Avatar: The Last Airbender + Legend of Korra

If you could choose what kind of Bender you'd be. What element would you choose?

  • Waterbender

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • Earthbender

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Firebender

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Airbender

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • Non-Bender

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
I'll take what Kyatto said with a grain of salt. I'm willing to believe that Shyamalan isn't as liable as the last five years have made him seem, but he still put his name on it.
if you actually read through what I linked it becomes obvious that he had a very large, intentional amount of creative direction

don't defend M. Night's fuckups
and we get a pretty good fight scene. and not much else. as the season draws to a close, i can confidently say that the show seems to have shaken off a lot of the flaws that plagued the past two seasons, but i just can't get interested in it. my father was complaining that each season's plot always seems to be something along the lines of a new, more powerful villain wants to destroy the whole world yet again and that it feels stale. speaking of which, isn't the red lotus basically trying to do the same thing that unulaq wanted to do in the last season? oh wait, unulaq was part of the red lotus, wasn't he. an excuse to basically repeat a plot for two seasons
I loved Zuko's face after Korra said she talked to Iroh - it looked so much like when he was a kid, unlike some of the other grown-up designs where you have to squint to be like "I guess that's Katara", which has always bugged me a bit tbh.
Walkazo said:
I loved Zuko's face after Korra said she talked to Iroh - it looked so much like when he was a kid, unlike some of the other grown-up designs where you have to squint to be like "I guess that's Katara", which has always bugged me a bit tbh.
i don't really get why she had to go into the spirit world, though. like, i love seeing iroh, but it felt like that scene was just there to take up time
Well, this isn't good.

Is someone going to die in this season? There were a lot of close calls this episode.
No-Face said:
and we get a pretty good fight scene. and not much else. as the season draws to a close, i can confidently say that the show seems to have shaken off a lot of the flaws that plagued the past two seasons, but i just can't get interested in it. my father was complaining that each season's plot always seems to be something along the lines of a new, more powerful villain wants to destroy the whole world yet again and that it feels stale. speaking of which, isn't the red lotus basically trying to do the same thing that unulaq wanted to do in the last season? oh wait, unulaq was part of the red lotus, wasn't he. an excuse to basically repeat a plot for two seasons
I don't know why you're complaining about "repeating the plot" since TLA did that for its entire run
I'm planning on waiting until the season finishes before watching, as I did last season
is anyone else getting a weird white box on the side of the screen while streaming the new episode
so i liked that season better than season 2. much less deus ex machinaey resolution

bolin suddenly lavabending earned a definite eye roll though. it wasnt as bad as jinora suddenly developing totally inexplicable and apparently also totally unique magical powers and proceeding to resolve the entire plot, but still

also i didnt like how zaheer would have won if he had just shut up with his "yaaaaaay anarchy!" speeches and killed korra while he had the chance. why do so many villains in every kind of fiction do that? its so stupid
Shoutmon said:
bolin suddenly lavabending earned a definite eye roll though. it wasnt as bad as jinora suddenly developing totally inexplicable and apparently also totally unique magical powers and proceeding to resolve the entire plot, but still
and how mako suddenly learned to lightningbend, yeah. for some reason everyone in this show learns to bend only through adrenaline rushes and stuff. i understand that bolin learned to lavabend because it was supposed to explain why he couldn't metalbend, but it still feels cheap

also, did anyone else think that one fight scene where they're flying around and stuff seem a LOT like the end of sozin's comet?
Nabber said:
mako suddenly learned to lightningbend

oh, did he? i didn't even realize he hadn't done that before
No, that one's not a deus ex machina, actually.

Mako was shown lightning bending in the first episode or something: he worked at the power plant to earn extra money for him and Bolin back when their Pro bending team wasn't very good, iirc. He just doesn't use it much, but that worked well here as a surprise twist that wasn't an ass-pull for a change. (At first I thought the poison being metallic and able to be bent out of Korra was a cheap twist, but come to think of it, it was mercury/mercury-based all along, hence it looked so weird, so it makes sense, I suppose.) I also didn't mind Bolin's lavabending: it seems fair given how he couldn't metal bend (although on the other hand, I liked having a non-prodigy bender on the team for a change, but oh well); perhaps having a firebender brother and maybe even being a fake waterbender in the movers might have helped prepare him for bending hot, liquid rocks somehow, idk.

But yeah, if Zaheer hadn't told Korra that he wanted her to enter the Avatar state in order to kill her, she wouldn't've have resisted and their chances of killing her might have been better. But he also severely underestimated her Avatar state abilities, so it wasn't completely speechifying that sunk him, which I'm glad about: until she did break free and start walloping them single-handedly, all I could think about was how stupid all the babbling was. And not just for Zaheer, but the rescue team too: waiting around for all the prisoners to be freed before sending some folks to save Korra was really dumb, especially considering Jinora knew what was going on and where to go and didn't even speak up about it the whole time.

That being said, there was a lot about the finale I really liked. Like how Zaheer wasn't freed from the earthly realm until he lost his girl (I had been wondering about that, actually, and then they answered it, yay), no to mention the relatively graphic deaths of not only her, but the other evil lady too (Mako straight-up killed someone: I wonder if that's gonna haunt him next season), and another villainous suicide (not as shocking as Tarrlock and Amon, but still, well done). That being said, Zaheer's relationship did seem a bit jammed in there tbh, but at least it made a nice juxtaposition with Korra and her fathers' familial love.

