Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted but it has pineapple on it although I really don't mind it I'm assuming you hate it

I wish to feel relaxed now
Granted but it has pineapple on it although I really don't mind it I'm assuming you hate it

I wish to feel relaxed now
Granted, but you feel too relaxed, you grow tired of peace, a yearning for chaos grows within you, you burn down cities and poison the water supply, you cause the collapse of society, you are eventually finished off by your own doing, but even after your death, the souls lost will never rest

I wish to have a bottle of oxygen
Granted, the spicy meat-a-ball is SO spicy that is causes pain, cramping, vomiting and nausea.

I wish for pizza hut to reopen in my country (for context it closed in mine)
mine got replaced by a Tatoo shop and there was already 2 across the street
Granted but it makes french toast instead of pizza
I wish for flat-earthers to realize they are wrong
Granted, but the figures have creepily lifelike eyes which follow you wherever you move.

I wish I had a toilet made of solid gold.
Granted, but the instructions are unclear. You become a being made out of some gooey paint, and get absorbed by a Jelly Fox.

I wish for a copy of Super Mario for the PS4.
Wish granted, you get a jar of World Peas.

I wish that STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US memes stop getting posted and the Among Us meme dies.
Granted, Fortnite comes back and people post STOP POSTING ABOUT FORTNITE now.

I wish I had Hulu so I could watch Animaniacs.