True or false thread

Whilst I don't enjoy, it is highly useful

Next user has been in an embarrassing situation :-[
True, unless it's SUPER cold.

Next user is cynical.

Next user wants to marry Wario.

Next user wants to kill peach.
Well duh. :P

Next user wants money.
That answer just made me realize how hilarious your display name choice is considering your original one.

True, Soul Silver is an awesome game.

The next user is an Ace Attorney fan.
False. I was just calling Crocker to see what I can use to catch them... FAIRIES!

The next user wants apple pie right now.

The user wants apple pie, but with whipped cream.
True. I also want salsa with that as well.

The next user wants a vanilla shake with rainbow sprinkles.
Oh, I'd go for it.

The next user wants half of what I just wanted.