all-time least favorite thing to deal with was a Dead Ringer Saharan.

real men deal with the loud decloak disadvantage

real men are also too poor to afford such hats
too bad it finished uploading, like, 15 minutes after everyone left
are we going to play it tonight for real