Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

Favorite Troll?

  • Aradia Megido

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Tavros Nitram

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Sollux Captor

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • Karkat Vantas

    Votes: 24 38.7%
  • Nepeta Leijon

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • Kanaya Maryam

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Terezi Pyrope

    Votes: 21 33.9%
  • Vriska Serket

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Equius Zahhak

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Gamzee Makara

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Eridan Ampora

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Feferi Peixes

    Votes: 9 14.5%

  • Total voters
So I'm currently revisiting the past of Hamsteak and just got done with Act 5 again. After rereading the entire thing AND watching Cascade, I have to conclude that there is something that makes no sense to me.

Namely this.

The Slayer was, for the moment, unmotivated by the Thief's motion for a compelling duel. This side of The Scratch, he opted for a more ruthless and calculating policy of extermination. On his arrival, not about to repeat the mistakes leading to his banishment, he quickly obliterated all twelve planets, followed by Prospit and Derse, to weed out those who might outsmart him in the same manner.

This paragraph sounds like nonsense to me and contradicts the truth. The sentence implies that something happened to Bec Noir, a significant event in which the kids forcefully exiled him from their session, something that made him so afraid of it happening again that it altered his usual habits.

But that makes no sense. He was never forcefully banished. He was never "outsmarted" by anyone. He hopped sessions on his own accord, through his own actions, with no involvement from the kids. I guess you could sort of argue that "his hand was forced by the scratch" which would indirectly make John responsible for Noir's decision to session hop. But that feels like kind of a stretch to me, and I don't know if this would justify the shift in his behavior pattern. Plus, if that was the reason, he'd only really have to blow up Aradia's planet (and maybe all the other ones if he doesn't know which one belongs to the time player), not Prospit and Derse.

Does anyone get this? Because to me it seems like some sort of plot hole. Like, maybe Hussie planned to have the kids banish Noir directly, but then changed it to a more indirect chain of events and just forgot that that paragraph existed?

Or maybe Hussie is innocent, but Doc Scratch is full of shit and actually does lie. That would be kind of funny, actually.

Speaking of Doc Scratch being a lying sack of shit: I noticed something else.

Since this timeline will undergo such a violent upheaval, such a merger of memory cannot happen.

This quote from the doctor is complete bullshit and outright contradicts the tale of the Sufferer, who experienced exactly such a merger of memory. So apparently it can happen and Doc Scratch lied. He is thus only fit to be called a hack and should go polish his shame globe immediately and permanently.

One could try to weasel him out of this contradiction by saying "oh, but he said 'this', so it only counts for THIS timeline", but that kind of reeks of arguing semantics and would be really lame, so don't do it, Marowak. :mad:
Well, the guardians, kids and Davesprite did give him lots of grief, so it makes sense that he just wants to wreck everything, although the "leading to his banishment" is an odd choice of words - it'd be more fitting if it were Spades Slick being discussed: maybe Hussie got his Jacks mixed up, idk. Or Doc Scratch was using dramatic flourish and not considering to be lying.

Kankri didn't merge with the Sufferer, and similarly, GO!Terezi isn't merging with post-retcon Terezi - in both cases, they're seeing other versions' memories with Seer powers, whereas the implication is that Davesprite's Rose managed to be a bit more transcendent and became part of the alpha timeline Rose, rather than a Dream Bubble ghost whose memories the alive Rose can peer into (although I always found that part a weird deviation from the normal ghost route, especially since the dead John from that timeline was running around in Dream Bubbles like normal until he got Lord English'd). Anyway, since the timeline's so different after the scratch, there would be no dreamself Rose to merge with: just guardian Rose, and maybe she, like the Sufferer, saw glimpses of Rose's life with her latent Seer powers (or maybe the only reason the Sufferer saw memories was because Meenah killed everyone before they could be oblivion'd - although I guess there'd still be other dead Kankris to tune into without Meenah "saving" the alpha timeline Kankri), but either way, she's not the same Rose, unlike how doomed timelines all essentially have the same people, which is what Rose was wondering about. So again, not the best wording, but not really a lie either.

