Bad wishes aren't always bad wishes

Granted, you throw it at your neighbor's house, who is your worst enemy.

I wish to turn to stone.
Granted, but you become very popular.

I wish that I was really stupid.
You are only very stupid in the flesh but you are smart in spirit.

I wish I was forbidden to play video games for the rest of my life.
The world ends but begins again

I wish the data stored on all my video games was deleted
He never appears again in your dreams

I wish video games never existed
Granted, but he just wanted to invite you for a dinner.

I wish I had no feet.
granted, but they grow back

I wish I was evil :evilgrin:
Granted, but you fail at being evil, so you are nice again.

I wish I never made an account.
Granted, but those pages were pending for deletion.

I wish that I was a serial killer.
Granted, you were permabanned from a stupid site.

I wish that I didn't like Mario games.
Granted, but you'll get a job which makes you a billiomare.

I wish that I never had a Wii.
Granted, but it's fake bomb that only blows out smoke.

I wish I had to share a bed with Wario
Granted, but you can easily wash away it.

I wish I don't have any money.
Granted, you don't physically have any cash on you, but you have billions of dollars in the bank

I wish Blue Shells were real and one was coming at me