The official Team Fortress thread


that requires playing medieval mode
Groden said:

that requires playing medieval mode

Forsooth, aye, swiver that nightsoil, verily I say.
Odin Bob Zeus Hera Thor Crom Mad-poet Navarth Cugel Wotsit Baron Boddisey Poseidon Saint Mary Pallus Athena Loki Erlik Shoggoth Omm Vishnu Azazoth Father Odin Allfather Odin Cthulhu Buddha Aphrodite Isis Kali Dionysus Zarathustra Croesus Hermes Venus Montezuma Popacatapetl Hephaestus Bubastes Bacchus Nebuchadnezzar Assurbanipal Sargon Xerxes Mulwatallish Labarna Hammurabi Rameses Minos Tilgath-Pileser Vercingetorix Mithradites Pericles Belasarius Archaemides Heraclius Imhotep Artemis Orthia Phoebe Hestia Eros Persephone Minerva Mercury Aesculapius Discordia Hecate Hespera
its actually

but whos countig the amount of grammar mistakes i make
buffalo mistake sandvich
Buffalo Mistake Sandvich

While under the effects, move speed is increased, words said and heard will be correct, and the player may only use proper grammar.
Groden said:
i like being able to tell what team something is at a first glance

le gemod face llo!

I would link another but linking images on mobile is a pain in the bitch enough
Groden said:
Yeah, it contains some robot versioned hats and a few new items.

Also, Quacken, do you plan on playing for the Awards match? If you aren't aware, we're hosting a 3-day competitive event probably during late July. Do well, and you earn tokens to trade in for Steam games, Nintendo Points, and so on.

Sorry, late reply.

Sure, I can attend, though if its the during the last week of July, I can't attend, I'm going to be away from home.
Block fort Build 3

*Updated yellow fort to b2 design
**Has no doors
**It's all dark
*Lightposts on dark outer streets
*New exit doors to intersection
*Broke up first floor into 4 rooms
*Top floor is now open
**Hand rails on top girders
**Flourescent lights (but only on red because blu apparently has no equivalent of what I used) (edit: I guess I just couldnt find it because one does exist)