But it helps that the definition of lie can be abused a lot by loopholes and technicalities and whatnot.
I took a God Tier test the other day, and I got Heir of Hope. Damn. Did some research, and it turns out this is shared with Equius' Lusus, SkyDoesMinecraft, and Sonic the Hedgehog. :'(

Anyway, I would really like to see Bro make a comeback. Even with Dave and Dirk's conversation about him, I think he should make an appearance in a dream bubble at least. Even Hussie himself did, so why not bro?

also can someone explain to me Lil Cal's complete timeline please. I went through it with a friend (who is also the guy who introduced me to homestuck), and I'm still confused thoroughly. Not even MSPA reader: Have mental breakdown helped.
I made this diagram before, maybe it'll help:

"Scratch" is the simplest starting point; if Lil Cal (or otherwise) is filled in with green, he has Caliborn's soul inside him. The red "??"s are the future, while the (overlapping) yellow parts are things I'm not sure of - namely, how LE's timeline of emergence works - like, if he's the troll universe LE first, and then goes to the Dream Bubbles, and then goes back to being in B2 Jack Noir, or if he's even in Jack Noir at all, or what. We still need for info on that part, methinks, But Lil Cal's timeline's solid, afaik.


Also, in case not everyone's seen the latest newsfeed:

[quote author=as of December 10]Hi again. Hasn't been much to see here in a while, so I figured it was time to stop by. Actually I was planning on giving a more substantive update on the progress with both Homestuck and Hiveswap around the end of the year. I'm working on both at the same time right now, so it's keeping me very busy. But progress is going well for both. I'll probably be in a better position to say when Homestuck will update by the end of the year. I'll also have a better collection of materials to show for a Hiveswap update by then too. Progress on the game has been looking great. I've just been very focused on getting work done, so I haven't really had much time to organize a meaningful update. Check back in a few weeks though, and there should be something to see. Thanks for the patience!

In the meantime, neat things keep popping up in the We Love Fine store. Take a look, there are: blankets, calendars, and probably some more stuff you might have missed if you look around! [/quote]
Thanks! The timeline should help me a lot.
Nabber said:
when was that game even supposed to come out? a year ago? two years ago?
Yeah, Hiveswap has had a history of delays, but hopefully it will come out soonish, and not be rushed.
Happy to help!

The word on the street is that the original developers, The Odd Gentlemen, barely did jack shit on the game for a while and used the money they were given for it to make King's Quest instead; the Gigapause was mostly Hussie dealing with all that bullshit and moving the game production to What Pumpkin to finish it in-house, hence the comic wasn't finished during that time like he initially hoped. Since then, he has to juggle working on the comic and running his brand new team that's basically been making the game from scratch since late 2014 with only half the funds left to work with - hence the Omegapause.

Course, that's just rumours, since legal stuff means Hussie can't actually come out and say "yeah, they stole our money and did nothing and that's the REAL reason why we're doing it ourselves now while the comic crawls along", but it certainly seems to fit...
Also it turns out that originally, Hussie wanted Homestuck to be a "warm-up" for the next one. I'm not sure if that's still true though...[quote author=Hussie]
Suppose Homestuck becomes your magnum opus - no matter what else you do in the rest of your life, you’re always know as the guy who did Homestuck. Would you be 0kay with that? Homestuck’s really just a warm-up for something else. Kind of like how Problem Sleuth was a warmup for Homestuck. There’s not much of a chance of it becoming cemented as an opus, or casting a shadow from which I cannot escape. That outcome is up to me, and the degree of focus which I put into the next project.
Pyro Guy said:
Also it turns out that originally, Hussie wanted Homestuck to be a "warm-up" for the next one. I'm not sure if that's still true though...[quote author=Hussie]
Suppose Homestuck becomes your magnum opus - no matter what else you do in the rest of your life, you’re always know as the guy who did Homestuck. Would you be 0kay with that? Homestuck’s really just a warm-up for something else. Kind of like how Problem Sleuth was a warmup for Homestuck. There’s not much of a chance of it becoming cemented as an opus, or casting a shadow from which I cannot escape. That outcome is up to me, and the degree of focus which I put into the next project.
[/quote]i think he just meant that he just did projects one at a time as self contained things

but uh, homestuck definitely grew a lot bigger than he expected
Yeah - that was back in 2010, afaik (using the archive's nearest date). Odds are, he'd want to do something else after it's over since most writers do keep going (but not all), but then again, he's now got a whole video game making studio to manage, rather than writing webcomics full time, so we'll have to see how things balance out in the future.

2D > 3D anyway. Shame so much time and money was wasted trying to salvage the original plans, but whatever, hopefully the games will indeed be much better this way than they would have been that way.

