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  • I'm not usually one for sweepstakes, but given that I was able to get 2,107 entries in this particular Mountain Dew sweepstakes (with an estimated 10% chance of winning), I though I would give it a shot
    When you forget about the marmalade in your camera bag 💀
    And when you remember that the marmalade was illegally smuggled across international borders 💀 💀 💀
    And then you remember that marmalade smuggling is literally illegal ⚰️
    And then you learn that you can literally be fined up to $1000 USD for marmalade smuggling 😭 😭 😭
    Paddington Bear shames you for your illegal act of marmalade smuggling.
    • Wow
    Reactions: June
    Oh hey my post count is the year America declared its independence (AND TODAY'S FLAG DAY?!?!?) Definitely not a coincidence
    • Wow
    Reactions: Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    I didn't know flag day was a thing lol, but yeah that's a really cool coincidence
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    Travelling between countries with a pc messes up your accounts for everything so badly, I've been locked out of a couple services now
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    Huh, I've never experienced this problem when travelling with a pc, admittedly I don't travel much though
    I think it has something to do with my IP address changing, and it's mostly just been rewards programs not letting me redeem points. It could be that it takes a day or two for those sites to refresh my IP or something
    What has your avatar become? Because from what I know, that ain't June
    uh, all I can tell you is change your pfp to mine too please, we need to have everyone on the boards use the same profile pic
    Uh oh look who got up at 5:30 to do a sunrise photoshoot by the sea
    A sunrise photoshoot, huh? Interesting. I like watching photography shows on TV every now and then, so it's always interesting to see other people pursuing photography.
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    Reactions: June
    The more time I spend around rich people, the more I honestly don't want to be rich
    I bought my first pair of Air Jordans, and they arrived today:

    I will admit they feel very expensive (but then again I paid nearly $100 for them). It almost feels embarrassing to wear them, like I don't need or deserve something like these.
    In 1986 there were only 18 black-footed ferrets alive.
    I don't think the earth had ever been at such a low point.
    plate tectonics is a very real thing that we all need to be candidly aware of
    Oh dear, it appears a 5-legged spider has made itself comfortable next to me on my bed
    Promotion Luigi
    Promotion Luigi
    understandable, mornings aren't my cup of tea either
    doesn't help that literally the smallest thing wakes me up
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    True, for I am a sleeper.
    I can relate. I'm not a morning person myself, so I'd rather sleep in 'til at least 11 AM or 12 PM.
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    Never thought I'd see what appeared to be a nerdy college student pull into my neighbor's driveway, get out wearing Kanye West shoes, take out what appeared to be a sniper rifle, plop it on the ground, fiddle with ammunition, and yell a greeting at me in the nicest and politest way possible. I haven't heard any gunshots or police sirens yet so I think he's cool.
    Promotion Luigi
    Promotion Luigi
    what person doesn't take a sniper rifle to a casual meeting
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    Do you ever wonder about all those users that joined to make a Help Desk topic and never returned to see the replies?
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Me, who could have actually provided the solution to one of the people who showed up in Help Desk but then got social anxiety and never did and now feels bad:
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    you can still do it. I believe in you
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    I um
    I fogrot
    my 1 year anniversary of bein on here was yesterday

    Idk if it's the emotional music I'm listening to, but this is bringing back some memories. Time sure flies
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    • Love
    Reactions: Polterpup and Mags
    But I wasn't active till later so that will be something more important to commemorate
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    If you had joined two days later, you would have joined exactly on my ten year anniversary.

    I'll have been here for 11 years in a few hours.

    Pardon me while I go question what time even is anymore.
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    Posting this from Firefox for the first time. @Lynn Minmay got me interested in it and I can confirm it's a good experience. I normally use Microsoft Edge, but might eventually switch Firefox to my default.
    I hate how the general sentiment of social media is that we're never good enough and that somebody is always going to be "better" than you. Things would be a whole lot easier if we just woke up one day and realized we actually are good enough just being our normal selves
    There's nothing quite like a well-known scam artist directly telling you "we are not a scam"
    Promotion Luigi
    Promotion Luigi
    If anything that makes it sound worse, because you shouldn't have to say "we are not a scam" unless it is a scam
    • Like
    Reactions: June
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    We promise we are real and not just trying to steal your money.
    John, and some other people who aren't scam artists
    • Haha
    Reactions: June
    That's really funny because the figurehead of the scam I've been investigating is named "Jonathan"
    The dilemma of not wearing a bicycle helmet and receiving complements for my helmetless self from loitering peers, or wearing a bike helmet and not dying all over the place

    Edit: nevermind, I checked on my loitering peers and they were wearing bike helmets too :barkley:
    or wearing a hood over my helmet and everybody screaming and running away from me because they think I have a machine gun hidden under my hood
    There's just something about Jabba the Hutt shoes that makes you want to pay $140 for them
    Idk if I should be telling you this... but they're Adidas kicks, there's a couple pairs on eBay. Super rare, and there just happens to be a pair for sale in my size (12 mens). I can't resist the big gold "GANGSTER" thingy on the laces
    Promotion Luigi
    Promotion Luigi
    they're mid.
    exactly, that's why I want them so much, people would be kind of disgusted by them
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