As I've said before, the pacing of this whole season was great, and the finale didn't let me down: it didn't feel like it ended the season too soon or too late, and side from the "omg, stop talking and save/kill her" parts, the episodes themselves moved along at a very natural clip. It was cool that they had the subterranean emeralds of doom return from the A:TLA Season 2 finale: I always love parallels being drawn like that, and it was nicely ominous to boot. Then they went the extra step and called back Season 3 as well with the rock pillars and everything (and even the rock pyramid of incapacitation for Zaheer, like Ozai before him), but now with the Avatar not being able to end the fight alone for a change, despite giving it the old college try. All the fights in general here were exciting and decently suspenseful, really. Makes me wonder what Season 4's ending will be like.

And finally, I really liked how Korra was at the end: completely emotionally blasted, and crippled on top of that? Talk about wham! Her overall uncharacteristic lack of lines, mixed with the deadened look in her face and even how some of the others were treating her conveyed tonnes, and made both Asami's open support and the little smile elicited by Milo's exuberance as he climbed into her lap and arms very sweet. On the opposite end of the scale, I was actually glad the President's still a huge jerkass as he made his snide little comment about Korra being in a wheelchair: on the one hand, his concern's legit (and at least he didn't say it to her face), but on the other hand, it just felt oily.

I'm really hoping the next season starts with Korra still wheelchair bound, and struggling to recover and find her center again, and managing to become her usual confident, badass, butt-kicking avatar self even without the power of her legs, although I'm sure she'll be running around again by the end one way or another. Maybe Toph will finally show up and give her pointers on how to rise above your limits (btw, one last bit of props to the writers for resisting the urge to have her pop up in this season despite being discussed so much: it would have almost been too obvious, and might have even overshadowed Zuzu's return - Toph can get next season).
Sorry for writing so much, I just had a lot to say: overall, I really think this was the best A:TLoK finale to date.
I don't know what the hell Nabber is talking about Mako's been able to lightning bend since the first season.

Really liked the finale. Watched on the TV via the Wii U with a couple friends. Good stuff. Thank God Tenzin didn;t die.

Was Bolin lavabending really a deus ex machina? I easily saw that coming as soon as he started chit-chatting with Ghazan. Would you rather have him become a metal bender?.

Damn, the finale was really intense. Between Zaheer's DBZ like fighting, Korra's face when she was being poisoned, the satanic like poisoning scene, and the graphic deaths for the villains really made this breath-taking.

Jinora getting her tattoos is also awesome. And that ending? It's nice to see Korra in a position where she can;t go and punch the problem. She's crippled now. Maybe this will help wise her up some. Also, that was totally Korrasami

Season 3 is easily the best season of Korra yet. Let's hope Book 4 is even better.

Nabber said:
so uh

what happened to all those vines that were destroying republic city
We had an awesome finale and the only thing you bring up is this?
GalacticPetey said:
Nabber said:
so uh

what happened to all those vines that were destroying republic city
We had an awesome finale and the only thing you bring up is this?
I've become so uninvolved in this season that I really couldn't care for most of what was happening. Sure, we had some cool fight scenes, but after having a fight scene in basically every episode this season, it's not very impressive.

The thing is, this season has been terrible storytelling, to be quite frank. There's a villain, he wants to destroy the world, and Korra stops him. Yay, conflict resolve! Yet, even though the name of the season is "Change", what really changed for any of the characters? The only significant character developing we got this season was that Lin reunited with her sister, and I suppose Tenzin learned to be a little less of a hard-ass (though that's still quite debatable). But that happened in the middle of the season. Everything else I just kinda watched thinking, "Okay, but why should I care?"

It's an anarchist plot. It's been done to death. If you're not going to have an original plot, you have to have something to keep me interested in the show. But there was nothing.
GalacticPetey said:
Avatar's plot was "stop the fire lord". It's not like the Fire Lord was a very interesting character either.
Yeah, but other things actually happened in it. It had fantastic character arcs, great filler episodes, amazing pacing, and of course awesome fight scenes (TLoK has great fight scenes too, I think. But it suffers from having too many, and from coming after Avatar. That's not TLoK's fault, of course, but it does help me realize that the series has just dragged on too long).
GalacticPetey said:
Was Bolin lavabending really a deus ex machina? I easily saw that coming as soon as he started chit-chatting with Ghazan. Would you rather have him become a metal bender?.

its not that hes a lavabender, that's fine. it's that he goes from not even knowing hes a lava bender to being good enough to stop ghazan's lava river in the space of about 0.2 seconds. characters suddenly becoming masters of (airbending, magic, lavabending) at just the right time at the very end of the season is a repeating theme in this show, and i've never especially liked it

i would rather that he had shown only a little bit of talent for lavabending, and had to actually work to get good enough to do things like stopping and freezing a river of lava, or going toe to toe with a guy who had spent years doing lavabending

GalacticPetey said:
I was worried that Bloin was gonna pull a deus ex machiona and metalbend but thank god that didn't happen.

and how is it that him metalbending there would have been a deus ex machina but him lavabending here isn't????
Great finale. This season is a MASSIVE improvement over season 2. The villain's plan actually made SENSE. They're anarchists, and they want to kill the avatar permanently so they can do what they want without the Avatar telling them what to do. Korra's hallucinations with Amon, Unalaq and Vaatu were a nice touch. And the poison being metal makes a bit of sense. Have you guys heard of heavy metal poisoning?

Zaheer being able to fly was a bit weird, but it made for an awesome fight scene, so it's all good. And the fact that they win by the power of communal airbending was smart.

The final scene was a lot more powerful than I thought. Mostly because when they showed Jinora with the tattoos, she looked just like Aang. She's still a somewhat bland character, though.

I kept thinking Suyin was going to make a heroic sacrifice or something. Thank god that didn't happen.