Also, news update on Homestuck proper:

As promised, here is your end of year news update. On Christmas no less! Must be a miracle. My apologies for having wasted your Christmas miracle on something so pedestrian as new web content.

Anyway, about that content. Got a couple STATUS UPDATES to report.

First, here's an update on Hiveswap. Long story short: there was a bit of a pause while we shifted gears on the production, but all the new stuff is looking fantastic. Take a look and see for yourself! You will not disagree.

Second, Homestuck. Remember that? Me neither. Um, ha ha, just kidding, it's all I think about ever. Anyway, I've been juggling work between this and Hiveswap pretty furiously. But I've been making progress on the ending. I would like to shoot for 4/13 of next year to have it wrapped up. Given everything I have to do, this might actually be a tight squeeze! But I'll do my best. It will conclude with Act 7, and some preceding material including EOA6 will lead up to it. It's a lot of content. I'm getting uncomfortably close to reaching a half hour of projected new animation footage. (No, not all in one animation, don't worry. Spread out across several.) Will it all be ready in time for the 7 year anniversary of Homestuck? We'll just have to wait and see.

I'll give you another update on the status before then though. Why don't we say... another month? Sounds good to me, see you then.
REALLY hope he'll be able to hit the 4/13 goal, and is only not committing to it as a just-in-case precaution. 7 years and 7 acts would be so perfect.
If the quality is as good or better than Cascade/ Game Over, then half an hour of it would be amazing.

I can't shake off the feeling that the ending might be a troll/ PSYCHE ending. But a real troll ending would be to end on Remember.
I really hope it's not a trollish, "the joke was on the readers all along, olol" ending. That's not good writing, that's just being an asshole to the people who enjoyed your stuff and supported you for years, as well as undermining yourself and the great stuff you did with a shitty ending: not what you want to be remembered for. But Homestuck's writing has always been pretty smart; the slow update schedule and all the breaks during Act 6 has admittedly hurt it in some ways, but archivally, it's a very solid piece of work, and I'm optimistic that Hussie will aim to keep it clever and memorable in a good way right to the end. Especially since he has a whole videogame series hinging on Homestuck readers wanting more: pissing everyone off for shits and giggles would not only be out of character for him as a good writer (he pisses us off for legit reasons), but also bad from a business side of things.
But I don't think that the ending will be a straight up happy ending (and I'm not talking about deaths.), it seems to me that the best ending will be either a bout of mind-candy flash, or something symbolic or ground breaking. And there's the whole
Caliborn actually defeats/removes the betas from existence
I'm not sure how that will be covered.

But yeah, trolling us heavily would be devastating to his reputation and most likely Hiveswap.
My guess for the spoiler is that...

Since Vriska also has a copy of the juju, they can be gotten back out that way. Dirk also has Yaldabaoth as his denizen, so that might factor into things too (it's gotta factor into something, anyway - maybe this, maybe something else).

And if I had to guess, I'd say John won't have his zappy powers after that, since they came from the kids' combined powers in the first place (time/space travel, windy freedom from timelines, and fortune manipul8ion), which he got from touching his timeline's juju (rather than releasing everyone), so then being combined, the powers might just reshuffle back to the respective kids). Plus, not having the retcon powers nerfs him back down to normal, and will make the final confrontation more tense because it couldn't be another do-over-able situation like Game Over turned out to be.
But those are just guesses, and could easily be wrong.

As for a non-played straight happy ending...

It could be like, they stop Lord English and all the bad guys and make a new universe, and some subset or maybe even all of the currently surviving kids and trolls make it. But once the game's over, the sprites might stop existing - assuming they survive the final battle stuff at all, and all the dream bubbles and ghosts just seem to be meant as LE cannonfodder so they're probably toast too by the end. So even if all 13 flesh-and-blood teenage good-guys live, the body count and melancholy factor's very high.

Also, despite making a new universe, humanity and the troll civilization could not make comebacks after all, since the founder populations are so small: for the humans, the next generation would probably have incest hangups (if one happens at all, seeing as the only straight couple in the offing is John x Roxy), while meanwhile, all the surviving trolls have red/blackrom things with humans, not other also-alive trolls, so that matriorb's eventual mother grub's gonna be starved for some quality bucket sloshings to make more trolls out of. There's presumably other Cherubs out there, but Callie will never mature properly, so she's out of the breeding game too - although in her case, she'll prefer a life with her human friends instead of solitarily flying around fighting other Cherubs anyway. In fact, maybe all of them will just not reproduce and be content to let new races inherit their frogverse as they oversee as gods - which would be a new twist on the usual "humanity must endure" apocalypse tales, and stay true to the "creation myth" nature of the story too.
But again, that's just me making shit up - who knows what Hussie has in mind.
I'm certain that
Gamzee will break out of the fridge and may factor in as a wildcard. In fact, I'm surprised that he hasn't done so already, especially considering his chucklevoodoo magic.

