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  1. Super Luigi 128

    Count to 1,000,000

  2. Super Luigi 128

    Word Association

  3. Super Luigi 128

    Count to 1,000,000

  4. Super Luigi 128

    Count to 1,000,000

  5. Super Luigi 128

    Count to 1,000,000

  6. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    you are to big to fit on the throne, you fall over and i take the throne. i bring the throne to a fat person museum filled with fat people who are guarding my throne
  7. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    also, before i went back in time, i stole your portal gun...
  8. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    i use my time machine to go back in time to before Ultima found the throne, i shield it with the strongest materials in the universe. I have claimed the throne again.
  9. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    I use a pencil cannon to write (bring back) what you erased with your erase cannon. throne is mine again.
  10. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    I go and get another time machine, and... let me say it differently this time: My time machine is Invincible! i kick you out.
  11. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    i will never fall for a fake luigi again
  12. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    i may have lost my time machine, but i can shave my teleportation device. i teleport to Time Machines 'R' Us (i own the place) and get a few damage proof time machines, that no one (beside Chuck Norris and Sumo Wrestlers) can destroy. i then go back in time again and........ i get the throne back!
  13. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    i go back in time to before you did that, then i don't fall for it, and i kick you out. the throne stays mine
  14. Super Luigi 128

    Control the Throne

    I go way back in time to the day before Ultima even found the throne, i teleport me and the throne to another dimension that only i (and this fat guy in new jersey who listens to no one) can go into. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Then i sit on my throne.
  15. Super Luigi 128

    Worst mario game ever

    The worst Mario game is probably Hotel Mario for the CD-i
  16. Super Luigi 128

    How can Yoshi convert Red Shells into Fireballs?

    Yoshi can breath fire with a power flower in Super Mario 64 DS. And, about the topic: The Koopa's have Red shells, fire is Red...hmm.....they are both red..that's probably why.....but anyway, Nintendo stuff is usually fake, i mean, how can a mushroom make you bigger?