Recent content by Fuzzipede27

  1. F

    should rosalina be in another game- and what game!

    Yes he should have a game called "Waluigi Land" or something like that.
  2. F

    should rosalina be in another game- and what game!

    I think she should appear in Paper Mario 3DS or a new Mario Party.
  3. F

    Donkey Kong Country Returns

    I'm gonna get DKCR on Christmas, ;~; What is it like?
  4. F

    Most wanted 3DS game

    Paper Mario 3DS and the new Metal Gear Solid.
  5. F

    fav ds game other than a mario game

    Pokemon Heartgold & Zelda Spirit Tracks.
  6. F

    Favorite Nintendo Character(out of here)

    >:( Where is Fuzzipede?! I vote for him.
  7. F


    I"m part irish, italian, german and some long country name i forget. :P
  8. F

    What kind of house do you have?

    I have a house that is like an apartment. It oddly have a wooden floor. What are you peoplz's houses like?
  9. F

    The Official :What do you Want for Christmas? Thread

    I want a lava Lamp, A beanbag chair, new keyboard, DKCR, and a new mouse.
  10. F

    The last thing you bought

    Some glasses cleaner. :posh:
  11. F


    I eat it, dive into it, sleep in it, and play my Dsi in it. It is called Snow-Divng. ;D
  12. F

    What web browser do you use?

    I sadly use Internet Explorer. ;_;
  13. F

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Last games I played where *Embodiment of Scarlet Devil *All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. *Pokemon Heartgold
  14. F

    What state do you live in?

    Shut up sharks. I live in freakin' iceland and that is final!
  15. F

    What state do you live in?

    Nope, I really live in Iceland. I lied about the Pennsylvania thing.