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  • To-do list:
    1. Turn in World of Plight
    2. Finish Vs. Marx with lyrics by tomorrow hopefully (I just realized I left my microphone plugged in while recording the video so now I have no audio that goes with the video...)
    3. It also just occurred to me that I might have some school due tomorrow so that'll be fun
    I feel the need to apologize for the World of Plight mafia. It was... it was unbalanced, I was inactive a lot, I made so many mistakes, it... well, I know it's my first time hosting a game but still.

    Thank you to everyone who put up with my bad hosting for the game. I did have fun and I hope you guys did too.
    Every experience with hosting is a step towards becoming better at it. You had to start somewhere, and you were still able to deliver a complete game, so keep your chin up. You've learned valuable lessons for the future, and you supplied the community with an event, which I'm sure everyone involved appreciated
    Fun With Despair
    Fun With Despair
    i won so therefore it was a good game
    No worries, man. Everyone's first time hosting a Mafia game can be rocky. My first time hosting a Mafia game was like that too. And besides, I had fun with this Mafia game, even if I did do little to contribute to the game in a meaningful way. And like Roserade said, every experience with hosting is a step towards becoming better at it, so if you keep hosting Mafia games in the future, you'll become better and better at it until you can do pretty much perfectly. :D
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    Something just occurred to me about Mario 64.
    So that Bomb Buddy in Bob-omb Battlefield asks you to defeat King Bob-omb, right? Well, what if you beat him and then go back and talk to him before grabbing the star? I'm gonna go try that now on my 3DS.
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    Reactions: Flygon64
    Nope. No change.
    I would expect a change if it was Sunshine onward. Only a few Mario 64 characters react to your actions.
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    I keep referencing World of Plight on my YouTube channel. I can think of three songs of the top of my head that have some form of "world ____ plight."
    Greenhorne Battle
    Nightmares Battle

    It's just... I don't know, funny to think about. It's a recurring motif for me or something.
    Something funny I noticed is that depending on who I'm talking to around here, I change how I write ever so slightly.

    For example, around Hooded Pitohui, my words become slightly overly flowery. And around LeftyGreenMario, the sink puns flow like a leaky faucet.

    It's just something I noticed.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Yeah, I do that, too. I think it's just the online extension of us tending to speak to different people in our lives in different ways. Different contexts require us to tailor our speech and behavior to them, after all.
    That's not just online but is a very real thing in real life as well, perhaps even more so. Heck, I think I've absorbed some mannerisms from my friends that I'm starting to use even when I'm not with them!

    But you should see me and Pitoi's discord dms. When two people who both independently have a tendency to write a lot message each other, it becomes a vicious snowball effect....
    i only write somewhat differently depending on the community im in or platform im using and really that just amounts to. the amount of typos i correct and mayyyyyybe some vocabulary
    There's a new Morpho Knight video coming in about two and a half hours and it stars Taranza! (It's my favorite so far, I'm sure you guys will love it.)
    That has got to be the most outrageous mafia day I've seen outside of WT mafia. (The fumes are still making me see things. I can't tell if I'm typing with a keyboard or a bowl of mints.)
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Are you sure you didn't borrow some of the cereal fumes because there's been some wild things going on
    Most of the day: *not really that much*

    The last 15 minutes of the day: *literally everything*
    What?! I didn't steal cereal! Why would you-

    Oh, borrow? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyes. I think I left the open box in the kitchen, which is what caused the madness.
    That new Kirby game is FIRE. Gonna pre-order it now.
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    Reactions: Diamant
    I played the demo earlier today, and yeah, very good!
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    More than likely, I love it simply because it's Kirby. (Have you seen my username?!)

    And Dedede looks pretty great in that tribal coat and whatnot.
    Being a literature lover, I absolutely aDORE what Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is as a whole. I recognize basically all the characters and it's great.
    I need to finish that game.
    I'm in like level 12. It's just so crazy I love it. It's like 1800's-steampunk-fan fiction or something.
    Can someone explain The Skeleton Has Appeared meme to me? I saw it on Juno Songs and MotI's channels but I have no idea where it came from or what it means.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    It's the skeleton from Skyrim, it's supposed to be random and not that spooky
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    I would like to address something regarding the Shmaluigi, Private Investigator YouTube channel.

    I'm taking a break from it. This may be obvious based on the fact that I've missed the last three months worth of videos, but it's frankly been pushed off my priorities list as I prepare a massive project on my main channel, write World of Plight, and take care of real life stuff. I do hope to return to it, I just don't know when that will be.
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