E: Finally an update.

I believe I mentioned I would provide a status update in a month, and it's been about a month, so here is an update. If the question is whether I'm still on track for a 4/13 finish, the answer I think is "probably". The remaining content is a scattered array of regular panels and animated content, but I think I can boil it down to the two heaviest individual "projects" which comprise most of the effort needed to finish. Those are End of Act 6, and Act 7. So to give you a better sense of where I am, I will track the progress of those two things as a percentage of completion.

EOA6 - 30%
A7 - 100%

I will update these numbers in another month. Hopefully they will both be higher, instead of lower.


Welcome to the shout out zone, here are a couple of shout outs. The first shout out is,

NEO-KOSMOS: A comic by my friend Shelby (who did all Calliope art for HS), and her friends Amber (works on Steven Universe) and Adrienne (also does a lot for HS). They've been working really nicely with the MSPA format. It's a quick read to catch up, and it really feels like the story has been taking off lately. I'd recommend you at least read up to a very cool animation they just posted (which includes a song by Toby). If you're looking for a fun story to follow over the next few months while you wait for HS, I think this is a good pick!

The next shout out is UNDERTALE, by my friend Toby. I know I mentioned it on the KS update but it probably bears repeating here too. Also I guess it's not so much a "signal boost" since by now UT is PRETTY WELL KNOWN! Let's get real, Toby is probably the one who should be giving HS shout outs from now on. Though it's not about giving UT a boost in popularity so much as a reminder that I believe he has made a fun and special game, and if you haven't gotten around to playing it yet, I think you should! It's an experience that anyone who likes games should have.

Ok, see you in another month. Bye.
So Act 7's done? That seems interesting. Can't wait for 4/13 if it can happen. :D
Yeah, here's hoping the 4/13 deadline can be met, which would hopefully mean the rollout would start sooner than that.

Dante Basco: "I'm bringing Homestuck to Hollywood." omg!

The only thing he mentions specifically are future games, and possibly webisodes, but I really hope it becomes as a TV series: there's way too much content to compress it into a movie without having to ditch so much plot and characterization, but I think it'd be great as a series. Obviously it'd still need to be retooled quite a bit - Hussie himself has stated in the past that different medias require different approaches, and Homestuck was very much made to be an Internet thing, right down to changing past panels to have arms and oil smears. But I definitely think it could be done - like chatlogs as narration while the characters dick around, lose the abstract video game mechanic stuff, etc.
that just made my day. Homestuck on TV may be vastly different to the plot of the webcomic though, like some other adaptions, possibly even having an entirely new cast of non-Egberts, Striders, Lalondes, etc. Still can't wait for what they have in store for this.

I think that the next status update no mspa should be a page update, just for the sake of not having a whole act and a bit to read in one giant cluster of pages. Hopefully that update will be soon.
Personally, I'd rather see the original cast and central plotline than a Hiveswap-like "same universe, different people" approach, or a show focusing on the ancestors / pre-scratch trolls instead, or whatever (even tho Dante Basco would get a bigger role if it was about Rufioh, lol). I just think it's a really great story with interesting characters that could definitely translate to more conventional storytelling (including heavy editing, retooling and streamlining), and it'd be cool to see it gain an even larger following that way.

Yeah, hard to believe we're only a month and two weeks away from the 4/13. When we start seeing rollout of content really depends on how it's structured, methinks. If there's many talk panels leading up to EOA6, we could indeed start seeing them scheduled soon to get the hype train rolling, depending on how many Act 7 animations will follow and what each accomplishes, since odds are there will be buffers of a few days at least between each one until the climax (to give readers time to react and digest each one before throwing the next one at them), with any denouement likely following that in short order. But the other key factor into when we see content is how much is done and ready to go, of course, since my guess is that Hussie wouldn't start posting anything unless he could be sure he can keep the momentum going once Act 6 starts moving again. (That's what I'd do, anyway, but who knows what Hussie's pacing plans are, really.)