Wii U

Ness said:
I heard about now and may get it for Christmas and I will be 17 and half on Christmas 2013
If this is because of the ESRB, you do know mental maturity and being able to distinguish reality from fiction is in no way tied to your age right? Contrary to what the media says, playing violent games won't make you a murderer.
Xpike said:
Ness said:
I heard about now and may get it for Christmas and I will be 17 and half on Christmas 2013
If this is because of the ESRB, you do know mental maturity and being able to distinguish reality from fiction is in no way tied to your age right? Contrary to what the media says, playing violent games won't make you a murderer.

My family doesn't like M rated games, I once got lucky with TF2 and Halo
Xpike said:
Game Boy said:
Shoot, I feel like the Wii U's not going to sell much cause of the PS4
If the Wii U isn't selling, the PS4 will sell even less.

Depends on what the PS4's price & launch titles are. If they're good, then the PS4 could destroy the Wii U. If they don't, they'll probably go through the same game drought as the Wii U is having.
Not getting the PS4, I have everything I need atm. You could even get better specs with some gaming computers, but specs aren't what that matters the most. Wii U may have lower specs than the PS4, but the quality of the games that are sold for the console are the things that matter the most.

Anyways, I like Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. I can't say that the PS4 or the 720 will be bad. I actually think they will do good.
Looking at PS4's graphics. It's safe to say nintendo are less behind now.
NSY said:
Looking at PS4's graphics. It's safe to say nintendo are less behind now.

Graphics aren't the only thing when it comes to making better consoles.
haven't decided yet, i guess it depends though.

Almost every console has little games I want so eh.
EA refused to publish an already-complete Crysis 3 Wii U port.

I don't get how you EA can fuck up so badly. The resources were already wasted porting the game to the Wii U, and you just decide not to publish it because you're mad at Nintendo? At least try to recoup some losses! I think things like these are why the industry is still treated as a kid's medium: almost all companies refuse to act like rational adults and still do things with a school child mentality, trying to follow the leader or just holding some petty grudge that actually makes you lose money.
I hate EA and they ruined Real Racing 3 that you pay for new cars and Watch_Dog lead developer has moved to EA today
Ness said:
I hate EA and they ruined Real Racing 3 that you pay for new cars and Watch_Dog lead developer has moved to EA today
I haven't heard of this anywhere at all, so I think it's fake.

EA is one of the worst publishers there are. They're anti-consumer all the way, with shitty tactics like DLC for items, forcing people to install bloatware in order to play games, and rushing things out to release. It's a shame that Crytek and DICE are roped in with EA, one day they're going to end up being consumed by greed like BioWare and start releasing shit like Mass Effect 3.
EA downgrade FIFA 13 for Wii U when the console can hold just as much as other consoles.

Talk about nintendo hate.
Yeah Ubisoft will bring most their titles to Wii U so will Activison and Sega.

EA though has cancelled Crisis 3 for Wii U.

I do think Wii U will get good 3P support.