The official Team Fortress thread

Groden said:
The Spice Melange said:
I was doing mostly for the jumps that have you strafe.

I can't strafe.
Don't hold W when jumping, hold A or D.
I know, I'm getting better.

A quick how to guide for those confused on how to not WM1 with the Axtinguisher.
Aiden Pearce said:
My S. Beggar's Bazooka joined the double digets club.
I've been using that thing of beauty more often than the stock launcher lately. I miss never having to actually be worried about ammo and being capable of doing more than just making a Sniper duck at long range, but getting a cheap kill around the corner when someone walks into a barrage just makes it really OP sometimes.
Groden said:
Aiden Pearce said:
My S. Beggar's Bazooka joined the double digets club.
I've been using that thing of beauty more often than the stock launcher lately. I miss never having to actually be worried about ammo and being capable of doing more than just making a Sniper duck at long range, but getting a cheap kill around the corner when someone walks into a barrage just makes it really OP sometimes.

Do people really duck (crouch) to avoid projectiles?

I find that image hilarious for some reason
Christian Brutal Sniper said:
Do people really duck (crouch) to avoid projectiles?

I find that image hilarious for some reason
That was somewhat a joke, meant more that any aware Sniper can easily just strafe away or not move at all because the rockets are really fucking inaccurate, but you'd be surprised that it does work sometimes if you can't strafe when a grenade or something is heading your way, though it's most useful to do as Heavy.
i just click the 'dont die' button (M2) and i'm fine

dodging is for noobs lolol
yeah or just run away really fast and use double jumps to dodge, that's what i do when im not playing spy

I just realized I play those two classes the most because I can most easily avoid death with them. Dying sucks.
marty's innate fear of oblivion subconciously affects every choice he makes in his day-to-day life
oblivion is okay

but skyrim was better
So I was talking to Packy, and:

Flint: OH
Flint: I was at FYE yesterday
Flint: and oh my god
Flint: They had TF2 merchandise
Flint: They had a stuffed Pyro and a stuffed Scout and Demoman's sticky bombs as plushies

this surprised me, I didn't know they had TF2 merchandise out. That's really damn cool. I wonder if they have any other class plushies.
Yeah, Valve has a ton of merchandise. I have the Scout Beanie, the Force a Nature T-shirt, a Doug Ratmann T-shirt (not longer in sale unfortunately), and a Portal mousepad.
Aiden Pearce said:
-1 Short or Medium Male-to-Male 3.5mm audio cable
-1 3.5mm cable splitter
-1 pair of headphones
-Turn off game audio
-Plug Splitter into headphone jack
-Plug headphones in one half
-Plug the male-to-male into the other half
-Plug the other end of male-to-male into mic jack.
-Turn up the music
-Hold down the push to talk key.
heres the poster for the next event

i forgot to livestream it

i dont know if groden would want me to post it early


So amazing

Also, did you know that you can level up strange demoman melees in cp_degrootkepp super easily? I got almost 300 kills in one hour.
Groden said:

that requires playing degroot keep

just pretend it isn't a cp map.

"Hey what map you playing brudda"
"Oh, you know tdm_Degrootkeep my brah."

Got me some white summer shades