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  • hmm my pc may or may not be infected with malware after visiting, it was behaving strangely and then it crashed hard, we'll see how it goes
    Wait, never mind, it seems to have recovered or something, it's perfectly fine now. Sorry for this being the second false alarm here, I'm not looking for attention or anything, I was just genuinely worried if I would be able to talk on here anymore
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    You should run a scan anyway just to make sure nothing's up
    I did, it said there was no infected files. Thanks for the help anyway
    I finally reported to Google's anti phishing program, so maybe it'll finally get taken down. When I checked today, it still redirected to a site with an Indian namespace pretending to be McAfee. It says my Windows 10 pc (I do not own a Windows 10 pc) is infected with a virus and shoots you a big fat button that it says will cure your pc of all disease!
    A drunk man gets arrested for kicking a buffalo then pleads not guilty to it in court? now that's my kind of news headline
    Under what circumstance have you ever seen Mario eat meat
    Yes, but have you ever seen Mario eat one of the meatballs themselves, or does he just eat the spaghetti
    Well he said he knows how a meatball feels when Yoshi ate him so he clearly ate them

    meat doughnut, why else is it red and pink
    Russia hacked a Texas water tower to make it overflow. One of the most hilarious headlines I've heard this month. Still unfortunate though
    Most teenagers eating brunch:
    😋 finally something to start the day off!
    🤨 uh I already ate
    I'm 22 and I wait until after my 11:00-12:15 class to eat anything so I'm pretty sure that's not just a teenager thing.
    I registered all 10 of my fingers on my laptop's fingerprint sensor and then my laptop died and then it crashed and now it smells all toasty, I think my fingers are too much for it to comprehend
    Is Rogueport a play on roquefort, I'm curious
    probably not, i'm pretty sure it's just "rogue's port"
    The Evil Queen
    The Evil Queen
    I don't think it is but I remember the first time I was in Sainsbury's and saw that cheese and was like "huh that sounds a lot like Rogueport from TTYD"
    geno is too holy to be spoken of on our pitiful forum
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    Reactions: Jack Frost
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    don't really know why it got locked. people, myself included, got off on the wrong foot, but it seemed to me like the thread was headed towards a resolution, even if that resolution was "agree to disagree". there have been worse threads that took longer to get locked.
    I locked it because at the time I locked it, it looked like the thread was already going down the same path that had led me to step in the first time. It seemed safer from a moderator perspective to lock it and prevent the arguments.

    also "took longer to get locked" 90% of the time is because people didn't bring it to our attention. It's a big forum and there's six of us.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    nah, there has been at least one heated debate that only got locked many pages later. won't dredge it up. but it existed
    whoops how knew spray foam insulation binds to human skin faster than you can shake a stick at
    *me about to log on to Mario Boards*
    *guesses I have 9 notifications (has no idea)*
    *has exactly 9 notifications*
    JDBH Falcon
    JDBH Falcon
    *me guessing the same thing with 1 notification*
    i've done a terrible thing. I've connected all of the electronic components in my room into one evil beast of wires. i couldn't help myself. I counted them and there are 20 individual components, all connected to my poor laptop in one way or another
    is 4 pairs of earbuds too many to connect to one device? no
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    That's the point of getting a powerful computer: to use it 100%!
    yay I finally got my laptop back after half an hour of my dog sleeping on it
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    Reactions: SparksMarioWiki
    She kept mashing random stuff on the keyboard as she moved around, she opened up some sort of HTML readout of the website I was on
    The first person to like this post will make it so my post count is exactly twice my reaction score
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    Reactions: berrypeachy
    Oh and it will make my reaction score 666 💀
    Edit: but don't react to this comment because it will make my reaction score one too many
    Now your reaction score is 666! 💀💀💀
    Apparently the other day I started a rumor about me being 18, and I've unwittingly cemented my secondary age (it's complicated) as what everyone thinks my actual age is
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