Control the Throne

I come back as a ghost, and blow up all the windows in the throne place, you get scared (cause you cant see me) and run away

Throne supernaturally get
I'm already dead so I appear again as a ghost, I get some MP4 and click the play button, it is some britney spears song, you get scared and you run away, then I destroy the MP4

Throne get
I return to the place, I take you and throw you away, you fall in some sea and the dolphins kill you

Throne get
I orb to Tokyo, I kick you out of the throne and kill you with a Fire ball, then I orb with the throne to Chile

Throne get
I'm sick of being dead, I make a deal with the Death, I'm alive again and kill you with the help of a demon

Throne get
I float up the mine shaft unhurt because I'm a ghost. I possess you to fall down the mine shaft
I commit suicide so your soul can get out of my body, I'm concious again and orb to the throne

Throne get
your computer blows up and you have to leave the throne to get a new one(bombs from vending machines are awesome!).

Throne Get!